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AI Controlled Allied Nations

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What I would really like to see is the ability to play against the Axis AI in concert with an AI controlled Russian or Western Allied player.

From a programatical point of view I would probably start with an autonomous AI controlled Russia.

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I go on an annual camping trip with my brother and a couple of friends. We sit around every night, drink beer and play Axis & Allies or one of the newer variants. This is all out in the middle of the woods. One of the biggest reasons we play this game is because we can all play our own countries, and not have to adhere to any greater scheme. Of course, this leads to many long and loud arguments, but that's half the fun.

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Seems to me that most of us hoped for the possibility to have part of one´s cobelligerents AI-controlled. It would also take human vs human games into the realm of multiplayer. Actually, I really hope that this will be implemented in a patch for it can´t be too difficult (even Clash of Steel introduced this option in a patch). I always say (for this is not the first thread about that topic ;) ) that for the Axis the same should be done with Italy/Germany. Leaving Italy AI-controlled would be fun. And playing it would actually provide some new challenge for experienced player.

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Yea I like this idea too, I could even play a game with a freind where say I took the Russians and the friend took the English in a co-op game.

While we are on the subject of nation control it would be fun to be able to set all nations to AI control and just sit back and watch the fun.

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