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Shocked crew abandons vehicle

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What I expect to see in the game:


EDIT: Tongue in cheek, of course, but interesting to see actual footage of what we have seen so much of in CM, the abandoned vehicle and shocked crew. That's the reality, and it's not pretty.

[ January 22, 2007, 09:32 PM: Message edited by: Capt. Toleran ]

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One reason we didn't have crews bail out in CMx1 is because they could not recrew. Since CMx2 does allow recrewing we are able to support this. Heck, for all I know it is already supported. I'll have to see if I can keep some Syrian armor around long enough to find out :D

Seriously though, the overkill lethality of modern day weapons and the complicated nature of AFVs genereally means a lot less opportunities for this behavior compared with WWII.


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If you like that kind of real footage, I heartily recommend liveleak.com (formerly ogrish.com). The footage there tends to be extreme, and sometimes you get the insurgent beheading/IED vids, but it really shows you reality uncensored.

Whether that is in good taste is another question, of course, but you can choose what you personally want to watch, and vote with your viewership. The US combat vids crop up there often, with very good footage (with audio) of them calling in air strikes, arty, support, etc.

I would hope that all of us here who are so enthusiastic about simulation of war would go look at the real thing to remind ourselves how terrible and what a waste of human life it usually is. It brings some solemnity to the game.

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Another example of what a POS the LAV/Stryker is. I would panic too if I had to ride in one of those death traps, fricking tires blown right off of it. At least the Marines were smart enough to have a M113 as a medivac vehicle. IMO

What I still can't figure out is that if the U.S. is serious about the Iraq'i taking over for themselves why has an Iraqi air force not been created or are they waiting for oil to pay for that as well.

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First off, there is little in common between LAVs and Strykers. Second, the Marines love their LAVs. Probably their favorite vehicle as there isn't much it can't do. Third, that was three 155mm artillery shells going off right next to them and noone was seriously injured. 4th, the Marines do not have any M113s.

Re: the Iraqi Air Force, they clearly need ground forces first, and then naval forces. An Air Force isn't really a big priority. I mean, even after we withdraw our ground forces I can see us still giving them air support. We need guys on the ground with guns, not aircraft.

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