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Duel in the Syrian Sun or Enemy at the Bunker Gates!

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Or should it be Gunfight at the OK Olive Grove?

This was great! (slight spoiler follows, but nothing ruinous).

This afternoon I started playing The Bunker mission from Webwing's Ghost campaign. Moving my scouts forward I found their lives being made a misery by a Syrian sniper on a hill.

I snuck my own sniper team cautiously forward until they had a visual, then fixed the camera on the enemy sniper to see how effective they'd be. Sure enough, after about 50 seconds, my team marksman downed him at about 700 metres. Very satisfying.

At the end of the turn I checked my team, and found my marksman dead. Replayed the turn, this time watching my team, and - amazing - it seems the two snipers shot each other dead at virtually the same moment.

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Hey handihoc,

One of the advantages of playing WEGO.

I was an RT only player but lately have been playing more and more WEGO due to the replay. Some pretty amazing stuff happens in CMSF and it's a shame to miss them.

I thought this map was perfect for snipers, but mostly from the Syrian side. But apparently it works both ways! ;)


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Yeah, I used to be an RT only man - but changed to mainly WEGO for that very reason that it's so handy, and entertaining, to be able to replay events and find out just what happened, often from a different perspective. It makes the battles much longer, but there's nothing wrong with that.

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And that has always been CM's greatest strength in my opinion. Those magical moments that have you re-watching the same scene over and over from a thousand angles, while you fill your undies with happiness.

I think one of my favorites was a nail biting bazooka duel with a Panther in a Wild Bill's Fear In The Fog. I must've re-watched that 60 secs five or six times easy.

And with CMSF, when I had a Stryker shoot a grenade that exploded right next to the head of a rooftop shooter who was taking cover.

Good story, handihoc.


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