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USA impact on World War II/ response to debate started on Amerika bomber post

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You've got to consider in context of who has the USA ever beaten?

A bunch of German mercenaries without their pants on in 1776, some Indians, a Mexican or 2 and some Spaniards, lots more Indians, some other Spanish descendants around the Central Americas, those over-rated Germans who are really just panzies and not worth noting plus their Nipponese friends 'cos they only had Toymotta tanks anyway, and some rag heads.

Now who has each failed to beat? Well the Germans have lost to the USA, the Sov's and the Poms.

the US couldn't manage to beat up the commie gooks in 2 attempts, and got tossed out of Somalia by a bunch of homeboys with pickups.

Pretty even I'd say.......

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Ah, we won against Vietnam...Look at them now, a trading partner! Korea, go ask my golfing buddy who won. (he was born in South Korea, enjoying freedom). Actuaully, we are just in a cease fire with North Korea now, it ain't done in the North. Hell (Heaven), we've defeated everybody on the planet, now China is going Capitalist!!! HAHAHA!!! We have converted the world to Capitalism. I remember all those debates with people as a kid, Capitalist vs Commie...WE WON!!! HAHAHA!!!

The USA will eventually ring in & lead the New World Order after some major terrorist attack happens. It's just the law of averages something bad will happen, plus the book says so. Repeat, there will be a New World Order with USA driving it home. The days of Nationalism is dead.

The USA with the small population of 300 million controls the planet thru ecomonics. Medicine, Space Travel, Transportation, Technologies, Standard of Living, Freedom, Entertainment, Sports, Religious rights, Individual rights...Dude, we got it all!!! The world is finally getting onboard.

We won & are winning. Once we get Bud & HBO into Iraq, those clowns will chill out.

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Hey JJvR, stick your head out of the sand. Capitalism was invented before USA was even discovered.

But our system of capitalism has failed because it is a "irresponsible capitalism" and permits the plundering of the planets resources, the exploitation of others all of it legally.

And ANY country can be brought down to its knees VERY easily, even USA. You just need to cut it off from the rest of the world. Hell you just need to cut off USA of all foreign oil and the country would fall into chaos.

Read your history, MUCH bigger empires have fallen, always due to greed, today's world is no different.

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@JarJar-Blashy --- Good to see you back, kid. Don't worry about the oil. We've got boatloads of it. Alaska (that was a smart buy), Gulf of Mexico, & we can always take the Middle East's oil when necessary. We'll get of fossil fuels eventually, we won't ever see it though. If the USA falls, Canada will be much worse.

You guys are getting snagged by the News Media. Think for yourself, have some Faith. Think good thoughts.

"Nations are just drops in a bucket",


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Here's OIL for you!!!...


Also the 'Tar-Sands' exist not just in Alberta, but this strip of Tar-Sand exists continuously across 3 provinces, or from the border of British Columbia to the other-side of Manitoba or, Roughly a 1000 miles long segment.

So far all that anyone ever hear's about is one tiny little pocket of Tar-Sand that is currently being developed!, heck there's hundred's or maybey even a thousand year's of oil extraction up here!.

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Tar sands are a joke.

The enviromental cost will be HUGE. We are destroying billions of tons of FRESH water to extract it. I don't call that winning combination. And we have these huge lakes of polluted sludge after the extraction process just seeping into the earth.

That is a perfect example of "irresponsible capitalism". Anything for a buck.

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

HAHAHA!!! We have converted the world to Capitalism. I remember all those debates with people as a kid, Capitalist vs Commie...WE WON!!! HAHAHA!!!

HAHAHA!!! The citizens of Russia and eastern Europe have won.

They are in a better situation now, than they were under the commies. HAHAHA!!! smile.gif:D

[ September 07, 2006, 02:01 AM: Message edited by: Ottosmops ]

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The water in the Tar Sands extraction is cleaned, recycled and used again and again,...they do not continuoulsy use fresh water!.

What residue is left and how it is taken care of is something that i am still not aware of!. If that residue came from the ground, the Tar-Sand, then i would think that any residue resulting from recycling the water would probably end up where it originally came from!.

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I've seen a documentary on those plants from shell and another big company. Impressive stuff. They've been going at it over there for like 30 years or so now. Basicly it's one big excavation pit. I just hope they clean up the mess after they are done.

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Originally posted by Retributar:

The water in the Tar Sands extraction is cleaned, recycled and used again and again,...they do not continuoulsy use fresh water!.

What residue is left and how it is taken care of is something that i am still not aware of!. If that residue came from the ground, the Tar-Sand, then i would think that any residue resulting from recycling the water would probably end up where it originally came from!.

Ahem, they do use more fresh water as some of the water they use gets evaporated. The rivers around there have been reduced by over 15 feet, just ask the aboriginals who used to live off the land.

And the by products created are toxic, they are huge lakes that are seeping in the ground and have already started to pollute nearby rivers.

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

Ah, we won against Vietnam...Look at them now, a trading partner!

Ahem - that's what they wanted - a single unified Vietnam under hte communist party able to trade with anyone....I dont' recall that being the US war aim??

Korea, go ask my golfing buddy who won. (he was born in South Korea, enjoying freedom). Actuaully, we are just in a cease fire with North Korea now, it ain't done in the North.

I didin't say they won - I said that the US (and hte UN) failed to beat them - the war ended in a stalemate - how can you claim to have won in one sentence, then admit hat hte war is only paused in another?

Hell (Heaven), we've defeated everybody on the planet, now China is going Capitalist!!! HAHAHA!!! We have converted the world to Capitalism. I remember all those debates with people as a kid, Capitalist vs Commie...WE WON!!! HAHAHA!!!

Actually the Dutch won - they invented capitalism with the VOC, and converted you - you've just been their dupes ever since!! :D

The USA will eventually ring in & lead the New World Order after some major terrorist attack happens.

I thought the US was dead scared of the "New World Order"?

Doesn't look like anything like that is gonna happen soon tho - the current version of your "New World Order" is about to disintigrate with the departure of the UK because Tony is seen as too much of George's poodle and the LAbour party wants and independant foreign policy.

But no doubt there's a "British freedom" warplan somewhere to rectify that..... :rolleyes:

It's just the law of averages something bad will happen, plus the book says so. Repeat, there will be a New World Order with USA driving it home. The days of Nationalism is dead.

Actually the death of nationalism would be good IMO - but how do you square it with the US leading the world? What is that if not natinoalism??

Once we get Bud & HBO into Iraq, those clowns will chill out.

you know the rest of the world is quite chilled without bud and HBO, and the US is the one all up tight and paranoid with it - perhaps you're on to something here - if you guys ditched those 2 bits of drivel maybe you could becoem a nice country?? ;)
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Dunno - ask JJ - he's teh one wants y'all to be the world's good ol' boys!

and if you don't want to be the world's police WTF are you doing in Iraq and trying to do in Iran??!!

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I'm just 15, i don't make the decisions on what goes on in the middle east, and i don't really care. It was just my opinion that i don't want the US to be the global police, I dont want any country to be it for that matter. You made it seem like I was someone who supported the iraq war, but I dont.

Anyways with Iran, let them have it. And clearly tell them, if you ever use your nukes, we'll turn every inch of Iran into salt.

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And you know Fk3r it is just that simple. Easy to trace back to the irresponsible party, but what if it wasn't intentional? An accident of bad accounting, poor security, or a few devious men. We visit them with the Genie?

Comes down to cost assessment. Imagine the League of Nations, or for that matter France herself, stopping the initial German incursion into the Rhineland in violation of the treaty.

You think they would have done it, if they had known the consequences? But they didn't, and we don't either. And that makes you "damned if you do and damned if you don't"

Monday morning quarterbacking with millions of lives. You see man forgets as time passes on, especially the details, they become foggy, the generation that bore those consequences slowly dies off and their voices are silenced and we are not reminded.

Tough decisions take tough men and women and actions of destruction are very distasteful, especially when applied foolishly. But who knows how it will go, the untaken path will always be subject to scrutiny, and terms like "proportionality" are rationalization when it comes to war.

Its all uncivilized, unacceptable, even in the smallest quantities. Cultures of grievances don't survive, get it done, get over it, and go on to something productive for the planet and its species.

[ September 07, 2006, 09:12 PM: Message edited by: SeaMonkey ]

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