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Hello,I'm New to posting on this forum, but i have been watching it for the past weeks, and I have seen much on the next Strategic Command. It's starting to all come together, and i think it will turn out to be great. I havent been here long enough to see all the posts, so i was wondering if anyone knew if these were going to be features in game....

1. Being able to reinforce using other units of the same type. Such as if you have two tank divisions near one another, but you do not have enough MPP to reinforce them. Could you just combine the two unit stacks to make one with their total power added?

2. Say that when you are Attacking or being attacked by an Air unit, and your opponet or yourself have an air unit in the area, can you chose to intercept? I noticed in the last SC that you really didnt have this choice to choose to intercept, or which unit you wanted to intercept with.

3. Is there going to be an option, to when you are the allies or axis, to instead play as the whole entire power, to instead play as one country.

Thank you

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Hello,I'm New to posting on this forum...
Welcome, CS, I suspect you'll discover that the folks on this board are as knowledgable about military matters in general, and WW-2 in specific, as you'll find anywhere, anytime... least, that's what I've discovered. :cool:

1) Each unit is autonomous, standing alone, so, NO, you cannot combine units.

Though, you COULD disband units elsewhere and use those MPP's to beef up your depleted unit. Except Navy, which you are no longer allowed to disband, at all.

2) Each nation's Air Fleet can be set in the following manner:

a) AUTO (... will perform first available task)



d) GROUND (... will do nothing that turn, or until turned loose)

3) Originally planned, and under active consideration, but not yet implemented... so, we'll see, I guess. ;)

4) You didn't ask about this next "cool feature," but I'll rap on it a bit, just the same.

I don't think former SC-1 gamers are fully aware of just how different "weather effects" will make the new! game.

For instance: you have mauled poor old Poland and her tradition-proud horse-soldiers.

Now, as though the Gods were miffed with yer awesome clanking machineries, MUD has arrived in October. :eek:

And so, you aren't going very far, very fast.

New solution?

For instances such as this, you may well decide to invest in "infrastructure" research... so that you might move units around the game board/screen a bit faster, and, at lower cost. smile.gif

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Can't disband Navy units. That will certainly help the Axis and make the French defense more predicatable - ie no more scrapping ships to purchase a HQ, an armor unit or more corps.

Infrastructure research and weather. Most interesting.

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I honestly expected those answers, I just needed to make sure. Another cool set of features I just thought of...

1. Will you Get a bonus to research if your opponet is farther advanced. If The Germans beef up their Panzers, such as reinforcing them with new metals and new guns, would the Allies see this advancement and help with with research?

2. Will there be different Depths of water in the ocean, and Sea weather effects?

3. Can you Presuade Countries to Join your power? Such as When the Germans tried to get the Mexico to have War with the USA

4. Besides dealing with War, as a leader will you have to deal with economics, and will effects such as "the great depression" be able and have an effect on your war?

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Originally posted by Edwin P.:


Can't disband Navy units. That will certainly help the Axis and make the French defense more predicatable - ie no more scrapping ships to purchase a HQ, an armor unit or more corps.

Maybe this isn't good. Predictable moves are boring. ;)
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Originally posted by CyberStalin:

I honestly expected those answers, I just needed to make sure. Another cool set of features I just thought of...

1. Will you Get a bonus to research if your opponet is farther advanced. If The Germans beef up their Panzers, such as reinforcing them with new metals and new guns, would the Allies see this advancement and help with with research?

2. Will there be different Depths of water in the ocean, and Sea weather effects?

3. Can you Presuade Countries to Join your power? Such as When the Germans tried to get the Mexico to have War with the USA

4. Besides dealing with War, as a leader will you have to deal with economics, and will effects such as "the great depression" be able and have an effect on your war?

Most answers to your questions and much more you can find in this forum. Here are some answers:

1.Allies will see this advancement but I don’t know about help. Actually. why they should get help? I can’t see logic in that.

2.No, as I know.


4.No. Hubert want to keep Economic system simple and I agree.

This is what I know. Maybe I am wrong.

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As originally posted by Edwin P:

Can't disband Navy units. That will certainly help the Axis and make the French defense more predicatable - ie no more scrapping ships to purchase a HQ, an armor unit or more corps.

Not necessarily.

You have enough time to purchase an HQ unit,

The low-rated ones don't cost as much.

You have a half-strength Armor unit on board,

To build up or melt down, as you choose.

In the last game I played,

I bought 3 Corps, and they all arrived

In time to help defend Paris.

If you want to disband something, to gain another something at X-treme cost in the trade-off, there's always the Air Fleet, though, I have found it to be a fairly effective unit.

Bath-tub Navies?

Did anyone voluntarily scrap/disband one of their OWN major Capital Ships during WW-2? I mean, one already afloat?

No doubt some naval vessels were captured and converted.

The defense of France is hardly predictable, although, it's true, they ain't got many big guns to bravely wave around. ;)

This is what I know. Maybe I am wrong.
A little, not a lot.

Just like the rest of us, vveedd, most of the time.

Here, and... everywhere. smile.gif

1) If you are behind in a research category you do have a "catch-up" bonus.

UNLESS your opponent has invested, and succeeded in "counter-intelligence," IE, agents and spies and various security measures and the like.

Then, no help.

2) There is the possibility of "storms" in any given sea area. Some more dangerous than others, and depending on the season.

Your ship is liable to random damage during storms (... unless you are in port or near land).

Which is to be expected, and happened frequently during the war.

So, you may want to try and time your ASW sorties so to keep the wear & tear to masts & spar and parts of superstructure to a minimun. ;)

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Disbanding units should be gotten rid of just for the reasons you pointed out Desert Dave. Very gamey, imho.

But on the counterintel preventing help on tech advances. Shouldn't it depend on the tech? I mean, if you capture a T-34, pretty easy to reverse engineer it.

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But on the counterintel preventing help on tech advances. Shouldn't it depend on the tech? I mean, if you capture a T-34, pretty easy to reverse engineer it.

Valid point, Lars,

And you can make a strong argument, no doubt.

But I would argue it this way:

How many times did any Nation capture a piece of equipment as large as a tank,

And then... make a carbon copy?

Once the GErmans were startled by the appearance of the T-34, they didn't make another T-34 in response.

They made (... or were making) Panther, Tiger and King Tiger.

For the simple reason that assembly lines and detailed machineries take some good while to set up.

Not to mention... pride.

Each group of scientists/engineers/politicians would no doubt believe they could IMPROVE on any existing item.

I really can't think of an instance where any one Nation... within a small time frame like our 6 years of WW-2, deliberately copied, nut for bolt, another Nation's captured equipment.


Yep, there was an arms race there, surely.

But, EACH jet finally turned out quite different, yes? smile.gif

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Originally posted by Desert Dave:

How many times did any Nation capture a piece of equipment as large as a tank,

And then... make a carbon copy?

Ever see a Russian TU-4? :D


I believe the Panther was pretty heavily influenced by the T-34 design. Clued the Germans in on what could be done with sloped armor. But your right on other aspects, it does take awhile to retool. However, captured equipment was heavily studied to learn it's flaws too. So in game terms, you may not want to eliminate some chance of a tech upgrade help just to reflect that.

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Disbanding units should be gotten rid of just for the reasons you pointed out Desert Dave. Very gamey, imho.

You can actually get rid of ALL disbanding if that is how you'd like to play it. smile.gif

In the Editor, under "advanced settings" you can UN-CHECK "disbanding."

Then, in any game you play using your uniquely designed scenario (... obviously, for head to head play, as agreed upon with opponent) you will NOT be able to disband Land, Air or Sea units.

Same is true for many other features, such as "rail-heads" or "re-basing."

You may NOT want an Air Fleet to be able to move AND conduct air Ops on the same turn, albeit, at a lesser state of readiness.

Amazing, but true... in regard to many of these cool features... you choose. :cool:

Again, Lars:

So in game terms, you may not want to eliminate some chance of a tech upgrade help just to reflect that.

Noted. You make good sense here.

A couple of stray comments:

1) Surely the Desert Rats captured an AA used as A/T 88 by early 1942. Did they ever manage to re-create anything remotely as deadly?

2) How long did it take Russia to reverse-engineer one of Doolittle's B-25's that had to land in Vladivostok after bombing Tokyo in late February 1942?

In general, we don't want to have a complementary feature that takes up TOO MUCH time, or makes things TOO complex.

The idea is to have a default game that re-presents MOST of the important aspects of WW-2 GS game play, without making it over-burdened.

In truth, with this new "counter-intel" we are really only talking about a few percentage points of difference in the random chance of research achievement.

If the amazed farmer in the field sees the strange new plane jetting across the sky, and cranks the phone to call Scotland Yard, well, the British War Planners will surely want to invest in more research into "aircraft technology."

Regardless of specific knowledge.

Spies and agents and maybe even James Bond himself... are part of the "flavor" of the game, and not THE deciding factor. ;)

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Is Counter-Intel a new tech or just another use of the Intelligence tech?

If Counter-Intel is a new tech I assume that it will as stated reduce the tech catch-up bonus and reduce the effects of your enemy's intel tech. Will it also reduce the chance for partisans?

I also assume that the Intel Tech will counter any Counter-Intel Tech. Does the Intel Tech, if it is a seperate tech, give a bonus to the Research Catchup Bonus?


I would like it if I could purchase Partisan Activation in a conquered country for a hefty price - 600 MPP if small (Switzerland) and 900 MPP if large (Spain). Intel tech would reduce the cost of partisan activation (-5% per tech level) and Counter-Intel would increase the cost of partisan activation (+10% per tech level). This would make the appearance of partisans less predicatable.

[ July 14, 2005, 11:51 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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1) Surely the Desert Rats captured an AA used as A/T 88 by early 1942. Did they ever manage to re-create anything remotely as deadly?
17 pdr. Design started in 1940, entered service in 42. Not really based on the 88 though. Just a good high velocity gun.

2) How long did it take Russia to reverse-engineer one of Doolittle's B-25's that had to land in Vladivostok after bombing Tokyo in late February 1942?
Didn't need to. We were giving them away on Lend Lease. Note that the B-29 was reverse-engineered and built in 2 years though.

Just didn't want to see any chance of help in a tech increase being ruled out. I agree we're just arguing over the percentage, with 0% not a good historical option. All rather moot if a player never invests in that tech though.

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Lars ...yes the Germans had their 'Best-Tanks' after they copied the Russians.

Really...the Russians had the best tanks in the war...other than they didnt have radio communication between all tanks in the group!...as the Germans did!.

The Russian tanks were more crudely made to/for mass production methods...and the German tanks were more precisely made with more technological improvements...

The "Panther" is a classic example as you have already explained! (also King Tiger, Etc)....and yes...also the Russians did copy ...nut and bolt on the B-29 superfortress to make a copy of it for their Atomic weapon high altitude air-fleet!.

Reasonable quality weapons with mass-production is/seems to be the winning combination...and the Russians figured that out!.

The Germans on the other hand had too many fingers in too many pies to make any effectual difference in any department!...why???.

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The Germans on the other hand had too many fingers in too many pies to make any effectual difference in any department!...why???.
German economy was never geared for a total war. That was one of the central features of a "blitzkrieg" war, the fact that it was suppossed to be short. So initially, it was make do with what you have, since the war would be over in a short time.

Another reason, was the political structure of the Nazi government. It was run more like a feudal kingdom, than a modern government. You had Hitler at the top, and below him competing power brokers who ran various government departments. End result were projects that got funded not because they were the best, but they were championed by a political heavy, or they got lucky (right person at the right time).

Lastly, add to it Hitlers "distrust" of the professional military (one reason the Waffen SS was created in the first place), you ended up with amatuers making decisions regarding procurement and development.

Its one of the reasons, that any military professional who had Hitlers trust, was able to make so many "improvements" when placed in charge of certain projects. He could always play the "Hitler Card" and get what he needed.

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As originally posted by Edwin P:

Is Counter-Intel a new tech or just another use of the Intelligence tech?

Just one aspect... among several.

Hubert is yet mulling over what else "intel" might accomplish, or, deny. Could be he's already decided, but, it's not yet known.

Perhaps a glimpse of wily Foe's Diplomatic action of late? His latest research venture?

And, your idea of Intel having some effect on partisans is a good one. smile.gif

Makes Sense...of Non-Sense...or No-Sense!. Appreciate the reply on my emotional outburst!.

Well, Retributar, it is far, far better, IMHO, to be an emotional kind of Dance Cat, than

A... stick in the mud.

Although, if the sign at the top of that stick

Stuck there in the mud

Indicates which direction to go

So to finally find,

Valhalla, or Shangri La, or Nirvana,


In that case you'd be revered by billions,

And have rare, just-cut flower petals

Thrown down wherever you might tread. :cool:

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Desert Dave Thanks for the information.

Its going to be interesting to see how HC handles intelligence, not so weak that players ignore it and not so overwelmingly powerful that it becomes a mandatory tech to invest in.

The intel tech is also a tech where the catch-up bonus should not apply, in my opinion. Why? I would like to give the AI a bonus in Intel without having the human player receive a bonus to their research in this area.


AI Beginner: Intel Tech Level 0 for AI

AI Intermediate: Intel Tech Level 2 for AI

AI Expert: Intel Tech Level 4 for AI


For the AI levels I would like to see 5 variables;

1. Difficulty (Green to Expert)

2. Computer Experience Bonus (+0 to +2)

3. Computer Intelligence Tech Bonus (0 to 4)

4. Computer Diplomacy Bonus (0 to 4 chits)

The computer diplomacy bonus would give the AI player (either Germany or the UK) a bonus number of Diplomacy chits at the start of the game.

Green through Beginner = 0 Bonus Chits

Intermediate = 2 Bonus Diplomacy Chits

Expert = 4 Bonus Diplomacy Chits

5. Alternate History (0 to 1)

Alternate history is where the AI would receive zero to one randomly selected bonus, and the human player will not know which one until he sees a popup Screen at the start of the game that recounts the history of Europe since WWI.

In my view, such a feature would add much replayability to the game.

Random Alternate History Options for the Allied AI:

01. Republicans defeated the Nationalists in the Spanish Civil War. [spain Allied with USSR]

Popup: With the defeat of the Aixs supported nationalists by the Republicans and their communist allies the Government of Spain lead by Diego Martínez Barrio has allied itself with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
As a consequence of the above event Spain begins the game allied to the USSR. Now the human player taking on Russia, must also be prepared to deal with an hostile Spain. Futhermore, attacking Spain early in the war automatically brings Russia into the war.

02. Stalin was assassinated before the military purges occured. [Russia starts game with 2 HQ units of Generals that were executed by Stalin, these generals are not available in the normal game]

Popup: With the death of Stalin in 1928, Leon Trotsky assumed control of the Communist Party in Russia.
As a conseqence of this event Russia begins the game with 2 bonus HQ units:

Mikhail Nikolayevich Tukhachevsky - Rating 7

Iona Emmanuilovich Yakir - Rating 6

03. Japan joins the Allies. [Russia receives Siberian troops early]

Popup: The empire of Japan has rejected entreaties by the German Foreign minister to join the Axis Alliance.
04. Norway decides to join allied alliance. [Norway joins Allies]

05. France Extended Maginot Line to the Ocean. [France starts war with fortifications in all tiles along the Belgium border.

Popup: In 1935 the French government approved additional expenditures of 3 billion francs to extend the Maginot line through the Ardennes Forest to the English Channel along the border with Belgium. This construction was completed in 1938.
This event present the Human Player with the problem of how defeat France when it is protected by a much strengthened line of fortifications.

Random Alternate History Options for the Axis AI:

01. Spain Joins Axis.

02. Turkey Joins Axis.

03. Germany mobilizes for Total War. [Germany starts game with Industrial Tech Level 2].

04. Germany launched secret campaign to build U-boats. [Germany starts game with 3-6 Sub Fleets in the Atlantic]

05. Japan Invades Russia in 1942. [No Siberian Transfer]

06. German Military Coup. [Germany receives bonus Tech Chits.]

Popup: In 1939 following the radio announcement of the French and British declaration of war on Germany the German military seized control of the German Government in a military coup.
The effect of this event is to give Germany 3 bonus chits in industrial tech and 3 additional bonus research chits to reflect the mobilization of the German economy for war.

[ July 16, 2005, 04:47 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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