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I think my "historical" mod is good to go.

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I've had 3 games vs. the AI at the hardest setting and 2 ongoing vs. human and it feels pretty good.

I stuck to Huberts design map wise.

My goal was simply to correct some issues we've discussed here and that have come up in beta as well . I modified anything I could with the editor and I'm surprised at the results. It is so much fun to play and you actually enjoy playing to the end because most games always go the distance, unlike the curent setup or in SC.

My only uncertainty is AF power, I don't know if I managed to slow them down enough, I think so, but only feedback from others would help me out here.

While you wait for a patch, give it a go.

Basically the Axis should at best only be able to achieve a stalemate vs. a decent opponent, which is an Axis victory, while the Allies have to get either Germany or Italy to surrender for a Minor victory or both for a Major.

End date is Aug 31st 1945.


NOTE: I've renamed the campaign with the latest upload, this will be the permanent name from now on.

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That was suggested by Desert Dave and I think he actually hit the nail on the head just from a gameplay standpoint.

Any longer and the Axis would probably never have a shot at a stalemate and getting that victory while at the same time the Allies are pressed to get going ASAP and not just wait forever.

Of course some what if has to come into it, if Germany or Italy or both had still been fighting could they have sued for a ceasfire if they had agreed to return to their original borders?

This is what the "stalemate" represents, long term the Axis are doomed, but if they start clamoring for peace and return to their borders would the Allied politicians continue to fight and loose more lives when the goal? Popular sentiment would have tended towards the peace settlement.

Anyways, forget the "what ifs" and just for end date it has so far worked out to be the sweet spot.

Desert Dave can go into all the political reasons why, hehe.

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I just did a slight update, you simply need to download it and unzip it, it will not affect saved games as the naming convention is still the same.

I had to fix a few scripts, working on 2 pcs caused me a bit of confusion. It was missing the changes #40-48. Sorry about that.

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Why does everyone think that Air is so overpowered? Massed air, as pointed out in another thread is a issue.. the ability to mass it in NA then 1-2 weeks latter have it massed in Russia is a valid point.

SC 1 air was very overpowered (and in CVs) but there the long range, max tech of 5 jets were just BS. Is that still true here, in SC2?

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Air is not crazy like in SC1, but they are too powerfull in that they reduce morale/readiness too easily.

A STR 10 L5 tank on a city at 100% morale/readiness with L4 entrenched can be brought down to less than 20% morale and readiness by 4 AFs no matter the type (could be from 4 minor countries with no HQ).

Even if that tank is L5 10 STR, at 20% or less morale/readiness it easily gets taken out without causing much damage.

I can't reduce how much morale and readiness is affected via the editor and so I've simply uppped the defense by 1 for units and added another +1 air defense to forest, mountains, cities, ports, fortresses, fortifications and another +1 on top of that to all Major capitals.

What it does is slow down AFs because they have to reinforce. So far it looks ok in bringing AFs down to their proper level.

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Blashy - Enjoyed your mod. But I have to say that I didn't care for adding the defense bonuses to the HQs (not a flame, just a comment).

I felt it took away from protecting them or making the opponent pay for leaving one vulnerable. I actually found the AI (both Allied and Axis) not exploiting the ability to attack one, especially if it had any entrenchment. In fact, I had to chuckle when the Axis AI opted to attack a Russian partisan instead of hitting Pavlov. I hadn't seen this before and can only assume it was due to the added defense bonus. Likewise, it was hard to swallow when an exposed HQ on the shore would actually deal damage during shore bombardment, and that hitting an experienced army was a "safer choice".

One other observation, and I'll see if I can recreate it. In Egypt while playing the Allies, I was stunned to see Commonwealth HQ arrive (100% as expected/noted) - but at the same time as five other Egyptian/Allied minors! Hadn't seen that before, and don't know what the trigger was. Needless to say, it was a game defining moment.

All in all, I really enjoyed the subtle "tweaks" and found they really spiced things up. Nice job!

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The HQ thingy is only vs. land and air attacks, it does not protect vs. bombardments, I fixed this in the latest version that is uploaded.

It was actually put in there simply because HQs (supply lines) did have minor protection, this simulates it.

As for how this affects the AI, it does not really, the AI is just not that good at selecting targets at this time. Too often I've seen it not finish off a unit with 1-2 STR and plenty of units around available to finish it.

The CW units is historical, so 100% for Australia, NZ, India and SA plus the HQ.

Thank you for trying and I'm glad I could make it entertaining for you.

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Re: HQ defense bonus.

I noticed that there was no bonus to bombardment defense - don't know why I got such different results here.

Yeah, I understand your thinking there Blashy... going for the historical feel, including the defense of HQs. It was just my opinion that the defense bonus to the HQs took away from part of the game play. I always thought of the opponents as key chess pieces, and any opportunity to get a shot at one was golden. In this mod, even though it was only a small bonus (+1 vs land,air), I felt that it had a strong impact. It was just my observation and opinion, that's all.

I did notice that your changes seemed to work real well with Timskorn's AI buffs. Very much looking forward to your WWI mod Blashy!

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I just updated the mod. I checked and a few Majors had 1 defense vs. naval, your note helped me catch that one. Fixed it.

HQs are still fair game, but not a piece of cake to take out anymore.

And a while ago I was supposed to have made IKE HQ at rating of 10, I mean come on the man was organising the biggest armed forces in the world and did it masterfully, lets give the guy credit ;) .

BTW, if you wish to give this a try vs. a Human, I'm looking for some Axis opponents since this is all I've been playing, I would like to see how the play balance is right now.

blashy@gmail.com , as I said, I'm looking for Axis players, I've played Axis to death on this mod the past two weeks, and only 1 complete game vs. a human all others were with Timskorns great AI scripts at maximum difficulty.

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Blashy, am I reading your victory conditions correctly? The Axis need Berlin, Warsaw, Frankfurt, Essen, Konigsberg for a minor victory? If so, then the Axis need to hold pretty much all of Germany + Konigsberg + Poland to win. That seems fairly stiff.

On the other hand, the Allies only need Rome, Warsaw, Paris, London, Moscow, Washington D.C. for a minor victory. So all they need to do is take Poland and one Italian city?

Diced Tomato

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I'm changing the victory scripts tonight.

Italy will only be Rome for Minor and Major, I've discovered it is too easy for the Allies to exploit the other Italian cities.

While for Germany I'm going to remove the first 3 Western German cities.

Rocket tech is gone, but Germany gets 3 rockets via the queue at 6 of range with 3 strategic attack. Taking out the chit for both countries cancels it out in terms of benefit for either side.

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cmmods is back and you should be able to download them.

My mod has the updated victory scripts.

Right now my mod is at a point where I need to play versus people who can take the Axis side so I can see how it looks from the other side. Any takers?

I can only do pbem.

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How exactly does one copy this mod into the game?

Under SC1, one could just copy the .cgn file into the campaign folder and be done. However, this SC2 mod includes all sorts of .txt files that appear to be important. If I just copy the .txt files into the campaign folder, the files from another subsequent mod could overwrite them.

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