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Hi All, I just joined the forum and I'm sorry if this has been raised before. (I did look but didn't see it)

I'd like to see a scenario/campaign starting at Munich. This would need to assume tha the UK and France decided to fight at that point. I have heard it advanced that the year from Sept 38 to sept 39 allows the allies more time to prepare to fight. It also allowed more time for Germany to continue its' armament.

I've allways wanted to try this one out. Strategic Command 2 seems like a good vehicle to play with that "what-if?" With three kids and a busy job I don't have time to do the detailed research needed but I'd love to explore the topic. I'll pay money to try that. Especially since I really enjoyed SC I

Thanks, Joseph

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Welcome Joseph,

This shouldn't be to difficult and why wait for SC2, open up SC1 editor and have at it, reduce forces accordingly and imagine 9-1-39 is 38. I'm sure there are a few references for an OOB, I'll look and see if I have some, if I ever get away from work.

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Originally posted by SeaMonkey:

Welcome Joseph,

This shouldn't be to difficult and why wait for SC2, open up SC1 editor and have at it, reduce forces accordingly and imagine 9-1-39 is 38. I'm sure there are a few references for an OOB, I'll look and see if I have some, if I ever get away from work.

Hey Joe, check out www.ww2n.com/schq

i made a scenario that dealt with just this issue


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Had the Czechoslovakian crisis led to war there would have been a coup - or at least an attempt of one - in Germany. Most German military staff strongly objected going to war at that point, and were ready to overthrow the Nazis.

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Originally posted by SeaMonkey:

-- why wait for SC2, open up SC1 editor and have at it, reduce forces accordingly and imagine 9-1-39 is 38.

SC1 map doesn't have Czechoslovakia and it can't be edited in. Without the cessation of the Sudeten territories as per Münich pact the Germans would have had a hard time conquering the Czechs.
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About six months ago there were a pair of very good threads going at the GF, the first on whether neville Chamberlain was actually correct in his actions and the second on the likely result of a war starting during mid 1938.

I'll try finding the links.

One of them ended with me being called an elitist American racist because, with my usual diplomatic aplomb, I wrote "You're a maintenance man at the Paris Opera House, what the hell do you know about American culture?" So I got it from the French, from the Opera Lovers, from the Spaniards because the guy comes from Spain and also from the blue collar guys, which is when I became an elitist. Needless to say I haven't done much subsequent posting at the General Forum, but they were interesting threads all the same. :D

Just ran a search of the General Forum and they didn't turn up.

The debate about war instead of the Munich Pact concluded it would bog down into a World War One type affair with Russia entering afther the first winter -- presumably Germany being unable to crush Czhechoslovakia quickly and in turn being stuck in Northern France after a repeat invasion of Belgium. There were varied opinions as to whether Poland would remain neutral and whether or not the USSR would have invaded the country.

I felt that in 1938 the Soviet army would have been a lot like the Czarist forces and incapable of effective offensive actions outside of it's own country due to really primitive logistics. But the fact it would have been moving west while France was still standing would have compelled Germany to move too many units east for it to be able to succeed on either front.

Naturally, there were many other variations discussed on all of this.

Regarding Neville Chamberlain, I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt, saying first that Britain wasn't prepared to fight and also that he knew involvement in a World War would cost Britain it's Empire. About that time someone started talking about hamburgers and next thing I knew I was a Racist American Elitist Xenophobe! :D

[ July 19, 2004, 10:54 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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"I knew I was a Racist American Elitist Xonophobe!"

Oh contrare my elitist brother, the racist xonophobe does not apply.

The "American Elitist Historian" is more accurate and this is exactly the kind of thing I was refering to,.. regarding historical perspective, your in fine form, nice to have you back.

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I thank you my genuinely elite brother, honored as always and it is good to be back! smile.gif

More than anything else this sort of discussion, hypothetical wars, I've always enjoyed the most. I'm very happy the SC2 editor will be versatile enough to explore this sort of idea. ;)

[ July 20, 2004, 05:17 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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