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More Thoughts on AI (Hi, Edwin)

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But will it be able to write haiku?

Which is only partly facetious...it's interesting to ponder that we can make AI so it thinks as well as any human. Can we make one that also FEELS?

Read the first post thinking about the ART of war (or the art of music, poetry, whatever). There is an artistic side to SC--which is what the most "elegant" strategies involve. And isn't that what we yearn for AI to duplicate?

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Originally posted by Ottosmops:

IMHO it is only a question of time and how many ressources are invested until the AI can beat humans in complex games like SC.

I agree with this. Sooner or later, someone will develop an AI that is as smart as -say- 95% of the players.

And since he never makes mistakes and has the patience to micro-manage every single unit every single time, he'll beat 99% of the players.

The comparason of a chess computer is a good one, because it' also shows the problems with AI. Basially chess is a pretty easy game, compared to war-games.

- in chess you only have 16 pieces to work with in SC2 you got alot more.

- in chess most peices can only make 2-3 possible moves, in SC2 every unit can make alot more.

- in chess you only make one move, in SC2 you got to make alot of them.

- chess is over in about 100 moves (50 turns per player each of one move), a SC2 scenario can take up to 2000 moves (25 turns per player with 40 units).

- in chess nothing is random, in SC2 the result of battles are random.

In other words : a AI for SC2 would be ALOT, ALOT, ALOT harder then one in chess.

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@Tojo & John the Fool --- If you guys are looking for a battle, well, that's where my role kicks in. I'll show you how an officer & gentleman introduces strategy. Now, programming A.I.'s to battle each other would be cool.

"Wonda, be cool, be like Fonzie" --- Samuel L. Jackson as Jules, in the movie classic, Pulp Fiction.

"Well brother, if you're looking to get your back broken, I'm the guy who takes care of that around here." --- Slim Pickens as the deputy in the Western classic, One Eye Jacks.

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