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AAR, Rambo Axis vs Jollyguy, Ladder Game

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I agree with Hellraiser on those throwing stones. At least we're out here beta testing strategies, and having a great time doing it. And I give credit to John, because like a QB taking in the playing field he can spot strengths and weaknesses in the calculus of the game, as looks down toward the other goalposts. He immediately spotted Spain/Gibralter as a key, and in both games went for it immediately. He also expended the time and energy to take Malta in our second game, realizing the benefits of doing so.

Anyway, I don't mind the Axis trying to expand his economic base, as that was Hitler's master plan all along, either directly or indirectly. All that's needed is to penalize the Axis a little and benefit the Allies similarly. I repeat, the fact the Allies can make it to 1945 in SC 2 with a viable force is impressive in of itself.

Now, as to the Allies waiting until 1945 to strike back in Russia as has been stated earlier. Yes, that may have worked better in my Allied games, but think what your asking. You are asking one side to be a punching bag for six years, while the other side runs around doing what they want pretty much unhindered, adding notch after notch to their bedpost. If that's the structure of the game you,re going to run out of Allied players pretty quick, as most people aren't that masochistic.

What's needed IMO is to nudge the climatic battle back toward late 1943, about the 1/2 way point, at which point the strategic initiative will shift one way or other, sometimes slightly, sometimes dramatically. I love the freewheeling slugfests on the steepes of Russia, as that allows each side to spar and adapt and replan. So, the Allies shouldn't have to conserve untl round 12 of a 15 round bout, but maybe be allowed to come out swinging to some degree in round 8 or 9, then jockey for position, with the last 5 rounds or so having one side on the defensive, the other with the initiative. The Germans lost the strategic initiative at Stalingrad and then North Africa, about 1/2 way through the war, but put up a helluva fight the rest of the way.

I also think the victory conditions need to be changed. In Russia it should probably be taking the second capital, but I'll leave this up to the beta testers et. al. And, I also think the game end should be moved to at least 1948, reflective of the new balance we have here.

So, my conclusions in a nutshell:

1) Restrain the Axis a bit.

2) Bolster the Allies a bit.

Once this is done the rest of the community will join in the beta testing, and report back, like we alway do. Some will bitch, some suggest, some whine, but its all good, raw info for HC to do his magic.

And I'm looking forward to my next match with John, as maybe the third time will be the charm.


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How many countries currently have partisans when

conquered? I know Egypt, Spain, Norway, and Iraq do;

What happens when JJR (or whoever is running the

Axis show) runs out of corps to garrison all those

places? Is it still worth it to take Iraq even if

you don't have units to garrison its cities (and that

all-important oil well)? Should Spain have on-map

Partisans (consider all the mountain spaces in there

where the little buggers could pop up!)?

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