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Simulation of IED's in CMSF

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Not sure if the subject was discussed before (search didn't return any usefull info). I am wondering how IED usage will be simulated. Unlike mines these devices can be externally triggered. I can imagine in the game one may want to trigger IED placed beside the road when:

a) The first vehicle passes

B) An armoded vehicle passes

c) A specific vehicle passes

Is it possible to have such arrangements for human player? What about AI - can some of these options be specified in the mission builder?

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CMSF lets the AI do the heavy lifting on IEDs. You've got the bomb (several different sizes and trigger mechanisms), and a trigger man. The AI chooses the place and time for detonation for you.

[ June 30, 2007, 08:07 PM: Message edited by: MikeyD ]

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You say the AI handles the placement and time the IED, can you at least give it the rough location. I would have thought that one of their primary uses would be to add a bang to an ambush; to help stun and panic the victims. Is this possible or can you not use them for coordinated attacks?

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No no no! Sorry if I was imprecise. You place the IED yourself at setup and it doesn't move. The trigger man is like any other unit and can be moved around (and shot by the enemy;)). At the appropriate time during a game you physically 'activate' the IED either for the next passing unit or a SPECIFIC passing unit (like that Abrams you see in a convoy). After that its in the triggerman's and AI's hands. Think of it as a ground eqivalent of calling in an airstrike. You do what you can but after awhile its all up to the pilot.

The reason why this is a bit vague is that the campaign is blue-only. Playing Red - and playing Red with IEDs to blow up - can be a somewhat rare occurrance.

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Excellent - that is much more how I assumed it to be. I am really looking forward to this feature. A couple more questions;

The trigger man can be detected but can the IED itself?

Does the trigger man have to have LOS to the IED (this kind of makes sense as how else could he know when to trigger it)

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About the last two sets of questions, honestly can't say. I think the IEDs are either wire, radio or cellphone activated. I guess each type needs the trigger man placed differently than the other. I don't actually know if the game's Strykers carry cel phone jammers or other ECM equipment! BFC had been trying to tamp-down expectations by describing the new engine's titles as 'more limited in scope'. But CMSF is a BIG combat sim by any definition except when compared to WWII Eastern Front (and what game could possibly compete with THAT scope?). There's LOTS of stuff in there to wrap your head around.

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I do not think that the US forces spot IED's (But we are still in Beta so this can change at anytime or not) but there is a mark mine command. I have never seen it, and one of my scenarios focuses on the use of an IED and a Vehicle IED. But they are without a doubt one of the coolest features of CMSF. You can hide them under flavor objects, in grass, behind walls.... And the bigger such animals will scare the **** out of you if it's unexpected, especially the first time you see it hehe.

That said, you folks are going to find if you are relying on them to win your missions that if you do not have good tactics for covering them and finishing off the remaining vehicles or troops, you will still be in trouble. CMSF isnt CMBO, CMBB, or CMAK, and in a month you will finally understand what that means.

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