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oficially golden yet?

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"I'm a yankee doodle Dandee"((I DID NOT DOODLE ON MY DANDEE!))

"God save the queen

The fascist regime

They made you a moron

Potential H-bomb

God save the queen

She ain't no human being

There is no future

In England's dreaming" Curtseys of some 200 year old dead guy and Johnny Rotten LET'S ROCK and not be so serious M8s

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

@Liam --- Dude, the reason WW-2 is so popular & the games revolving around it...many are Bunta Lovers.

You're an odd dude Rambo smile.gif

The reasons why WW2 has appeal, is it took several years, it involved the entire globe, it involved many many nations, there were plenty of cases where the outcome wasn't certain, it occurred during a time of great innovation at the technological level and that is simply what makes for great simulation potential.

Contrast that with simulating Gulf War 1, and you can see, that while WW2 was interesting, some events (GW1) are merely losers getting their butt handed to them on a platter.

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Gotta hand it to ya, Idaho Ivanho,

You are mostly... fearless.

Good to witness, you see, and alas,

Ain't much of that left anywhere, anymore.


RE: recent comments about Bill

being the "lead tester" are WRONG.

I can say this, as Les the Sarge, 4-1,

Has also just recently said:

Bill is an X-tremely cool SC Cat

And is one of the most decent

And fair, and open-minded persons

I've known.

IF there are to be ANY

Future remonstrations,

Or consternations,

Or conniptions leading to frothing fit,

Or enfant terrible complaints

About the Beta Testers,


We are ALL in it together. :cool:

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Dave Bill is a pretty okay dude, I played him in Axis and Allies back 4 years ago or so, maybe 5 years ago. He whooped my ass of course he wouldn't beat me now ;) Neither in IP SC or A&A

Unluckily you don't see him much in IP games.

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You guys(DAve, Jon J, Bill, Bob, Ted, or whatevcr) are just some side kicks.

Kafka's K.

LOL, ah, sure, you have meandered onto

A small truth, at last!

Happened like so... out here near Desert City

Out near the Watermellon Mountains,

You know,

That grand, outstanding PIC I showed you

Some whiles back?

Out on the periphery,

Where no dignified, solid & upstanding

Hide-behind curtains kind of citizen

Would EVER go,

There's a place where the REAL gang

Bangers hang out,

A sort of "hole in the wall"

For all the outlaws and renegades

And bikers and their big rolling

Shoulder molls, yes, you dig it?

Big boulders surround this hollowed out

Pit, that has a built in spit,

Where you can roast whole cows

Or Rattlesnake pieces & bits,


One day-into-night, long ago

It was, I'd been

Out at a happening there,

And, yep, as you might guess,

Plenty of booze and smack and crank

And greenies and black beauties

And the like kind of swell,

Send-you-to-Hell... apertifs.

Some cocky womens roamin' 'round



Half-mad from all them


Machismo Angels & Bandidos

And the like sort of Bad Moon

Risin' over Watermellon Mountain

Kind of Cats.

Ho hum, so we go,

I musta passed out from the foul fumes

Eminatin' outta some Harley Hog

Crank-case, parked nearby,


Next thing I know,

This lathered, dirty-boot and leathered Dude


With greasy hair hanging all over himself,

Rumble-stumbled on over and


In the side!

Hey - Little Lord Fauntelroys,

What's up with THAT cowardly crap!

I (... sub-consciously) wondered aloud.

Musta took exception to one a' my

Truly awful poems I'd done recited

'Round the roaring camp-fire?

Ummm, I think it was the one

What goes:


Mary had a little Lamb

Fleece quite white as new spilled snow,

And everywhere that Mary went

Sycophant the Lamb was SURE to follow

And! Swallow all the Earth

They'd only just traversed!


Something akin as that, anyhow.


My brother, who is 6'4" and 250 pounds

With NO fat anywhere to be found,

Noticed what this cheap-jack Punk

Had done and 'e calmly strolled on over

Whistling a little rock-roll tune,

Ah, I seem to recall it was them

Stones - "No sympathy for the Devil,"

And he very calmly reached down

And picked up this cowardly Cat,

Oh, no gen-u-ine biker a'tall,

LOLOL, not a chance, Mojos,

Yep, a slab of arm in one hand

And a bunch of leg in t'other,


He just

Threw him!

Way - WAY UP! in this nearby

REALLY tall ol' tree.


The kick-'em-when down Dude

Just hung there awhile,


Would NOT come down, nope,

He KNEW what else neo-nasty awaited,

And it warn't anything he'd like to

Have occur to him

All over and once again.

Long story shortened,

My brother carried me home

As I was still unconscious

And 'E wrapped some packing tape

And bailing wire

I think it was,

All around & around

And so, my ribs healed up jes fine.

Next morning once I'd awoke

And sucked down a "pick-me-up,"

A manna of 7th heaven medicine,

I kicked me ol' Indian into gear

And slowly rode on out to that

Secret, safe from upstanding jamokes

Kind of outlaw spot,

And sure enuff, LOLOL :D

The cowardly pseudo Dude


Greasy hair & assorted limbs

Hangin' akimbo and all forlorn.

He was takin' NO CHANCES, my friends.


I ain't no kind of Cat who will

Kick enny one, no, nix, not even

Some mewling puling punk

When he is DOWN,


I clambered aboard that beat

And battered ol' Indian moto cycle

And rode the 40 miles or so

Back to Desert City town.

Called up #9 Fire Department

And tole 'em:

"Hey you Fire extinguishing mokes,

Better hitch yer little red wagon

And get on out to 'at infamous Outlaw Spot

And put up yer most-tallest ladder


Save some ol' kick-'em-when-down PUNK

From, finally, turning into

Blanched white skeleton bones

Up 'er in 'at dead-wood tree

They got a' growin' out 'er."

And so,

It's what they up and did.

To this day,

My brother... he's got my back.

To this day,

Me, yea verily, I stand on it,

My word,

How I work and play, ah,

You know

The honor of gettin'

Through these crude

And INCREASING dumb-ass wiles & ways

Of all 'em crooks & thiefs & liars

And chicken-hawks and what not

We got hanging in cherry trees

Out in Washington D.C.

Yep, by now,

You figured it alright,



I got his. :cool:


Forgot to add in... enny you nuts & bolts folk

Ain't cotton to this kinda off-topic

Akimbo majimbo, well, do me this:

Don't... read... it.

We all be hep-cats hip and onna rip-rap and happy trip, then, eh? ;)

[ March 25, 2006, 08:49 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

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So your brother will throw anyone up a tree that dont agree with your playtesting results?


Kafka's K!

There are ever more and more and more

Nameless, faceless judges

Out there.


EVERY where, LOLOL, ah, screw 'em.


What I wuz a'essayin' is this:


And to answer yer specific

Scando-Mondo query,

I was indeed... a side-kicked.


And ever since Summer of 1968,

Whence... The State

PROVED what banality it will resort to,

I'm not. :cool:

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Originally posted by Desert Dave:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> So your brother will throw anyone up a tree that dont agree with your playtesting results?


Kafka's K!

There are ever more and more and more

Nameless, faceless judges

Out there.


EVERY where, LOLOL, ah, screw 'em.


What I wuz a'essayin' is this:


And to answer yer specific

Scando-Mondo query,

I was indeed... a side-kicked.


And ever since Summer of 1968,

Whence... The State

PROVED what banality it will resort to,

I'm not. :cool: </font>

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This strategy of hiding the side-kick fact by doing a grammar number and talk about side-kicked would no doubt have confused me way back in 2002-03 but now I'm stronger and more clever.


How in tarnation!

Could you know?

It was really the other way 'round

In that true-told sentiment story

Just above?

It was the Lesser,

The Fool,

The Idiot,

The Freak,

The very, very Least, oh,

The cool, cool existential boundary tester,

Who was a'lyin' there on the ground?

Ah, Jimeny Cricket, thanks be!

For ALL the Truth Seekers

We got left.

Not too many, alas.


And I am as SURE of this as I am

The FACT that:

Just outside my window,

There's a TREE that will not die!

I keep on attending to it,

Layin' on the hoo-doo hands,

Prayin' harmonies for its very survival,

What with all the chemical slop

They keep on a' throwin' down,


I am absolutely, utterly SURE we got

Some who cannot be fooled

Enny longer, ayup, it's gonna be!

Enough. :cool:

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Please go to the following link if you want to find out the truth.

< Identity Revealed >

I posted the explanation in Buntaland because there's no reason to discuss it here. Your source is partically correct, the person in question is the brother of someone at this site, but it isn't who you've been told.

As for putting it at Buntaland, it isn't that I'm ashamed of Oxnard, far from it, but it seemed best to discuss the situation elsewhere.

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