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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

I'd like to have the ability to attached my own programmable stubs into SC-2 to manage the A.I. I was thinking along the lines of using TCL language, with runtime enviornmental variables. A matrix memory should allow for this. I have a couple of ASIC chips to do the dirty work, but will need some DRAM to make it portable.

What the heck is this, a priest talkin this crap? WATCH YER LANGUAGE PRIEST!!! i think u need some soap in yer dirty mouth.
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For those with questions realted to AI scripting, this thread may provide some answers.

Any chance for a Player_Flag Trigger?

A Player_Flag trigger where 0 = checked in all games, 1 = games vs. Allied AI, 2 = games vs. Axis AI. The default would be 0 and the script would be checked in all games. The player would not have to manually switch the scripts on or off. You could even have them linked to an AI level.

Example Effect;

Expert - 5% Vichy joins Axis when France surrenders and AI is Axis (Player Flag = 2)

Expert - 0% Vichy joins Axis when France surrenders and AI is Allied. (Player Flag = 2)

Expert - 0% Vichy Joins Axis when France surrenders and game is HvH.

#NAME= Vichy Joins Axis

#POPUP= Vichy France joins the Axis Alliance

#FLAG=1 (default event)

#PLAYER_FLAG=2 (triggered only when playing Axis AI)

#TYPE=0 (single check if trigger is statisfied)

#Country_ID= 44 (Vichy France)

#TRIGGER=5 (5% event will occur, 1 in 20 games on average)

#LEVEL=4 (Can only trigger at Expert Level and above)

#VARIABLE_CONDITION= 2[2][0][1] (occurs if France has surrendered to Axis)

[ April 07, 2006, 08:33 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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I'd like to suggest that when the game is finally shipped, that the SC2 boards have several different forums. IE - Technical Issues, General SC2 Gameplay, Editor Scripting, and Editor Mods.

Oh...and while my vote carries no weight, I think Edwin would make a great guest Moderator of the Scripting forum! (Moon, can ya second that?) I really appreciate your thoughts/ideas Edwin. Very creative - almost makes me want to dive in to explore the Editor myself.

With community scripting comments and suggestions, I really can see this game becoming a classic for the ages! I also can see HC and BF continuing to make money from the game for years to come by releasing $5 "Officially Tested and Approved" scenario digital downloads.

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