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I recently downloaded the demo and have been playing and familiarizing myself with the game and I like what I see. I’m an old Third Reich player and I occasionally play the old DOS based Clash of Steel but SC2 is light years ahead of COS. Anyway I have to ask why squares instead of hexes? Maybe I’m just biased because of my Avalon Hill background but I prefer hexes.

I still need to get used to how things operate game wise and a few things bug me about the interface but I look forward to enjoying all that is offered both from the game and from the folks here.


The manual on page 65 says: “Note that operational movement of a unit results in a 25-40% loss of morale.”

Does anyone know why?


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Chesster the squares vs hexes as been brought up many times.You will hear all the pros and cons.By the way im also a third reich player from the old days.Welcome to the group.You are going to meet some VERY interesting people.When you get better at the game we can P.B.E.M.Did you ever play third reich P.B.E.M.?

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