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T-72 Balkans on Fire wishlist


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Here's a few of mine.

1. Agree on the Mission Generator

2. Ability to set waypoints from TC position

3. 90 degree turn order

4. Some ability to control attached AI without having to go to the map. i.e. formations, open/hold fire, take defensive positions, stop, follow me.

5. Ability to set multiple waypoints for attached AI in map and give them fire/formations orders for each one.

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1) Make the controls mappable to DirectX joystick inputs such that I can simply move the axis or press the button and have the progam map that input to the function/command.

2) Make the specific fuel levels and gears mappable to keys so that I can have my joystick's sliders mapped as bands to the specific fuel level or gear.

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From my experience ISF (demo and reading the posts for a while now):

(1) When the hatch is opened (unbuttoned), an "eyeball view" for the commander and accessible with a hotkey (e.g. "h"), not through the page-up/down. Maybe a commander binocular view would be another good addition too.

(2) With the commander magnified view, that you can spot target left-clicking on target and while right-clicking will give you a solution telling the gunner to rotate/elevate/set the gun to the according position of the target.

(3) An evasive maneuvers command hotkey for the AI driver.

(4) A toggle option (possibky through capslock) for AI commander to report all contacts with bearings and distance (if possible) or while untoggled on report only through a hotkey. If a friendly unit is reported and easily identifiable afterwards, he will not report it again.

(5) It's the only annoyance I have so far in terms of graphics: the trees. I would like them to be much more improved than they are now because they all look... sorry to say, ugly and irritating. While, fire effects, smoke, etc. on the other hand look great and satisfying. Water? Could be better, but for a game of this sort, who the ***beep*** cares?

(6) Some of the stuff that has been said so far, plus, of course, what _Gian_ said about the prestige and upgrades.

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Some good suggestions here.. so I figured I'd put a couple up as well..

1> I'd like an instant action selection.. Pick map, pick conditions, pick enemy numbers.. go fight.

2> Better damage modeling, both with what you see, and the internal damage.. Alot of it seems like its random, and not based on actual equipment location ( I killed the engine of a Leopard by shooting the barrel.. Not sure how that happened)

3> More vehicles.. Friendly and enemy.. Wheres the Yugoslavian stuff.. BOVs, BMPs, BTRs, or for that matter, any of the stuff.. M113s, Hummers, etc etc

4> Better voice acting!!!!!! Everytime I hear them grunts around me I gun them down just to shut them up

5> Barrel wear on the CO-AX and AAMGs.. Firing 600 rounds non-stop would burn the barrels out and be throwing tracers all over the place.

6> This is just nit picking.. lol.. When you hit a veh and kill one of the crew.. they get ejected out of the veh.. Regardless if its still moving, or operational.... Thats not normal.. lol

Ok.. I think thats the end of my wish list for now... I'll go blow some more tanks up and see what else I can dream up.

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Hum... I hope that other people continue to add to the "wish list" and that people from Battlefront read it and forward it to T72: BOF's developpers. Maybe create a sticky post out of it would be a really wise idea... Just to make the game look better and play better so making it be a better game over time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is my wish list:

1. The progress of the game ( both in single mission and campaign) can be saved. We can keep our achievement any time.

2. The drivable tank can be more modern. At least,

the T-34 could be replaced by Leopard.I think most of us will be interested in this kind of tank.

3. internal view of the tank can be seen.

4. The zoom in /out issue of gunner should be fixed.

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Originally posted by Gian:

An upgraded or updated T-72 3D Model smile.gif Sorry just had to.

Ability to add upgrades to tank via upgrade screen.

Prestige points to be able to purchase upgrades

Three really good things, but i don't believe that those MAJOR features will be implement with a patch, maybe with an addon or another full game. But anyway, good suggestions.

I would buy the addon/full game.

Also I would like to see a 3D cockpit with moving things like the gun loading. So you could see how the gun will be loaded from the inside of the tank. smile.gif

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I know its not going to happen anytime soon..buuut... bigger maps and more units (read, more targets). Something on the scale of M1 Tank Platoon, back in the day.

AND, take that stupid "X" off the top right hand corner of the unistall screen after I pop my cd in the tray and autoplay runs it! :mad: I almost always want to automatically click on it. :eek:

[ August 02, 2005, 05:49 PM: Message edited by: gunnersman ]

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  • 1 month later...

My suggestions are:

1) Do something with the tracks' grip. They're having too much grip. When engaging a mountain brake at 60km/h the tank is almost instantly stopping and almost standing on his front-end. And the lateral grip is weird too... i can't do a slide like this one zipped video

2) It could be good if We could manage our ammo load (e.g add more AP's than HE's)

3) Have almost total control of the tank, like in Panzer Elite (e.g. I wanna drive my tank, while watching through the gun's scope, or rotating the turret while being in driver's position)

4) When I shoot from the main gun, while watching thru scope the dust after shot is slowing down my computer so much, that shooting ATGM accurately is impossible.

5) Infantry sounds are annoying.

6) It could be great if the game would be so moddable, that someone could make a total-mod for it (WW II campaign)

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A good forum is an ordered forum. My idea is to make a summary of all our ideas, so You don't need to dig the whole thread to find one little thing. All of the posts before the summary should be deleted to make a room for the next suggestions without thrashing the thread.

Any user, who posted something before the summary should write his agreement when all he had written is in there and nothing left unseen.

I coupled all of the previous suggestions, modified some, added some new and the summary is done. If someone notice, that his suggestion is badly edited, or not written in the summary, then tell me.

Don't know, what You think about my idea, but I think it's good. Let's see what the moderator will say about it smile.gif

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1) Upgraded or updated T-72 3D model.

2) Ability to buy (using prestige points) and add upgrades to tank via upgrade screen.

3) Upgraded 12.7mm AA MG DShKM model for the russian armor.

4) Dynamic campaing system and/or mission generator.

5) Mod capability!

6) Be able to give separate waypoints and orders to attached units (from TC position too). My own idea is to use the mouse-tank to control units, just as in Panzer Elite for wingmen... but the problem is the amount of controllable units.

7) 90 degree turn order.

8) To be able to turn off AI from your vehicle.

9) When ordering tank to turn left (7) it would keep turning until you press 7 again same for right (8) direction.

10) An ability to manage and bind all of the controllers' axis' (sensitivity, deadzone, saturation, fading) and buttons to any control (throttle, brake, left/right, turret control, GPO, engine start, each gears (could be useful if someone has a shifter), fire, etc. etc.).

11) Speed up (eg. holding SHIFT) or slow down (eg. holding CTRL) the sensitivity of mouse for turning the turret, commander's view, mg view.

12) Abilty as TC to order smoke to be fired.

13) When the hatch is opened (unbuttoned), an "eyeball view" for the commander and accessible with a hotkey (e.g. "h"), not through the page-up/down. Maybe a commander binocular view would be another good addition too.

14) With the commander magnified view, that you can spot target left-clicking on target and while right-clicking will give you a solution telling the gunner to rotate/elevate/set the gun to the according position of the target.

15) An evasive maneuvers command hotkey for the AI driver.

16) A toggle option (possibly through capslock) for AI commander to report all contacts with bearings and distance (if possible) or while untoggled on report only through a hotkey. If a friendly unit is reported and easily identifiable afterwards, he will not report it again.

17) It's the only annoyance I have so far in terms of graphics: the trees. I would like them to be much more improved than they are now because they all look... sorry to say, ugly and irritating. While, fire effects, smoke, etc. on the other hand look great and satisfying. Water? Could be better, but for a game of this sort, who the ***beep*** cares?

18) Instant action selection.. Pick map, pick conditions, pick enemy numbers.. go fight.

19) Better damage modeling, both with what you see, and the internal damage.. Alot of it seems like its random, and not based on actual equipment location ( I killed the engine of a Leopard by shooting the barrel.. Not sure how that happened.

20) More vehicles.. Friendly and enemy.. Wheres the Yugoslavian stuff.. BOVs, BMPs, BTRs, or for that matter, any of the stuff.. M113s, Hummers, etc. etc.

21) Infantry sounds are annoying... something must be done to it.

22) Barrel wear on the CO-AX and AAMGs.. Firing 600 rounds non-stop would burn the barrels out and be throwing tracers all over the place.

23) This is just nit picking.. lol.. When you hit a veh and kill one of the crew.. they get ejected out of the veh.. Regardless if its still moving, or operational.... Thats not normal.. lol.

24) Not sure if one is included or not (just got the game), but a terrain editor so we can add mountains, valleys, waterways, etc..

25) The progress of the game ( both in single mission and campaign) can be saved. We can keep our achievement any time.

26) Internal view of the tank can be seen (I would like to see a 3D cockpit with moving things like the gun loading. So you could see how the gun will be loaded from the inside of the tank).

27) The zoom in /out issue of gunner should be fixed.

28) Bigger maps and more units (read, more targets). Something on the scale of M1 Tank Platoon, back in the day.

29) Take that stupid "X" off the top right hand corner of the unistall screen after I pop my cd in the tray and autoplay runs it! I almost always want to automatically click on it.

30) Do something with the tracks' grip. They're having too much grip. When engaging a mountain brake at 60km/h the tank is almost instantly stopping and almost standing on his front-end. And the lateral grip is weird too... i can't do a slide like this one zipped video .

31) It could be good if We could manage our ammo load (e.g add more AP's than HE's).

32) To have almost total control of the tank, like in Panzer Elite (e.g. I wanna drive my tank, while watching through the gun's scope, or rotating the turret while being in driver's position).

33) When I shoot from the main gun, while watching thru scope the dust after shot is slowing down my computer so much, that shooting ATGM accurately is impossible.

34) Riding through cars, corpses, cannons and other light and fragile stuff is like kicking a paper box. These things should be deformed and mashed into the ground.

35) Something should be done to thermal vision. It kills framerate totally.

36) When pointing the gun or mg's reticle at friendly unit a green X cross should appear on the reticle.

37) Ability to ram buildings without loosing track (only at low speeds).

38) Ramming building without turret being reversed damages the gun and without hatches closed wounds the crew ;) .

39) Ability to reload the MG's.

40) add a clutch pedal (if someone has a controller which can support this one, than why not).


about the 27 point... I don't have any idea what's bad about it...

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Ok, a few more suggestions:

41) Character development for each crew member like in Tank Platoon from Microprose; crew members becoming better with more experience, but may become casulties and will be replaced by inexperienced soldiers.

42) Inclusion of all four seasons, so campains in deep snow or mud are possible.

43) Possibility to fight on company level; player may be able to choose his rank at the beginning of a campaign and may get promoted (and gets more responsibility).

44) Ability to call for air or artillery support like in Tank Platoon.

45) A few more tanks for the player like the Leo.

46) Limited supplies in campaign, so player may run out of certain types of ammunition, gas, spare parts etc.

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1. Reverse joystick axis.

2. Force feedback - a slight vibration would be cool when firing.

3. Playable Leopard tank - since there are no interiors this shouldn't be much of a problem. You already have the 3d models, so you just have to make interfaces for the driver & gunner positions. Think about it...

4. Friendly units should be able to follow player in formation.

5. And ofcourse more scenarios....

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47. There should be an option to toggle the names over the targets and ability to select next, previous target.

48. Infantry and tank crew members should be able to man any operational and not completely destroyed vehicle. In that case an abandoned tank with destroyed engine, but with operational cannon could be manned with some guys and could be lethal again.

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1. Instead of using azimuths to call out targets use the clock system,ie, tank at 3 oclock.

2 Key to line up commander and or gun with tank,whenever I change to commander view,there's no telling where I'll be looking

3 maybe some markings or something to help distinguish enemies from friendlies.

4 a key for fine tuning aim or fast turn aim.

5. everything everyone else suggested.

This is such a good game,it wouldn't take much to make it a fantastic game.

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