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To Normal Dude the sea war

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I apoligized for my comments Normal Dude on my post today. With that said I have an AI question for you. At the moment the game is at least 80% land warfare this will change if the modders do the Pacific theater. I am not a naval player but sometime it has to be used [the navy] for invasions and such. Because carriers and battleships cost more than five times a corp more care should be taken of them in the game. I would like to know if this is possible 1-have the naval fleets attack the transport ships and destroy the military units before they land not attack other naval ships that are nearby.[critical when axis attack the US.] 2-Why can't the computer [AI] caculate naval attack this way. When the AI goes to attack an enemy fleet say 6 hex'es away it caculates the other enemy fleets in range and their power of retalition against the AI, if the loss of the AI,s fleet is much greater than the enemy fleet don't let the AI do it. 3-Carriers are way to weak in this game, make an attacking unit pay dearly for attacking a carrier group, also carrier planes pack very little punch for the risk at stake.

If this is in a wrong forum please let me know, and if my suggestions are off the wall please tell me.


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Good questions.

1. Currently there are no naval scripts for modders to use and HC alluded to the fact that these will be coming in a forthcoming update.

2. Naval attack decisions are dependent upon the game's in-game AI and my guess is that HC is working on refining this.

That said, I agree with you. In testing one of my mods last night the Allied AI sent ships to my German fleet off the coast of Portugal one-by-one and they were sunk one-by-one. The AI also sent ships within range of 3 air units next to Brussels to attack a sub, they were destroyed by my continous air attacks.

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