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What's the deal? You going to ship this puppy or what? Status please...

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Alright, MadMoon, MoonMatt, or whoever, what's the deal? How about whipping up a SC patch as an appetizer for those waiting? "Please Don't Cry" --- Asia.

Who's going to play this game TCP/IP in the USA? I'm in the Pacific Standard Time zone, I need some training pigeons for SC-2. I can play evenings weekdays by appointment. I can be reached at ICQ# 234-993-018 or jon_j_rambo@yahoo.com. I'm serious, USA didn't produce many good SC players, all the competition is in BuntaLand, those dudes still thrist for victory. Don't let anybody kid you, the Germans aren't sorry for WW-2, they are just sorry they lost!!!

I do need some sparring partners near my timezone. Anybody alive here in cyberspace?

I'm calling out Liam, IronRanger, some_god, ComradeTrapp, MikeBrown, the dude in Seattle (Bob something), BrianTheWise...and all those "disconnect champs" & reload wiseguys. Where's WellDressedGent? Where are the USA players? Please report for duty.

Buntaland is loaded with skilled players, we got anybody here? And I'm not talking about the PBEM old men.

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Don't let anybody kid you, the Germans aren't sorry for WW-2, they are just sorry they lost!!!
Revenge is sweet. smile.gif

Next time, Angie Merkel will kick Rambo's ass. :Dtongue.gif

The masses are already marching through Berlin, shouting: "Ein Volk, ein Reich, eine Fuehrerin!" :D

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@jolly_joker_rambo - dudenstein, SC is quite like soccer over there ... any big soccer names in the USA? Nah ... you now understand why you are the exception that confirms the rule smile.gif

Ok, you got Liam but , well, he ain't no pure blood yankee ... he's got some euro-juice flowing in his veins, right Liam (canadian and brit if i recall correctly)?

JJR, buddy, you're an endagered species ... ;)

@Ottosmops - dude, you're right ... unfortunately ... I've just read some sh*t about neo-nazis from all over Europe gathering in Braunau (i guess it's spelled this way) - the town that AH was born, getting ready to wreak havok amongs muslims during the World Soccer Championship to take place in Germany ... One thing...some of them declared that the ones to be really feared are the english neo nazis ... OMG ...

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@Ottosmops - dude, you're right ... unfortunately ... I've just read some sh*t about neo-nazis from all over Europe gathering in Braunau (i guess it's spelled this way) - the town that AH was born, getting ready to wreak havok amongs muslims during the World Soccer Championship to take place in Germany ... One thing...some of them declared that the ones to be really feared are the english neo nazis ... OMG ...

Neo-nazi activities are very low here in Austria, because of our severe law.

A few weeks ago, the British author David Irving was sentenced to three years imprisonment for denying the Holocaust.

In another case, a former MP of the second chamber of the Austrian parliament, John Gudenus, will have to stand trial because he doubted the existence of gas chambers in Germany.

Concerning the World Soccer Championship I'm quite sure there will be no major security problems.

Certainly, such events attract idiots like hooligans, neo-nazis and terrorists, but the German police will handle them properly. :cool:

And I hope, the American team will get over the preliminary rounds, so that the right way to play football will become more popular in the USA. ;)tongue.gif

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Ich bin mir nicht so sicher wie Du, daß die Neo-Nazi Aktivitäten hier in Ö sooo wenig sind - nicht umsonst meldet ZARA heute, daß die Rassistisch motivierten Übergirffe 2005 auf über 1100 angestiegen sind !

@all non-german-speaking/reading:

I only told Ottomsmops that I am not so sure of low neo-nazi activities because last year the assaults against foreigners were climbing....

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@ H.J. von Arnim

I didn't say there are no such problems.

But compare the rate of violence motivated by racial/political/religious reasons here in Austria with other countries, say France, UK, USA, Russia, former Yugoslavia, Israel, Irak.

I guess our country wouldn't come off badly. smile.gif

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*looks around for Yoda in fear* See's that the coast is clear and steps out of the lurker shadows.

Ok ladys, its time to play with your guns. One is for fighting and one is for fun.... LINE UP!

Ok, I'll send my money in once the game goes public and burn a few Sat afternoons desiding the fate of earth in 1942.

Iron Ranger signed up and ready for battle.

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