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Some questions about mechanics

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Hi there,

my manual is not very informative about some mechanics, but perhaps does someone know.

1)What exactly does the silent-mode for submarines do?

2)Exactly HOW are the combat values working? Lets pretend the attacker has a soft attack value of 1 and a soft defence value of 2. The defender has a attack value of 3 and a defence of 4. What will happen?

Furthermore, what's the meaning of experience, readyness and moral? If I'm ready with 50% do I get only 50% of the combat value? I can read in the manual how the values are created, but not what they actually do in the game.

3)I dont believe my manual in some aspects. So it says that the antiaircraft-tech does only improve bomber defence but ignores the abilty to defend fighter attacks. / The second thing is regarding the tanks. The Tank-Tech raises only the Soft Attack and Soft Defence, but leaving the Tank Attack and Tank Defence as it is. That would mean, that a L5-Tank, which attacks a L1-Tank, has the same result as if the attacker would be a L1-tank. Is it true?

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1. Nothing at all. It is SUPPOSED to make submarines go silent, so they're not attacked, but it doesn't work.

2. The attack and defence values are only a very small part of the equation to calculate damage...

At the start of the turn, two things are calculated for each unit : morale and readiness.

Morale is based on the strength of the unit, the old morale and the supply. The exact formula is on page 32. Basically the Strength of a unit is the most important factor of the three (that's why you should never let your units go below -say- 7 strength).

Readiness is based on morale, strength, command rating and Combat morale. The biggest factor here is the HQ... Both the command rating is important as the experience of the HQ (that's why you should be careful where your HQ go).

The exact formula is on page 33.

Okay, so now you got Readiness.

Then you attack...

To calculate how much damage the attacker will do, both unit's readiness are VERY omportant. It acts as a multiplier : an attacker with readiness 10 will do 2 times more damage as one with readiness 5 (and will receive 2 times less damage)

Other factors are of course the unit types, the experience, entrenchement and terrain.

The exact formula is on page 35, this is the one that atually tells you what the units do as damage when attacking...

3a. For the anti-bomber tech, I think that's correct : it only defends the CITY against bombers not the UNIT against fighters.

3b This is not correct : Tank tech also raises tank attack and tank defence.

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I did not know that silent mode doesn´t work at all ... is that really true?

Anyway, I´m one of those players who does not even WANT to know the *exact* inner workings of the mechanics. I like to get a "feel" for what is important and when by experience, but otherwise things should stay a bit "fuzzy". Real life and real combat is fuzzy, too, and not nicely calculated through equations. ;)

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Thanks for your answers. The formulars are really in the manual (page 21, german manual) and I simply did not find them.

Is it right, that you can mathematically determine your loss? In that formular I did not found a reference to a random number.

About the subs that is very annoying. I would love to be silent till that nice aircraftcarrier is coming and then sinking it on the ground... It's a pity...

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Your subs, while in silent mode, don't lose supply points while at sea and far from ports. So, keeping them in silent mode while travelling keeps their readiness higher.

For my part, I always keep them in silent mode except when they are in perfect position for intercepting convoys and I want them to do so.

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Originally posted by dispalor:

Is it right, that you can mathematically determine your loss?

You don't have to. In the upper middle part of the screen, when one of your unit is selected and pointing a target, it shows you in advance what are the most likely losses suffered both by the attacker and defender. It makes you choose wisely your targets. It sometimes even remind you the possibilities of aircraft interception
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