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WAW Tournament (game 2) - The K Man vs Timskorn

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Won't get too detailed yet. Game pretty much started out like game 1 vs Konigs.

Benelux & Denmark fall in turn 2 and Poland in Turn 3. The biggest difference between the two games is the weather in France. It favored the allies this time. Could not get much of an attack going in the snowy France. Rain would ground the planes. But they did fall beginning of April, 1940.

A "suicidal" french battleship rams an Italian Cruiser. Another difference between the two games: I saw both Battleships scuttled to the bottom of the sea when France surrendered(Instead of getting in the hands of the Royal Navy.) Konigs must have gotten 3 or 4 of the French ships. Timskorn was not as lucky. (I'm usually lucky to get just one.)

A German U-boat is still lurking in the open seas...

Britain stands alone... :D End of April 1940

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Jun/Jul 1940. Axis is on the move...

Attack Norway, and take the capital, but it does not surrender (just my luck.) Must be one of those % chances it won't surrender, and I hit it. Guessing it will go next turn (I hope.)

Axis also attack Tunisia (atleast they surrendered.)

UK bombers make an appearance. Bombing Brest...

U-boat continues to raid convoys...

Allies have some success (diplomaticly) with Sweden...

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August 1940:

Heavy UK forces hammer Tobruk and are close to routing the Italians there. O'Connor was given the green light for an offensive there as Axis forces throw themselves around in Norway and Tunisia.

Off the western coast of France a U-boat is engaged in a small skirmish with a Canadian DD and escapes. This week no U-Boat activity on the shipping lanes. The one the Canadians ran into was low on supplies and was headed back to France to fill'er'up. Still level 1 subs, but we'll see after those guys leave port again.

Increased Axis activity spotted on the Russian border. A Panzer division is organizing there. The Russians are preparing for an April/May start to Barbarossa.

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Sorry for the shorter than normal AAR's. (It's that busy time of year.)

Axis forces are moving in on UK army in Norway, located in the far west city (forget the name... told you I was busy) smile.gif

Good move by the allies. (Transporting a Army in.) It cost Germany a free Corp, when Norway didn't surrender after the capital was captured. (I think the Norwegians were also busy, and forgot to surrender.) Finally by the next turn the Norwegians realized that "resistance was futile."

The U-boat forgot to attack, while making its escape. (Brain Cramp.) Good for the Canadian destroyer...

Malta is being bombed...

Italians will put up a fight at Tobruk!

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The RN shell the Norwegian port to cut off supplies to Germany.

An Axis Corp. and Para division are moving through the mountains west towards the British in Norway. Our carrier group sorties out to let them know we're here and engage in the skies with the Luftwaffe which has been stationed near Oslo.

In Africa, British units surround and crush the Italian defenders at Tobruk and capture it.

The Brits are fighting the war all by themselves and keeping the Axis as occupied as possible.

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Again, AAR will be brief do to the time of the year...

BEF is taken out in Bergen, Norway. Unfortunately I can't get the carrier in its port (due to the new naval spotting of 1) compared to the old game of 2. I was still thinking it was 2, when I attacked.

Bombing continues on Malta.

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Fall 1940:

BEF took a beating in Norway. Didn't think they'd be taken out so quickly. BB's managed to cut supplies from Norway to Germany (and Sweden has been pro-Allied for months now) and kill an Axis Corp. sitting on the coastline before pulling back. Last report had an Axis Corp. (destroyed), para, panzer, HQ and 2 air in Norway to face the BEF.

The British Corp. in Malta is hanging on for dear life. The rains should be coming soon and save them from destruction. Another city in North Africa is taken by the surging UK forces there. Will the Axis be found further west in Tunisia and Algeria, or will they let the British have their sandbox to play in?

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Winter 1941:

The RN and Italians clash in the waters east of Tunisia, ending in a loss for the UK which escaped with only a couple ships. The Italians lost a cruiser. In positive news, the British Army has reclaimed the entirety of North Africa without any losses. They faced and destroyed two Italian Armies, 1 Corp. and 1 German Corp.

In Russia the Germans speed along, capturing all the front cities with little resistance from Soviet troops which lost only 1 Corp. and managed to retreat a 1 strength Army to safety. Massive German troops concentrated outside Leningrad area.

Britain's sea lanes have remained open most of the game, coming under only minor shipping attack.

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April 1942.

Both Lenigrad & Kharkov fall in the east. The Germans are hoping to break the spirit of the Russian defenders. Unfortunately "the spaces seem endless" says one German General. "The landscape is depressingly monotonous, with endless vistas of marshland, plains & forests."

The planes were not much of a factor near Lenigrad, as the rains kept them grounded. They were much more productive in the south, for bombarding/capturing Kharkov & Sevestopal.

Italian corp retreats (escapes) via transport from the city of Oran in Algeria. Only Casablanca remains in German hands.

Two German U-boats are out raiding Convoys.

With the US preparing for war, and the siberians arriving last turn, the balance of power has shifted.

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End of Sep 42:

Basic theme of the 1st part of the summer was a massive build up of forces in Russia. Two lines of defense were formed from Northwest of Moscow down to west of Stalingrad. (I have a pic of the buildup, but won't be able to show that till much later.) With two rows of a "buffer" zone between the two forces (100 miles,) we weren't even able to throw rocks at each other. Air power would probe and poke here and there.

The second part of the summer, the germans moved on the attack. Small gains were made. On the 1st attack, a Corp, Tac Bomber, & Tank were taken out. A german AT was lost on the counter. Next the army in Moscow and the city were captured. (Another Russian army and artillery were killed.)

Russian Paratroopers, trying to take out one of Germany's Tactical Bombers is destroyed behind the German lines. More Russians that moved down in the south (near Rostov)in a counter attack are also destroyed (army & 2 corps.)

Progress has moved slow in Russia due to heavy resistance. The axis caught a break on the last turn, as the rains begin, which will ground his air fleet.

Meanwhile U-boats continue to harass in the open seas.

Allied Bombers & the US & UK navy are hitting the two southern cities in Italy. The Italian sub barely escapes (damaged to one.) The US cruiser Tulcaloosa is heavily damaged from the Italian Battleship sitting in the Sicily port.

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Russian paratroopers are running suicide missions behind the lines looking to disrupt German soft targets. Commie weathermen were wrong on both drops, however, and the following turns showed clear skies for the Axis to rain bombs on them. Para's deal moderate damage to both a tac bomber and an HQ near Kharkov.

The American and Royal Navy have joined together at Malta and have been hammering Italian positions in Southern Italy while disrupting their navy. The British begin the invasion of Italy in late September with US air and naval support.

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