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Orders to Friendly Units Under Player Control


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I know the player cannot control all friendly units on the map---I am only concerned with the units he ostensibly can control. How do you do it? I have tried and tried dozens of different methods to give map orders and the best I am able to do is to send the friendlies scrambling from pillar to post, but not where I want them. Please! a clear, detailed explanation how these controls work. Two more things: (1) the T-72 has several gunner's sights for different ammunition---which goes with which ammunition? (2) the mysterious Mission Editor---where is it? How does it work? With the exception of these items, I have T-72 down cold, and I love it, but... HELP! on these other things.

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I GOT IT, BY GEORGE. Am able to order around my soldiers and vehicles. SPLENDID!

Now, just tell me how find and use the Mission Editor and I am in business!

By the way: (1) Is there a reason for hatches to be open (or closed)?

(2) Is there a way (hidden somewhere) to repair broken tracks (I noticed there is a time for this which the player can set) (3) Is there a way to order your crew to bail out?

Thank you. T-72 is really great. I love it!

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At your service, Argus. Place the red box on the vehicle or infantry you wish to give an order. Left click and pass over to the box with the order boxes. Left click on the order you wish to give---note: some order boxes have two choices like FAST or SLOW. Keep clicking until the correct order appears in the lower left corner. The appearance of the order here is your confirmation the order is "on the books." FORMATIONS: First give the formation order to each vehicle you intend to be in the formation. After this you will only need to click on one vehicle in the formation to give the formation speed and destination (admittedly, sometimes you might have to give a speed order to each vehicle in the formation). For destination: click on one vehicle, and then on MOVEMENT. In the bottom left you will see SET WAYPOINT, and your cursor becomes a white flag. Pass the flag to the point you wish the vehicles to reach and left click. A yellow flag will appear on this point---briefly---do not mind that is goes away, and in the bottom left corner two numbers will appear. This is your confirmation the order was received (haven't a clue what the numbers signify---coordinates?). Now press F11 and go back to the scenario. DO NOT EXPECT THE VEHICLES TO IMMEDIATELY MOVE. Sometimes it is fifteen seconds or more (never more than thirty) before they start to move. Note: the vehicles in your platoon will sometimes be somewhat erratic, but, I have found they will sort themselves out. I have noticed, if you want to change formarion or destination, you will have to stop the formation, and do again the process of formation orders and speed. The infantry is very good at mounting and dismounting, and they follow the platoon leader's tank nicely when on foot.


Discovered tanks have their broken tracks repaired automatically after the time you chose for track repair in REALISM in the T-72 CONFIGURATION PROGRAM. Default is 120 seconds, which is wildly optimistic. Anybody with some experience in track repair under fire out there?

I still have no idea why you can open and close the hatches, and I can't find any way to order your crew to bail out if you get in a real mess---just have to be bitter enders and get whacked.

I hope this helps. This is sim is a real kick when you get the hang of it. A couple days ago I thought it would never work without a huge patch. NOW IT HUMS. Cheers.

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Anybody with some experience in track repair under fire out there?

With full realism on, the time is set to 3000 seconds (50 minutes). Better to get your head down and let the battle pass, and wait for the ARV to show up...

As an aside, I created a small 1 vs 1 MP scenario for my son and myself to use, in order to increase our proficiency before going on to commanding multiple units. We both crested rises about 800 m apart, saw each other and fired sabot simultaneously. I couldn't tell if I hit him through all the dust and smoke, but he caught me a glancing blow. I reversed, and was concentrating so hard on the GPS, I didn't notice the right track spooling off onto the ground. I slewed around as the track rolled off the road wheels, and finally realized what had happened. I pointed the turret in the direction I thought he would come, and waited for my doom. Five minutes passed, and nothing, but I noticed him on the opposite side of the room, punching buttons and swearing under his breath.

I said," Did I happen to hit you in that last exchange?"

"(Sigh)- Yeah, you shot my right track off..."

We knocked each other's right track off almost at the same moment...

[ July 21, 2005, 08:34 PM: Message edited by: Hub ]

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A truly heartwarming father and son story, Hub! I always maintain that families that sabot together stay together! Thanks for the info regarding track repair. Looks like track damage=dead meat. How did you get to the Mission Editor---I am a total computer idiot and need some "special needs" help with some things.

By the way, when using formations with your vehicle, be advised that you are no longer independent. The driver is following the orders you gave on the map. If you tell your driver to stop, the other vehicles still in formation will proceed. Staying with your platoon is a good idea---massed firepower.

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How did you get to the Mission Editor---I am a total computer idiot and need some "special needs" help with some things.

The file is called "missed.bat," (1K in size) and is located in the main T-72 directory that was created when you installed the game. There are two .pdf (Adobe Reader) files in the sub-directory "DOCS," that run you through some tutorials on how to use the editor. Making extensive alterations to existing scenarios is actually fairly easy, including adding/subtracting things like structures and vegetation. Making alterations to the underlying terrain is not so easy, and is not well explained- I'm still working on that part...

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Jeff---Follow the instructions above in my long entry, and you should be successful. Yes, you can set different waypoints for each tank under your control. The game is buggy and sometimes the tanks wander off. Keep an eye on them by regularly looking at the map, or by following them on the game screen.

When ordering vehicles individually, I found you had to give the SPEED order BEFORE the WAYPOINT order for the orders system to work.

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