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Elie Wiesel on Oprah - Editorial on miscellany . . .

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John: Apology gladly accepted. Although I don't know if I deserved it, last night I felt kinda horrible when I went to bed. Next time I'm sure I'll think twice before posting such an image. Still, I'm not sure whether I want to delete it or not. One should stand for one's actions and not hide them like a scaredy-cat. I can now understand why you become angry when somebody denies the holocaust. Or why anybody would become angry for the matter. But to be honest, this was the first time I even heard of such a stupid idea, and I couldn't even take it seriously. Anyways, I'm glad we came to some kind of mutual understanding here.

Rambo. Appreciated. That's the most beautiful thing anyone could've ever given me.

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Pls help me here:

One murder and you must (in most countries) have a body and a murder weapon as evidence, to send someone to jail or worse.

6 millions get murdered and not one weapon or body as evidence?

Hmm, strange …

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By d way:

March 24, 1933, jewish newspaper Daily Express -- 14,000,000 jews worldwide

World Almanac, 1938, pg. 510 -- world jewish population = 15,748,091, with 240,000 in Germany

World Almanac, 1949, pg. 289: World Jewish Population -- 15,713,638

World Almanac, US News & World Report, 1983 population of jews -- 16,820,850

Maybe Mr Hitler gassed jews from Mars or maybe he didn’t gas anyone …

Hmmm … Let see, what can be right? :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Chris G:

Pls help me here:

One murder and you must (in most countries) have a body and a murder weapon as evidence, to send someone to jail or worse.

6 millions get murdered and not one weapon or body as evidence?

Hmm, strange …

The myth, the man they called "Hitler" also "died". I guess he never existed.

[ May 28, 2006, 06:09 AM: Message edited by: Kuniworth ]

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Originally posted by Chris G:

By d way:

March 24, 1933, jewish newspaper Daily Express -- 14,000,000 jews worldwide

World Almanac, 1938, pg. 510 -- world jewish population = 15,748,091, with 240,000 in Germany

World Almanac, 1949, pg. 289: World Jewish Population -- 15,713,638

World Almanac, US News & World Report, 1983 population of jews -- 16,820,850

Maybe Mr Hitler gassed jews from Mars or maybe he didn’t gas anyone …

Hmmm … Let see, what can be right? :rolleyes:

You know this is wrong. Poland's jew population went from +3 million to about 10,000 today. Just go there and track down what happened to all the jewish families instaed of quoting garbage. A real revisionist like Irving at east got some dull arguments instead of your bull****.
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With the lack of evicence bit you've convinced me that you're just a troll .

There's tons of evidence that it happened and still a lot of people alive who either lived through it or witnessed it.

I had a little tolerance for you when I thought you were anti-Semitic neo-nazi. A stage I went through briefly when I was thirteen and very confused and bitter about something. But you aren't, you're only a troll amusing yourself by being ridiculous and offensive to see how people react.

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(Continued from above post)


Glad we've got that behind us. smile.gif

Basically I agree with what you're saying about letting posts stand and also try to not go back and alter them. But, if you're uncomfortable with that picture now there's no reason to not either delete it, or change it to a URL link. The reason I say that is because it will prevent others from seeing it for the first time, jumping to a conclusion and posting about it without bothering to read the posts that came afterwards.

Brother Rambo,

I'm convinced that Janbo hadn't intended it as poking fun at the mentally or physically disabled. We all have times where we put up the wrong image and I think that's all this was.

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That's exactly the dilemma I am facing here. smile.gif I guess the best option was, once again, a compromise. This time meaning that I left the picture where it was, but changed the text under the image. Hopefully this helps my conscience and maybe some others too.

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Good move. I think it will help but have to advise that there will probably be at least one person who reacts to it down the road. If so, you can always ask why they didn't read the posts that came afterwards -- which should stop it dead in its tracks.

No need for a guilty conscience on this, we've all done something similar at one time or another. As a ten year old I got angry at a mildly retarded playmate and, in an argument I called him a "Stupid moron." I still regret it. An hour later he ran up to me and we were wrestling happily the way we nearly always did. Hopefully he forgot about it right away. But on my part, 46 years have passed and I still remember how much my remark hurt him. So, I guess feeling guilty about these things serves a purpose but is a mixed blessing, or curse. Those with no conscience at all are probably much happier than those possessing one.

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