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Syrian rocket artillery

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I haven't been able to get the Syrian rocket artillery to function. It will bring fire down in "emergency" mode, (which is wildly inaccurate, as it should be) but not spotted fire (in "immediate" mode or otherwise). Even if the forward observer keeps the target point under observation for over an hour, the rockets never arrive. I'm not suggesting the problem is getting the rounds on target -- I'm unable to get rockets to fire AT ALL except uncorrected fires in "emergency" mode.

Am I doing something wrong? Can other people get Syrian off-map rockets to fire?

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I had the same behavior. Rockets would only come in if called in Emergency.

Rockets called in during the setup phase as preparatory fire came in normally.

Rockets called during the course of play will get stuck on "spotting" and never fire a barrage but do seem to fire single rounds occationally.

This has been reported to BFC.

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I've been playing with Syrian rockets lately (see my scenario "Assault on Precinct 13"). Rockets are a decent opening barrage weapon but have about as much finesse as using a machette to perform plastic surgery. To get Syrian rockets you have to do one of two things. 1) Target your barrage area at initial setup so they'll fall at the opening. or 2) Wait, and wait , and wait. The command says rockets coming in 4 minutes? Expect closer to ten or fifteen. And don't expect a rain of shells. Keep your FO close to an experienced commander for the command boost and try to keep the FO from getting killed off while he's waiting for the barrage to come. No FO means NOBODY gets to play with rockets! ;)

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Perhaps, but my problem was the rocket strike would never arrive (not even the first volley) even after waiting for over an hour.

I have no problem with rocket artillery being slow to reload, or with being inaccurate. My concern has been that the game may not permit rocket artillery to fire AT ALL (except prepatory fires or unspotted "emergency" fires) no matter how long the scenario, and no matter long how long the player waits.

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