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Thanks for a well-spent $55 Battlefront!

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Downloaded the pre-order, no problems, runs fantastic on my 2yo AMD 64 3200+ machine with an NVIDIA 7600GT card. Don't have the graphics maxed, but I don't NEED to have the graphics maxed. I had one freeze, not a crash, the first time I tried to save while the game was running, but have had no issues since.

I consider myself a "hardcore" wargamer mainly because I also design 2D wargames with some success. I despise turn-based games for personal enjoyment, but use them in my work all the time. The CM series never held any real sway over me, not only because of the turn-based paradigm, but the subject matter as well. I am personally sick and tired of WWII anything!

Anyway, I like this game more and more every time I play it. I read about the pathfinding issues and such, but I've only seem a few instances of a vehicle or dismounts taking-off on their own. However, because I understand the issues with pathfinding in games AND high-end military sims, I guess I'm a bit more forgiving.

Because so much of my work life is taken-up with playing with wargames and designing wargame stuff and talking wargames, I've been kind of burned-out on wargaming since I started working it 40 hours a week. CM:SF has rekindled my love of the modern wargame genre and has, to my wife's dismay, started occupying quite a bit of my free time.

Is it a perfect game? Not at all...there's is no such thing. There are annoying bugs, just like any other piece of software ever written and released. But I, personally, have not experienced anything so terrible that I would call it unplayable.

I downloaded the demo last night and brought it to work and installed it on my 4yo Dell Inspiron 5150 laptop with a 64MB NVIDIA card and 1yo drivers. Works great with the graphics settings turned low (but not the lowest!). I get some cursor lag, but it's manageable. Again, don't really care about graphics...the gameplay is the thing!

I'm confident that the next patch will solve at least some of those pesky bugs that don't show-up until 1000 people start clicking on things in an order completely unimaginable in beta testing, and with 1000 different hardware/software configurations. Yeah,...I've been there!

So, to all of the developers and testers of CM:SF, take heart...there really ARE a few of us out there who are understanding of all of your hard work and appreciate the difficulties of a small developer bringing such a detailed and involved title to market.

Bravo, guys! You have a fan in this old wargamer!


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Originally posted by B00M$LANG:

So, to all of the developers and testers of CM:SF, take heart...there really ARE a few of us out there who are understanding of all of your hard work and appreciate the difficulties of a small developer bringing such a detailed and involved title to market.

Same feelings here.
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I'm with ya, although I might be a little more positive. The only pathfinding issue I've seen so far is connected with a mistake I made. CMSF hasn't worked miracles in making the pathfinding intelligent when the user screws up, but then I didn't expect it to.

Unfortunately, I have to go to work now and won't be able to play CMSF for a while.

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Originally posted by Leeo:

I think the game rocks! If only my skill in the game would also improve...

Your skill will improve if you read the manual and even supporting Field Manuals that support the tactics employed by the Heavy BCT and the Stryker BCT. Beleive it or not, actual tactics work in this game, and anybody can learn them if they are willing to study. If you are looking to solely beat the game, then you would also be well-served by following sound military tactics. This is NOT your regular fanboy twitchfest. You need to be methodical and deliberate, and above all, you need to KNOW the terrain and think like the enemy!

If you need help getting the approved-for-release manuals, let me know and I'll help you if I can.


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