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Poll for not liking shoot'em up wargames and why CM is the better tactical engine.

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I don't like shoot'em up wargames because they are either too scripted or acade gamey or both. I also don't like them because I find that I have a problem with the lack of peripheral vision when playing them no matter how good they are. It becomes necessary to learn the script and know where the enemy is or else to play at the more easier levels to servive long enough to return fire against new out of screen sight side enemies.

The third person overview of CMx1 IMHO solves this although perhaps better than is realistic with Borg spotting etc, but basically that is supposed to be fixed with CMx2 anyway. Still I am assuming that with the WEGO system and the unit control rather than the first person control of 1:1 representation the feel of CMx2 will not be arcade gamey shoot'em in style.

So I am wondering aside from the US Forces only focus of the first two CMx2 modules, which IMO will make it seem to me a bit too Close Combat mark IV for my liking, if others are of the same opinion about CM? :confused:

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Originally posted by Zalgiris 1410:

I don't like shoot'em up wargames because they are either too scripted or acade gamey or both. I also don't like them because I find that I have a problem with the lack of peripheral vision when playing them no matter how good they are. It becomes necessary to learn the script and know where the enemy is or else to play at the more easier levels to servive long enough to return fire against new out of screen sight side enemies.

I always liked "cattle like" people like you in FPS'ers.I always pwned you.Ever heard of looking around?It's called situational awareness :rolleyes: That alone made me better at FPS than most people.You just have to learn to do it.

To use a football term:Keep your head on a swivel;otherwise,you get laid out :mad:

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I know what you mean no one but to be sure but I don't think the periphal vision retrictions either feel right nor allow me to function properly in Shoot'em up wargame simulations.

I have played a few such as "Vietcong", "Call of Duty", "Hidden and Dangerous" and "Black Hawke Down" to name the good ones that I own. There are lesser titles that I have that arn't so good although "Deadly Dozen: Pacific Theatre", was a surprizing pleasure at least for me. There are also a lot more on the market including some already relating to the Iraq War and that US Army game etc, but I haven't bothered with them yet.

On my problem with the lack of peripheral vision in these games IME particularly when the action becomes very fast, ie involving a swomping of storming by large numbers enemies, it just becomes too hard to be able to manage turning your view and dealing with all the enemies without getting shot etc.

Basically these are all shoot'em up simulation war games because you play them in the first person through only one actual soldiers perspective at a time and control his shooting of enemies. Anyway, this is the sense in which I am employing the term 'shoot'em up" wargame simulation here in this thread.

[ October 10, 2005, 02:18 PM: Message edited by: Zalgiris 1410 ]

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The Big problem with all the RTS' I've played is that there is NO FEAR.

Think about it if in any of these games when someone with an AK let loose at you , you flinched or involuntarily ducked behind cover, we'd be getting close.

As it is they are just like paintball, everyone is a hero because nobody gets hurt.

A game where as you progressed you got less jumpy would be good, that and determining chance of hit not just on getting your crosshair on him, but whether you were under fire, or had seen a lot of your mates getting wasted.

If this was put in , then people would fire less hide more and you would get longer more realistic games, which wouldn't need crutches like ammo everywhere and miracle medical kits.

Which is pretty much why I prefer CM.


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I trully believe,and wish,that BF.C could make a realistic FPS.Imagine that as your "character" started coming under more and more fire that you lose more and more control over your character;to the point that,in the case of panic and beyond,your character would do things on its own--like running away.

The peripheral aspect could be accomplished by "bending" the sides of the screen.It wouldn't be perfect,but it would be a vast improvement.

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I've tried "Ghost Recon", thanx Bruce70, but I didn't like it much although I must admit that I didn't play it enough to form an authorative opinion really. It just didn't seem to suit my tastes, but if it's your thing then all the best.

Just to clarify with a bit of a definition of 'shoot'em up' wargame simulation' for this thread further:

I mean the RTS: Real Time Simulation, Single Character Wargames by this.

A computer game can be RTS without being a wargame necessarily, of course, such as a cops and robbers game (not that I can think of any) and even also be shoot'em up while OTOH still not being a wargame simulation to be sure.

BTW RMC I gather that FPS stands for First Person Simulation and if it does or is the correct technical shorthand for single character based gaming then yes this is what I do mean. Although Fighter Pilot sims such as "IL-2 Sturmovik", and all those WWI biplane, Battle of Britain and Jet Fighter-Bomber kind of games, while certainly somewhat FPS wargames I would not describe them as 'shoot'em ups' methinks.

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Oh, I don't know. It's just a Game really and FPS is fun on Multiplayer. I really don't play the SP campaigns. I find a good modded server with tactical realism and try to blow up the German 88 without dying (more than not i die ). I don't really expect it to be "REAL" as long as it looks good and the troops have a decent amount of variable movements (lean, prone, sprint etc etc). If i wanted it to be REAL then well, there is a recruitment center down the street ;) ... Listen it's 2005, I played the first Space Invaders when it came out and now we are running through fully rendered terrain in 3D.I'm not going to complain. Maybe i'll move to the 100 mile wilderness in Maine and not come out for 20 years, and when i do return in 2025 i'll go right to the newest gaming console or PC and see what's new, i'll be 53 and have a heart attack and die redface.gif at the first arty/tree burst above Foy.... (that is if they are still making world war II games and haven't moved on to WW III :eek: )

-Von Webb Kafka

[ October 11, 2005, 11:00 AM: Message edited by: VonWebb ]

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You should try Operation Flashpoint (well, or wait for Armed Assault). It wipes floor with the other FPS titles when it comes to portraying the battlefield - well, depending on scenario design of course (it is easier to create some sort of special forces strike than a realistic one).

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Originally posted by Zalgiris 1410:

I mean the RTS: Real Time Simulation, Single Character Wargames by this.

BTW RMC I gather that FPS stands for First Person Simulation


RTS = real time strategy - the likes of Command & Conquer, Starcraft et al.

FPS = first person shooter - the likes of Doom or Quake

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Hey Sergei,

Thanks for the suggestion.

I try to limit my game playing as it is a complete waste of time, lol! Oh, and Macosx does that too as there aren't as many titles out... (thank god/mixed blessing) Wow, I would be probably making MILLIONS of dollars presently if I hadn't put as many hours into gaming as i already have! I'd certainly be in better shape tongue.gif . *Sips wiskey*

-Von Webb

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