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BUG-BMP's carry no small arms ammo

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The BMP's don't seem to carry any dismount squad ammo as it states in the manual(p65). (ammo listed in white on the details/reports panel) This might seem trivial, but twice now, in QB's I've run out of ammo with all my dismount squads..I've doublechecked to ensure that it isn't a unit status setting, they just don't carry any by default, it seems. The pictures in the encyclopedia section of the manual don't show them as carrying any either, so must be an old bug.

[ July 30, 2007, 03:39 PM: Message edited by: ARRPEEGEE ]

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The cramped conditions of the BMPs makes them unsuitable for carrying MUCH extra ammo. I'll have to double check how much they are supposed to hold (real world documentation) and then see about getting something added.

One of the biggest problems with the AK family of weapons... ammo hungry. One of the biggest problems with the Arab warrior culture... ammo wasters. I've seen this over and over again in books and various reports back out of Iraq. The US trainers have even given it a nickname... Death Blossom (after a great, but obscure, sci-fi movie's star weapon). One training officer said he would be happy if he could just get his Iraqi recruits to not fire off a whole clip at once!

Anyway, my point here is that according to everything we've read, the standard problems of fairly inexperienced soldiers with highly ammo hungry weapons means you will burn through your ammo a LOT faster than the US forces will (on average). It's like late war German MG42 gunners... they'd go through 250 rounds in a couple of seconds shooting at a shadow!


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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

The cramped conditions of the BMPs makes them unsuitable for carrying MUCH extra ammo. I'll have to double check how much they are supposed to hold (real world documentation) and then see about getting something added.

Steve, I have BMP-2 crew guide and it lists all the supplies and where they are stored. I'll email it to you.
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