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Just wanted to say great work on the mod....had to put arty range back other wise they get slaughtered ....since most arty was miles away from the front lines the range of 2 while unrealistic in actual range makes up for the lack of being able to stack the arty on the same tile as inf/anything...just my 2 cents....also will the honch PDE map only be for PDE or will you make it for WAW?...

keep up the awesome work!

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Agreed, I will change it back to 2.

Initially the MOD will be PDE only until later. The reason being I am currently adding in the new North America from PDE and making use of the new scripts that will only work in PDE.

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hey Honch just a thought would like to see the carriers attack vs naval +1 imo ...carrier based aircraft wreaked havoc on surface ships when they encountered them....also destroyers vs aircraft should be reduced due to the fact they didn't have much AA armament...plus all countries should begin with some arty/AA units as they all had large arty forces from exp in WW1

what ya think? just an idea....might not be good one tho!!!!keep up the stellar work!!!!

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Added the new expanded North America.

Added six columns to the Atlantic width.

Increased carrier naval attack and defense by 1.

Changed arty back to 2 range.

Increased AA soft defense by 1.

Reduced destroyer air and bomber defense by 1.

Increased AA strike range to 2.

Added an arty to France, Germany and USSR starting OOB.

Adjusted all scripts to PDE engine.

Will post this new PDE based Fall Weiss as soon as PDE is available.

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Honch!,... im playing your 'Fall Weiss' Campaign!.

I really do like the WEEKLY-TURN'S as this really give's the player a much more realistic chance to replay history as it was!. Otherwise...timewise the game time moves too-quickly to have much of a chance to do anything historically!.

NOW!...what i don't like, this has nothing to do with your game,..

QUOTE From...mock: "I can't imagine Arty being useful at range 1." ...AND it is practically 'Totally Useless' at Range-1...by itself, being totally-exposed to being eviserated!.

I think that the BEST-SOLUTION for this predicament as well as other's is to use a system of having the option of attaching Unit's to say an Army!. This ARMY could attach an ARTILLERY-BATTALION or more, as well as one or more ANTI-TANK-GUN-BATTALION'S or even a few ANTI-AIR-CRAFT-GUN-BATTALION'S.

As well...these ATTACHED-UNIT'S could be operated INDEPENDENTLY of being ATTACHED to any Unit!.

This would UN-CLUTTER the game-board,...and as far as im concerned,...be much more realistic!.

Other than that!,...again!...you've made a Great-Game!.

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Ohhh!...by-the-way...when these ATTACHED-UNIT'S are used in an ARMY-GROUP for example, they should be able to be selected separately!.

For example, ARTILLERY from an ARMY-GROUP could be selected to do it's Artillery-Barrage, without involving the rest of the make-up of that ARMY-GROUP!. ANTI-TANK GUN & AIR-DEFENCE UNIT'S...as well could be selected to BE operated independently of the Main-Army-Group!.

[ May 01, 2008, 11:54 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]

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Honch.....what a brilliant job...playin on hard...locked in a brutal struggle in russia(Dec41)UK fell but after a loooooong fight...luv this mod keep up the kick ass work!!!!!cant wait for PDE ....also think AA should have 2 strikes just like the bombers that way u cant send in a scrub air unit then follow up with bomber strike with impunity...just a thought might not be good tho!!!anyhoo once more kudos for a brilliant job!

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Maybe AAA strikes could be tied to the research level.

Instead of greater effectiveness we could have more strikes, level 5 = 5 strikes.

Better yet make it an optional mode, more effectiveness or more strikes in the pull down menu.

Gotta love "freedom of choice". smile.gif

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Personally I think that AA should have a strike against every aircraft unit that flies through its range!

Anyway, I will change it to two strikes, thats a good idea.

Still working out some wrinkles on the PDE Fall Weiss but I hope to have it ready for the PDE release.

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Honch i agree with your feelings on AA its not like AA ammo was scarce or anything..lol but i digress i had changed it to 2 and it seems fine, also gave ea major country 1 at beginning...except US....also gave Axis 1 destroyer ea as this is more historicly acc....gave US 2carriers,2Battleships,2 cruisers 3 destroyers in 44 with 2 ea armor/inf/para/corps/arty to simulate US full industrial output......wat ya think? i play as Axis tho ...anyhoo keep up the kick ass work!

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Can't change the AA strikes to two as they don't use "strikes" for AA defense. Its something in the game engine. The strikes would allow for attacks against land units. Left # of strikes at zero.

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Gdtrfb, in response to your adding units to represent full US output. This won't be an issue in the new PDE MOD as with all of the extra US cities and towns, US MP production will be significantly higher.

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