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The Green Man comes back with a vengeance !!! AAR Terif (allies) - Hellraiser(axis)

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And here my first official SC 2 AAR - dedicated to Desert Dave smile.gif :
Hey thanks!

Wasn't necessary, but

Just - terrific, Terif,

All the same.

Hope there are MANY more

AAR's to come. :cool:

Hmmmm... last time

Anybody dedicated anything to me

Was when my high-school girl-friend

Called in to a late nite radio show

And sent along some personal song,

"Love Potion #9" I think it was? smile.gif



REALLY great to have you guys

Do this,

It truly helps us to sort out

Some of those items

That might need attention, and

A little more adjustment.


Some of the folks

Who haven't played as much, or,

Also those such as I, who

Could ALWAYS use some more sly devise,

Can learn a LOT about the game,


In great fun,

While YOU also are learning.

Great AAR's,

From everybody!

Keep on keeping on! :cool:

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Game resumed - July 13, 1941:

The weather is clear, so Royal Navy has its full firepower and sinks 2 italian spotter-transports near Algier smile.gif .


Sunk ships and land units at sea also can´t be bought back at reduced costs.

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July 27, 1941:

Italian battleship sunk and Royal Navy retreats towards Gibraltar for resupply. Except for one damaged battleship, the whole italian fleet is now at the ground of the mediteranean smile.gif .

3 german surface ships reveal their positions and bombard Gibraltar - but they will come to late to save their italian comrades :D .

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August 10, 1941:

After the german surface fleet revealed its position at Gibraltar, the remaining british home fleet startet the sub hunt in the Atlantic:

U-47 found raiding near Kanada, but dives against all attacks. Only slight losses to the surprise contact with a cruiser.


I guess for Egypt the readiness triggers need to be reconsidered and improved in one of the next patches. Since otherwise either Axis will simply leave Cairo empty till USA joins to not increase its readiness, or there needs to be another house rule smile.gif .

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OK here we go ... Axis did not DOW USSR - don't make sense since all forward positions are abandoned. USSR joins the Allies during Axis' turn. Riga taken, german forces in the outskirts of Minsk. No sign of communist troops.

Germans get IW2 (invested a chit last turn LOL).

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But USSR is more aggressive and immediately Dows Finland. Finish corps and Mannerheim HQ wiped out in the initial onslaught by 4 russian armies, 2 tanks and an AF.

USSR shows IW level 1, Anti-tank 1 and Heavy tanks 2.

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November 16, 1941:

Small naval battle near Helsinki in stormy weather. Mud - so russians slowed down, only one finish corps killed.

Riga, Minsk, Kiev and Odessa abandoned and occupied by Axis. First Partisans near Leningrad.

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Bad weather prevents russian advance as well - since they seem to lack motors smile.gif

Germans near Smolensk, additional forces dispatched towards Leningrad. Strong defence over the Dnepr, even some fortifications near Kharkow - they want to protect the southern approach, lots of goodies to be defended smile.gif

another german corps shipped to Helsinki.

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December 14, 1941 - Winter:

Last finish corps survives at str 1 thanks to snowy weather - in the baltic Gneisenau cruiser gets reduced to str 4 by the russian fleet.

At Odessa a romanian army meets the russian ship cannons and also a russian corps uses the opportunity to give them some beeting.

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January 25, 1942 - Winter, snow:

German corps removed from Finland by force, Leningrad under siege and Smolensk german occupied. Russians rebuild industry in the Urals.

[ April 18, 2006, 12:45 PM: Message edited by: Terif ]

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oops I forgot I couldn't amphib land during snow time ... germans bypass Leningrad, 2 Panzers spearheading in an attempt to outflank the soviet forces in Finland while armies and corps mop up Leningrad. Axis dow Iraq, defender killed, motorized corps marches to Baghdad - I hope soviet paratroopers won't intervene...or let them intervene tongue.gif

USA gets +10% readiness due to Axis DOW on Iraq.

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April 19, 1942 - Mud:

Finish expedition force cut off from supply by a german tank, but the german tank also now got cut off by russian forces approaching from Moskau and closing the gap. Weather is slowing them down, but now 6 russian tanks + 6 armies and several corps are gathered in the area around Finland smile.gif .

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