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When I think of cheery, it is usually the last thought before the bottle slips from my hand and I sink into the oh-so-welcome Oblivion.

Funny thing is, there are so few of you crew who also inhabit oblivion. Perhaps it is from this that I derive so much pleasure?

BOO: I will trounce you in the rain, for I am from Oregon, and that's what we do.

LARS: How dare you hand me a major defeat. It's not like I'm unaccustomed to such things, but really, you?

NIDAN: You'll not be sleeping in this beat-up village this night, you yankie running dog.

MrSpkr: Where for art thou, counselor?

dalem: I sent you a frikken turn about an infinity ago. Let's hop on the turn-return wagon, shall we? Hmmmm?

I don't think I can stomach playing any of you other rapscallions in absentia. PISS ORF!

My work here is done....

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Originally posted by Speedy:

I have a door.

My door is blue.

I like my blue door.

Do you know, Speedy, there are times, such as when I read one of your posts, when I wish it was possible to send an overnight, direct-delivery Tasering.

Seriously, I would pay to have two big blokes show up at your door, and taser you into a puddle.

It's not really punishment, Speedy. It would simply make me happy, and clearly wouldn't do you any harm at all.

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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

You may address me as Kwisatz Haderach.


I imagine that, if any of the gang of 'pants-around-the-ankles' posters that currently dominate the 'Shock Force' forum were to bother to come in here and read what you've written, you'd be denounced for advocating that BFC place a greater emphasis on allowing Arab insurgent troops, rather than the all-too easily disposed of 'Regular Forces'.

I am glad you are returned. Currently, the Forum is seething with energy and roiling with processes. Not unlike a compost heap, which is appropriate given the Game We Got, rather than the Game We Deserved.

But I'm sure it will all come out right in the end.

I will reply to your email -- when I think it is appropriate.

And that decision...has been left up to me!

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I am returned from the North.

It was quite a nice weekend. On Saturday, which was superb, I managed to kayak about 12 miles, returning to Base periodically to do things like drink another glass, and pick up a cigar. The final paddle of the day was a good 7 miles, and I smoked a cheap cigar with a number of seagulls while paddling to the north end of the bay.

That's not bad mileage to rack up on a sodding lake. I did 16 miles for the weekend.

Other than that, my friend who went up was a great chum, and it was only on the first night, when she was excited and taken with the wonder of being on Lake of the Woods, that she got completely pissed (as in drunk) and emotional and told me all about the horrors and stress of this last year going through Chemo and overcoming cancer.

She was a very good sport, and when I would say to her 'So, and tomorrow, will you spend less time crying and hiccuping, and have more fun?', she would giggle helplessly, and call me foul names.

They also serve, who do but bring people to the North Woods, pour wine into them, and stand knee deep in the bursting of the emotional dam.

But I was not swept away. Like a pillar of humour and vulgarity I stood, teasing her into a deeper realization of how much she valued having other friends.

The best point was when she told me about how, after 15 days of not being able to retain any food, she'd actually contemplated suicide.

And I looked deep into her eyes, and wiped away her tears, and I told her: "It means the world to me that you didn't kill yourself. But you know what? You're really harshing my buzz. Fer chrissake, this is a $9 cigar!"

Did her a world of good to chase me about the point of the island with that brand she snatched up from the fire. Probably seriously lessened her hangover the next day.

Luckily at that point she was all but legless with the drink, so she couldn't catch me.

I remain yours truly, the UberGnome.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I smoked a cheap cigar with a number of seagulls

Did you prefer smoking the cigars or smoking the seagulls?

I would figure its the seagulls you prefer seeing as they are mentioned in plural whilst the cigar is singular however clarification on this matter of import is demanded.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I am returned from the North.

It was quite a nice weekend. On Saturday, which was superb, I managed to kayak about 12 miles, returning to Base periodically to do things like drink another glass, and pick up a cigar. The final paddle of the day was a good 7 miles, and I smoked a cheap cigar with a number of seagulls while paddling to the north end of the bay.

That's not bad mileage to rack up on a sodding lake. I did 16 miles for the weekend.

Hmm, as I do the math, other than the 7 mile jaunt, he never got 50 yards from the bottle.
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

You may address me as Kwisatz Haderach.


I imagine that, if any of the gang of 'pants-around-the-ankles' posters that currently dominate the 'Shock Force' forum were to bother to come in here and read what you've written, you'd be denounced for advocating that BFC place a greater emphasis on allowing Arab insurgent troops, rather than the all-too easily disposed of 'Regular Forces'.</font>
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I am returned from the North.


...I smoked a cheap cigar with a number of seagulls...
How'd that work? They perch on the deck of your kayak and the bunch of you pass the cigar around? Sodding seagulls, they deserve to get lung cancer.

But I was not swept away.
Yes, pity about that.


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Oh, that's just too easy, isn't it? "Look who's finally decided to respond. OOooo, let me bow down in thanks to that masterful tactician [cough, cough] for deigning to pull 'is thumb out of his mouth long enough to hammer out a reply."

It makes my belly urp, it does.

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Originally posted by Lars:

Hmm, as I do the math, other than the 7 mile jaunt, he never got 50 yards from the bottle.

Wonderful! Now you can do math! And you aren't even 40, yet!

Who's a good boy, then? Who's a very good boy?!

Try to calculate this: Your need to return My copy of the First Season of Rome, before I come to your house very late at night, dead drunk and in an ugly mood, and kill all your pets with an axe, and take pictures of your step-daughter naked through the windows of your home?

Seriously, I've met your step-daughter, and I could easily recoup the cost of buying the First Season of Rome again with even a dozen or so pictures of her showering and doing girl things.

And don't even begin to talk to me about your guns and such, because I've been to your house, know the lay of the land, and would have the advantage of the fact that there's only one night in fifty where you go to bed sober and/or drunk enough to actually have any clue as to what's going on outside your house.


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