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Hello, great game. I have a question about movement and supply. It seems that many times a unit cannot move at all. A prime example is the Finnish army by Lenningrad. It seems wrong that a unit in it's home country and with HQ support cannot move! I think that all units should be able to move at least 1 square! Has this been considered?

One other question concerning squares. Hexes seem much better, I was curious why squares are used. units can move/attack much further horizontally and vertically than diagonally. Is it possible to overlay a hex grid on user made scenarios?


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Concerning movement: if the weather is sh!t and/or the units morale and supply is very low (i.e. no HQ support), it might occur that it cannot move.. understand it as "we feel so sh!t, we don`t wanna move, General!"

Hexes/Squares: this is an old political discussion... I like the sqares better, coz a defender needs a double line to prevent an enemy unit walking through... it gives you more room to manouver. What I like most on SC II is that you have more room and possibilities..

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Originally posted by david12345:

A prime example is the Finnish army by Lenningrad. It seems wrong that a unit in it's home country and with HQ support cannot move!

I too was frustrated by that imobile army. Here's how I dealt with it:

I move the Finnish corp OUT of the capital and operationally move that army to the capital for defense. Later, I operationally move it to Lenningrad when its under control. From there, it becomes a usefull unit again and can link up with the rest of the Finnish army...

Meanwhile, my HQ and 3 corps go up as a unit north and east to control the northern border with Russia.

Meanwhile, I transport a German corp to Finland and move it in to attack Lenningrad from where that army would normally attack. A fully teched up, veteran German corp is a lot more usefull than anything Finnland can throw at that city.

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Originally posted by LampCord:

I transport a German corp to Finland and move it in to attack Lenningrad from where that army would normally attack.

Oh, that is a good one ! I never did that, I just kept on attacking it across the river. And kept attacking. And kept attacking. And kept attacking.

Attacking it from the north, that would work better, yes !

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I've found that either the Finnish corps or army works against Leningrad just fine once the Germans have surrounded it from the south. In the meantime, they drive the Russian CAs out of the port.

No real need to put a German unit up there, although, it is an option.

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@Lars - Good point. Forgot to point out that I use the two Finnish units to drive the CA's out FIRST, and then move the army.

I don't always need to move a German corp up there. Depends how much air and rocket resources I have in the area. But if I'm involved in a major battle somewhere else (Moscow?) that extra corp can really kick ass from up there since it doesn't attack accross a river and it can't be attacked by CA's without getting hammered badly in return.

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