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Mine Fields & Clearing?

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Mine Fields & Clearing?

I edited one of the missions and gave the Syrians some mine fields. The missiong starts I role a unit into the minfield, my unit goes bang! I got no feed back on what happened, did it hit a mine or hit by an enemy unit?

Mines are completly invisible, even after you hit them.

I then send a engineering unit try to get them to mark the mine field with no luck.

Should mine fields be spotted by engineers?

Should I get so sort of feed back when a unit hit's a mine?

How do I know there is a mine field if it stays invisiable even after I run into one?

How do you clear a mine field if you can't see it??

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Welcome to the realities of war.

I think arty smoke was deliberately taken out by the designers. They say in real life, it's not used that much in this scale. We didn't have mine clearing assets in CMx1 as well. Mine fields are treated as deadly obstacles. I can't imagine an engineer defusing a minefield in the middle of combat.

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Originally posted by jomni:

Welcome to the realities of war.

I think arty smoke was deliberately taken out by the designers. They say in real life, it's not used that much in this scale. We didn't have mine clearing assets in CMx1 as well. Mine fields are treated as deadly obstacles. I can't imagine an engineer defusing a minefield in the middle of combat.

I know about realities of war, dude. I just came back from deployment in May this year

Besides, engineers use MICLICs to clear a path through mine/wire obstacle, followed by 2 lanes of mine-roller/plow tanks (usually tank 2 and 4 in each tank platoon) while over-watched by tank 1 and 3, usually also using cover from smoke M113.

I have done breaching ops like this in real life.

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BF add one more to the list

The Mark Mine command for engineers doesn't work!

Also there needs to be some sort of notice when a unit hits a mine, other wise how do you know where to send the engineers.

How come there is no command for Engineers to do something with IED's?

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