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[Question] : Huh? 8 bucks for shipping to United States? What's with that?

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Probably not Kafka's K:

It's not so much money. But I was thinking, can't we fix this problem with the editor?

Time to give you a glance

At the inner-most spry-sprocket,

Them tick-tock, rip-rap springs

Of 'at... most amazing! Editor!


Which can accomplish ALMOST any thing!

I tell it to you straight, and true!

We can even dare, as this... TRY it

In a strange, never-done-before sorta way,

So to alleviate K-Man's! long pent up!

(... resemblance of) fleshen necessities!

OK, K, first thing - select yer button:


Next, make an IMPOSSIBLE wish,

See if it could, might? - Would!

Come true.

Hmmm, let's say,

YOU! Moon-blued Dude - attaining a date with!

Of all possible - beautiful people!



I ken see it on a Go Stage now,

You are transported by moon-tilt

To a La-La Land of lore,

In that there spit & wit-built

Mondo Scando hot-rod:


You've piously, innocently, gotten on knees

And pleaded, and - received!

This damn near impossible wish,

This is your real Life!

Probably not Kafka's K,

And so,

You do as all actual scat-cat

American wrench-Cats and crank up

The hi-flo, nitro-mixed carb and

Go! - a' cruising!

And, not ANY old road, no-no nix, but,


You park, pull the hand-crank brake,

It clanks apart - no muss, no matter! You

Pitch it out the driver's window, though,

Yep, woulda been better

Had you rolled it DOWN first, and!

Never mind, you

Are at last!

Set free, can, together,

(... swooning to the radio retro-tunes

Of ABBA - DABBA DOO) goggle at that!

Tinsel Town view!

... finally, ah, it took you HOURS

to work up a nerve... you begin... to lean

In general perfumed direction of!

Your Saturday night date

With fate - what? Suddenly WAY over?

Against the FAR passenger door?

(... clinging fiercely to the door handle,

ready to spring out! like

can't-be-caged Ozzy Lioness

which she surely elegantly is!)

And... well, our story continues, but

First - we must lock... that famed Imp,

Loki by name,


In the Studebaker trunk

So - we be not disturbed by

All 'at raucous laughter!

Thence them drooling smooches

At once commence! :eek:

And... then!

Well, ahem,

Knowing Nay O as close as I do,

I'm guessing, fair certain

She's halfway down the holly

Wooded hill - one tremendous leap!

Seeking safe refuge she be,

In the first Sunset Boulevard

Saloon she comes to!

... sure, it's a bit muffled, yet

You CAN hear some... gutteral, wicked

Trickster laughter

A'howling now!

From inside out

That... not-quite-as-mondo,

Scando hot-rod trunk! ;)

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

Is it just me? Why is it 8 bucks to mail the game from Canada to the USA?

That puppy better be sent Air Cav in a gold tin collector's box for $8.

Relative to the $12 to Buntaland?

$14 to the edges of civilization?

Yeah I know it's steep, but it costs me 14 bucks at a wise place to ship to my Girlfriend in Canada and 25 from some. That's just regular UPS

No frills...Bloody, it's the adjacent friggin' country.

GET THIS IF YOUR CANADIAN: It cost 30% GST or so.. LOL and you pay duties at the door for items that are from out of country like USA. What a rip off aye?

"My Looney ain't worth a tooney, because Brian Mulroney and the GST." goes something like that ROFL

That's on the American Free Trade Agreement between Mexico, Canada and the USA

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Boardwalk Raconteur!

(... AKA: JJ for 'em

ain't been hang around so long)

As the past and present Master

At presenting re-presentations

And immersing them in amongst

Yer mostly Naked City lyrics,

Could you?

Explain to our good friend Codename Condor

How the PICS come to be?

How selected or... as

The cuckoo flew,

HOW they come to choose... you? smile.gif

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I'd love to, but I'm afraid, as we both realize, it's the sort of thing that just can't be explained. We close our eyes and start typing and the image comes to us and appears on the screen in the appropriate place. :cool: smile.gif

In that Condor has often used images himself, I'm sure he knows the feeling. Also sure he loves your choices and is only teasing you about them. ;)

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Originally posted by Kuniworth:

Can't you guys just start your own shipping company? I think you would make a fortune with your low prices for the customers...

Don't be silly : things like this are best outsourced to a company that does the shipping and handling for alot of different companies.

The reason are peaks : battlefront would have to hire like 20 guys to get the (say) 10.000 orders done for the first two weeks. But then the number of orders go down to (say) 50 a week and you only need one part-time to do it.

So it's best to give it to a compnay that has like 50 different game-companies that let them do the shipping and handling.

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Just buy a small industrial sized DVD writer machine. They crank out a fresh copy every 2-minutes.

30 copies/hour

720 copies/day

5040 copies/week

The machine costs about $500. What's another week to wait? Hubert could do the work himself & pocket the dough.

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

Just buy a small industrial sized DVD writer machine. They crank out a fresh copy every 2-minutes.

30 copies/hour

720 copies/day

5040 copies/week

The machine costs about $500. What's another week to wait? Hubert could do the work himself & pocket the dough.

Yeah, and while you're at it, price out a server setup, complete with order tracking and labeling software, and offsite backup or even RAID type capability. It should also include a highly reliable database, for order tracking and follow-up. And it must be able ot handle issues related to fees and what not for overseas sales. Throw in insurance and bonding, along with a GUARANTEEED service level. Oh, and you'll need X number of phone lines to be able to handle multiple customer calls. And you will need an email heiarchy to handle customer emails. And did I mention the need to staff the phones, and read/reply to the emails and/or correspond about mistyped credit card numbers, both with the customer and the credit card company. You have to be able to handle "return to senders", lost packages, challenges to billing, etc. Now throw in the overhead and salaries.

You get the picture. You can "Mom and Pop" a certain volume of sales at a relatively low duty cycle. Once you reach a certain volume at a high duty, the Mom and PoP approach just falls apart.

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@GrognardFortyPlus --- Label software? Server? Are you an insane? Insurance?

Dude, you can fit the entire planet Earth of people & addresses into a few Excel spreadsheets. Would you like to recant your Server needs?

Insure what? A jewel case? You really think it matters if an order gets lost that it there is a loss to the manufacturer? Do you know how good delivery is? I'll give you a hint, kid, the Pony Express is gone.

Tract mail? Another stupid comment. I CAN AIRMAIL a CD on 2-day deliver for $1.99!!! All is autotracked by Uncle Sam! Ground deliver CHEAPER!

Phone calls? For what reason? Stuff your VISA number in the box & push submit, no phone calls necessary.

So what am I getting for $8? I'd like you to tell me Champ. Some guy need Ed is really hand wrapping a lousy disk?

Repeat, so if this isn't "Mom & Pop" outfit, what am I getting for $8? Repeat, what am I getting for $8? Dude, THERE ARE EVEN CHEAPER rates for corporate accounts for shipping contracts.

Take your server & throw it in the dumpster. I can buy a roll of labels & print address out in a 20 minutes. ALL AUTOMATED. Dump the orders into an excel spreadsheet (Import them), better yet, but $10 shipping software.

Unreal...actually this is real, people with no clue.

Doing my job,


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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

@GrognardFortyPlus --- Label software? Server? Are you an insane? Insurance?

Unreal...actually this is real, people with no clue.

Doing my job,


Companies put out Requests for Proposals (RFPs) all the time detailing the services they need. Companies reply with a proposal that states how they will meet the request, along with production and labor rates.

Fullfillment is a competitive market. If you can do for $2.00 what everyone else does for $8.00, then you pretty much can corner the market and become a millionare in a few years....or less. You bid $7.00 while the competition bids $8.00. Assuming you can actually deliver on what you promise, you can clear $5.00 of profit on every sale. On a run of 10,000 units you could net $50K. Get a couple of contracts like that a year, and rake in a few $100K a year. You will be a millionare in a few years!

From sports, to card games, to business...the world is loaded with people who say they can do it better than those out there actually doing it. 99.99% of the time it's just a bunch of hot air being blown by armchair know-it-alls who talk big but don't know squat...about the sport...or the game.....or the business.

I'm not saying you are one of the 99.99%. You could be part of the 0.01% of people who actually have a better idea, and can actually change the business (Fred Smith-Federal Express......Bill Gates-Microsoft).

In fact, I hope you are one of the 0.01% who know what they're talking about. It would be neat to see the fullfillment industry get turned upside down by the rambo wonder. You would do a great service to this community....Wow....only $2.00 for shipping (makes Battlefront and their customers happy).

There are not many folks who pass up the opportunity to make a million bucks. So do it! I'll take my hat off to you for actually backing up what you say.

But if all you can do is sit back and say you can do it better and cheaper than everyone else, while doing nothing. Well, you're just one of a million other wanabees who are either too stupid in their genius to take advantage of it, or just plain stupid.

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