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And in many cases they did.

Whether a person even went to trial was mainly a matter of how valuable he would be to either the USA or USSR after the war.

Albert Speer became the perfect example of a possible candidate for the hangman who'd seen the light and turned on the other, unreformed war criminals. He spent ten years at Spandau and lived long enough to write several books including Inside the Third Reich. Many, including myself, feel he changed his own past and honestly believed the more acceptable version.

I don't know if this book is for free but it's a free download some of our members might find interesting.

< Fieldmarshal Wilhelm Keitel's Memoirs >

The translation stems from the sixties and is by David Irving.

-- Unless I'm mistaken, he's the same guy who sold Time Life on an authorized version of Howard Hughs' biography that was later contested by Hughs, who said he never even met Irving! :D

So, if you read this it might be wise to take it perhaps doing so with a grain of salt is advisable. After all, remember that Hitler's Private Papers hoax from the '80s. :eek: :D

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I think so. :eek:

Yeah, the name doesn't evoke very positive thoughts at all. I'll need to read that thing anyway just out of curiosity.

I'm sure you've met people, as I have, who were on the wrong side of that barbed wire and saw the tatooed numbers on their arms. People who either deny it or minimize it bug the hell out of me. The nicest thing I can say about them is they're misinformed and extremely stupid.

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Nazi Germany opened their hearts to the Devil. Hitler was a picture of the anti-Christ. The reason we talk about it so much is simple, it's possibly the sickest acts possible, so it draws interest (of both good & evil people).

Personally, I see a downward trend for mankind in the future. Despite the good things such as technology, medicine, etc......there are some major problems.

Lets hope & pray some WMD doesn't happen, because things will change overnight. If the USA gets hit with something big, you can kiss freedom & the Bill of Rights goodbye.

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Brother Rambo,

I'm often amazed at how identical our views are, and this is one of those times.

Even while watching the smoke across the harbor on 9/11 it was going through my head that Bush & Co could invoke emergency powers that would make him a virtual dictator.

Yes, it can happen.

-- A sinister thought is that the government could, if it were sick enough, either set up a catastrophic attack on the nation or even arrange it directly using the strike as the premise to invoke those powers.

Not so farfetched, really, it's what the nazis did with the Reichstag Fire and a day later all semblance of democracy was gone forever in a permanent emergency.

-- True that the whole Nazi / deathcamp Holocaust tragedy was sick, but hardly the sickest in history. I'm disgusted to say it was equalled several times and, if he hadn't died sooner than he expected, Stalin was planning to put his own identical version into effect; he admired the way Hitler had implemented the whole thing.

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I like the fact that he didn't invoke the emergency powers that have been accumulating since World War Two and that really snowballed with each succeeding decade. Most people don't even know about them.

Without getting into personal politics, I have to say he isn't given enough credit for not trying to make himself dictator. Naturally there are other things I'm not crazy about but they aren't relevant to anything other than my own preferences.

I was surprised to find a number of existing sites that drew the same parellel between the 1933 Reichstag fire and the 9/11 attacks. What I find baffling is that most of them insinuate Bush used the attacks the same way Hitler used the arson on Germany's capitol building. This seems ludicrous to me because if that were the case he could have simply done it that very day!

In 1933, the nazis found a mentally defective Jewish man who admitted to being a communist and also admitted to burning down the building. Which would have been anywhere from highly unlikely to utterly impossible! But he served the purpose, was promptly beheaded and Hitler used his statements as justification to outlaw the German Communist Party and impose near dictatorial power.


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