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Sombra vs. Jollyguy, Ladder Game AAR

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Sombra is Axis, I'm Allied.

Sombra executed an absolutely brilliant series of Poland/Benelux/France attacks, hitting Poland with measured force on turn 1 with a portion of his vaunted Wehrmacht, while operating the rest to the border of Benelux, which he hit on turn 2. Poland fell on turn 2, as did Benelux, and then he hit France. Needless to say the Frenchies were caught flat footed, as the Germans showed no mercy and kept pressing forward. In December 39 the French were saved by weather, but the Germans still kept up the pressure. France fell in March 1940, the earliest I've seen it done so far in SC 2.

Now, Sombra said he was lucky, and to some degree that's true. He got good die rolls in Poland, and good weather out West. But the fact of the matter is that he executed his attacks with flawless timing and precision, so it's hat's off to him IMO, because if he hadn't crafted and executed the strategy that he did, and then put it into motion flawlessly, he wouldn't have been able to capitalize on the favorable situation when opportunity presented itself.

That's about where we sit now, it's an early game. I hold Brest, but not for long I'm sure. With luck we'll get in a batch of turns this weekend, but not tomorrow, as I'm going to be watching some World Cup with friends at an authentic English Pub here in Seattle...assuming I can even get in the door. The news said the place was packed for the German / Costa Rica game earlier today.


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The useless French did give the german army not much of a fight. Lets see how useful french slave workers are in the mines...

I think its May and the german Afrika corps advances on Alexandria. The german commanders called it hide and seek because they are still looking for someone to fight in Africa.

Just in case we find more resistance in Africa than expected, the other germans are training for a "secret" plan called "Earl Grey".

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Yes, the Brits, after watching the fleet-of-foot Jesse Owens in the Berlin Olympics of 1936, and realizing that it's good to run fast when surrouned by Nazi, especially when they've changed from waving banners with Nazi slogans in a stadium, to waving guns, evacuated the Mid East. This means Sombra, anxious to implement his "Earl Gray" strategy must think twice, as the Brits have countered with their "Tea and Crumpets" strategy, which is what their doing, sipping tea while eating crumpets and enjoying the comforts of the Home Islands. Given how quickly the Frenchies caved in, it seemed necessary to exchange stale pita bread for crumpets, and strong Mid East coffee for smooth, hot tea.

So, the Axis must try to determine how long the Brits gave up Egypt for the overcast of England, and if the Kreigsmaring can float enough boats to do the trick, especially with a reduced six hex range.

And Sombra can verify this, his most recent e-mail said, and I quote,"

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Ah, must have hit post my mistake. Here's what Sombra's e-mail said, "I will be in Berlin over the weekend coming back on Monday. Wow these Brits can run fast..."

So, this could be the first time in SC history that an Axis player has felt compelled to actually, physically feel the need to head back to the bunker in Berlin to consult on game strategy. Personally, I believe it's going a bit far, but those are Sombra's words, and I'm sure he'll be glad to verify them.


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Not much what happend. Picked up a lonely corps outside Cairo. The poor guys went to see the pyramids without any supply and water. German troops now outside Cairo. Stalin is somehow annoyed that we will keep Egypt as a german vacation spot only.

Some airfleets beginn with the destruction of Malta.

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Yes, Egypt falls. FYI, I was able to buy back the destroyed Mid East corp for 60 mpps, was that supposed to be corrected?

And as long as we’re on Egypt, in another game my Axis opponent never left Tobruk, but I was attacking him relentlessly and eventually took the Italian city to the west after some back-and-forth around that city, but no Italian unit ever went east of Tobruk, although an Italian navy ship may have. And then lo-and-behold, one turn the Commonwealth HQ and a Commonwealth corp showed up. Was that supposed to happen? I thought the trigger was the Axis approaching Alexandria?

Anyway, in my game with Sombra the English will soon fight from the Home Islands only, as Cairo will fall next turn after the Commonwealth units are steamrolled, which is about all Winston has to report at the moment. Both the US and Russia reacted to the Axis presence in Egypt, but it wasn’t a big jump in readiness. Now that Sombra is back from the bunker in Berlin we’ll have to see what he comes up with.


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Have you been on Panzerliga and seen Sombra’s ranking? It’s not quite Trindad (me) vs Sweden (Sombra), although Trinidad played very well Saturday, but Sombra is definitely the superior player over me, as are you.

I like a challenge much more than whether I win or lose, thought, because I learn a lot more a lot faster playing better players than newbies. But anyway, I’ll give Sombra his money’s worth, even though I’m down 0-2 in the count already. And eventually my rankings will improve I’m sure, as I start to apply the learning curve to other games.

Meanwhile, you need to patch-up, so we can start our Friday tcp sessions again.


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The wheel of time turns and turns... Nothing happens .

My diplomats are asleep in Spain . Only training flights against defenseless soldiers in Malta.

Die deutsche Wochenschau calls it "german hawks hunt english rabbits"

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Yes, the Tea & Crumpets strategy is fully implemented. All English soldiers except those hapless Malta and Gibralter contingents are comfortably quartered in the Home Islands. No Luftwaffe over London, but plenty over Malta, which means my two armies and tank and all those corps that have been busily entrenching the past several turns can rest easy now, as the threat of Sombra’s Operation Earl Gray has likely passed.

Meanwhile Stalin is keeping his scientists busy by offering them extra microscopes and bunson burners and test tubes for every advance made, which to white coated scientists are attractive inducements indeed to discover things faster. Scientists love those type of toys! Meanwhile, Stalin’s recruiters are busy scouring the countryside enlisting troops to come to the aid of the Fatherland. Once formed, each unit is strongly advised to dig deep and learn how to handle those new infantry weapons and anti-tank guns, especially in those frontline cities. Being inattentive of course runs the risk of a one way visit to the skiing paradise known as Siberia.


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Yes, the brave Malta corp was killed. Malta kept imploring London to send reinforcements, but the pleas fell on deaf ears. First it was knocked down to 7, then 5, then 2, then gone, never once having seen a replacement. After all, Operation Tea & Crumpet requires a lot of tea and crumpets for all those other corps crowding the Home Islands. The Home Islands are so full with corps and armies and that African tank and air units, that its earning its name, "The Unsinkable Aircraft Carrier."

At the same time Malta was getting plastered relentlessly by Goring's flyboys, Brest was getting visited by the RN and RAF in non-stop fashion. Brest has been reduced to 0 for at least two turns. The RN only allows 7 or higher supplied ships to take target practice, eight and nine or ten of course being better, as the Admirality finally noticed good supply results in a much lesser chance of taking damage. The same for weather damage, so the RN is making a better effort at keeping its ships adequetly supplied.

Stalin's scientists keep tinkering and soldiers digging. Stalins flyboys noticed a HQ and tank near their borders, furthering emboldening their Englsh Allies, who have carefully counted how many hexes it is between Manchester and London.

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British carefuly counting hexes between London and Manchester:

One, two, three. Can you check that for me please Algernon? And then fetch a cup of tea - Earl Grey would be nice, with soem scones. We shall see if it changes at all this afternoon. Todle-pip
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Deutscher Generalstab not sure if he annoyed with the wanton destruction of french property. It seems that the royal navy is taking some hits.

Hopefully the US takes note of these atrocious war crimes against civilians by the RAF and royal navy.

Malta secured

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Well, not between London and Manchester, between London and Manchester...and Brest. Those French beaches look inviting.

More of the same as 1941 approaches. RN and RAF gaining steady experience. American Lend Lease began several turns ago and is appreciated by the Brits.

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RN decides to expand its bombardment to southern France and dispatches a fully supplied cruiser to Bordeux, where it bumps into a German cruiser in port. We suffer one hit in the surprise naval engagment, but inflict two hits, probably because my cruiser has been gaining experience against Brest. Also discover an Italian corp garrisoning the city, and the reason the Brest corp has been so stubborn...a German HQ is in the vicinity.

Sombra and I are knocking off two, sometimes even three or four turns a day, so Barbarossa should be kicking off by this weekend.


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Germany allways knew that the English hate the French but soooo much? Battelships attack again and again Brest. Scientists calaculate that latest 1942 the english fleet will have sunk itself. Meanwhile the OKW sends young soldiers to Brest to get real battlefield experience.

Our Rumanien brothers joined the cause of a free European community.

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Today we played for some hours TCP/IP and the game advanced well.

The most important milestones in the campaign right now from Axis side.


July 1941: Barbarossa starts , delayed from June due to bad weather.

German troops at this stage:

Infantry: IW3, AT1, MT2

Tanks: HT3 , MT2

Rusian infantry: IW1 (but already next turn they had IW2) , AT3

Tanks: HT2

The AT3 of the rusians were a problem because I had mainly planned to advance with tanks. Now my infantry had to take out the rusians.

August 1941: Riga, Smolensk, Odessa,Karhkow etc. taken. (Industry in the Ural rebuild)

September : Leningrad taken and german troops take positions to assault Moscow. Siberian troops transfer.

October : Various fortifications outside Moscow are assaulted and destroyed.

Bad weather strikes: German fighters are grounded . Massive transfer from rusian troops in the region from Moscow and Vroneth.

November 1941 - Feb. 1942. Winter in Rusia. Germans have developed HT4 and AT2 and use the time to upgrade their troops. Rusians develop HT3.

March: Mud and rusians are forming now one defenseline from Moscow to Vroneth.

April 1941: Sunshine for the Axis. Operation Babuschka starts. In one turn: Moscow is taken. 7-8 rusian units get destroyed in one turn alone.

Luck for the Axis . Mud next turn for Rusia. Not a single german unit gets lost.

In the next turns the german army advances on Vroneth. During the winter the rusian engineers have done a lot of digging around this position. It seemed that Jollyguy wanted to make a 2nd stand at Vroneth. Weather is very rainy in May.

June weater improves: Fortifactions hit, rusian engineer killed and some other ground troops bite the dust. The city is taken nevertheless the same turn. Jollyguy again can only retreat to save the rest of his army.

In the west:

Jollyguy started early on a bombing campaign against the mines, cities in France and Germany. not much what the Axis could besides sending some itlaian fighters to act against it. The royla navy very aggresive attack again and agin Cities ports in Kiel Kopenhagen, Bruessel.. German navy retaliates but in the end 1 german sub sunk, both battleships and da destoyer of the german navy is sunk. Still the Royal navy gets hit hart.

Jollyguy has build more airfleets and his scientists have been busy developing LR. not gentlemenliek they attack the italian HQ responsible for the defense of France.

Diplomcay is a mess for the Axis. No improvement higher the 63% is made in our relation to Spain in all the time.

US joined in May 1942.

July 1942 game saved.

Bottom line up to now: Good advance in the east still slower than the german generals predicted/wished.

Jollyguy defended every single town and even put together a considerable force around Kharkow to defend the city and the mines. Still, from the beginning the rusians were hammered hart by fast moving german soldiers. Although the axis had to spend a lot of money to reinforce its troops.

I made some mistakes regarding partisans. I think I have to look into the editor to see in which positions exactly they can appear.

[ June 17, 2006, 02:36 AM: Message edited by: Sombra ]

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July 1942

The englsih RAF seems to enjoy its bombing teror aginst civilians in Bruessel, and the industrial centers of Germany.

German troops take Rostov.

Italian troops take Syria and Iraq joins the Axis.

[ June 17, 2006, 11:23 AM: Message edited by: Sombra ]

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