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Why was/is Russia so bitter?

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Not speaking for targul, but for me there's al the bits that are physically impossible - the flood for example.

Then there's all the promises - none of them ever get fulfilled in any proveable way, and all the "open ended" ones are just waiting for hte "end of days" or "rapture" or whatever....the one that came at 1000AD, 2000AD, or pick any other date somebody decided and was found wanting.

then there's the contradictions - the word of god sure seems to get itself in a knot some times - was Abraham justified by faith or by works? did Jesus ascend to heaven on the day of his resurection (Luke and Mark), 8 days after (John), 40 days after (Acts) or "many days" after (also Acts).

did Jesus ever baptise anyone? John says yes he did....and also no he did not.

Samuel says that David slew Goliath with a slingstone and not a sword (17:49-50), and that he slew him with his own sword (the very next verse, 51) - which is true?

There's hundreds more.

On the matter of belief, the bible has a couple of good bits of advice:

Proverbs 14:15

The simple believeth every word: but the prudent man looketh well to his going.

1 Thessalonians 5:21

Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.

KJV of course.....

Having read and studied the bible for many years I made a conscious decision that it is a wonderful historical epic that includes some great advice by many obviously wise and clever men, and that's all it is.

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@Stalin --- What about the obvious simple parts of Christ? He has made it so simple a child can get saved. There's nothing to get cute about. Are you going to reject the Gospel based on circular logic that just takes belief? Obviously your a well read person & intelligent, but will you exercise Faith in Christ?

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

@targul --- Why don't you get saved? You've shared your Christian upbringing. Seriously, what's the beef? What don't you believe?

Simply because I have nothing to be saved from. It has nothing to do with what I dont believe but what I do believe.

I believe God to be all peoples God not just Christians. I believe God only does that which is good.

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Anything obvious or simple can't be about God.

By definition a super-being that created everything everywhen and knows everything everywhen yet lets all the crap happen in the word cannot possibly be obvious, nor simple.

All hte GOOD things about Christ, on the other hand, are fine. And they don't require god either. Lots of men have said and done good things throughout the ages - manyh of them "heathens" who cannot possibly ever be "saved" according to you.

No god is required to say or do good things.

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