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A fun 'Enigma' re-creation...

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So, awhile back I was playing a PBeM game as the allies and was slowly losing the '39 game as we advanced into, oh, I think it was '42-'43 or so.

As I was clicking through my save games to load my opponent's turn, I clicked on my previous turn (to be sent to him for his turn) and as I realized my error and I was about to click cancel, the thought of enigma came into my head and I typed it in as the password.

Now before I go any further let me state a few things upfront: First, I am not in the habit of 'cracking' my opponents passwords. I play my games upfront and DO NOT re-play turns as much as I painfully squirm in my seat over a tank unit that I pressed to far or an Eisenhower HQ transport that runs into a German sub in the voyage across the Atlantic. Second, the bottom line is that you can 'cheat' in PBeM a number of ways but after awhile you realize you are only cheating yourself.

So with my moral fiber defended I resume my story... it worked! Lol, I laugh even now. The password gained me access to the Axis turn. I laughed so hard I fell out of my chair. I ran around like a crazy man laughing so hard. I now had perfect intelligence of my opponents disposition, albeit, a turn behind.

My honor demanded that I surrender to my opponent (played I out I felt he would have won) but asked that we continue to play, and here is my minor guilt, I did not tell him I had 'cracked' his enigma password. I was really curious as to how and if I could leverage this intelligence breakthrough to turn the war around.

In the end we only played a few more turns (I think a patch came out), but it was a very exciting experience and it was a lot of fun to have day-old/one-turn-behind intelligence on your opponents disposition of forces.

Just thought I would mention. It was an interesting twist for me. The golden egg of intelligence was dropped in my lap on a wrong click and a whim. I wish we could have played it out. Might be a way to re-balance a game if needed in PBeM I guess (send opponent your password while not knowing his).

Anyhoo, just thought I would share the story. My opponent will remain anonymous but it was a crazy twist and ultimately was one of the funnest games I had played overall.

Enigma re-created on a grand scale. smile.gif



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Yes!... 'an interesting scenario' , im all for that concept of an 'Enigma' type intelligence system for 'Human to Human' game's. "GOOD-IDEA!".

Of course one would need to expend the resource's necessary to try to achieve that technological level,...to be able to see the enemy's disposition's,...even if a turn late!,...perhap's 2 or 3 turn's late for a less developed 'Enigma' intelligence technology!.

Playing against the 'AI', this would not be required, as it already has the ability to know which cities are occupied or not!. I know that to be true, it know's more than it should!.

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I was talking...'1-Turn Behind', otherwise, yes if you get 'Instant-Real Time' Enigma, 'you win!'.

Also for a less developed Enigma System, it could reveal information that is 2 or 3 turn's old!,...which would still be an asset, but not be a 'Killer Asset'!.

[ September 08, 2006, 08:20 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]

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I was thinking FOW would be removed. But if, as Bromley says, just a unit here or there (but never a large number), I would agree it could be fun. As far as the old informantion, I think it would be better to have up to date info, but VERY limited. Maybe one unit for each level?

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A thought just occurred to me.

When Enigma is working, the Enigma De-Cloaked Units should show an Identifying National Colour as well as just a Purple Outlined Image or something, so that it doesn't look like actual spotted unit's.

This would help in that one could quickly, easily identify 'Enigma' revealed unit's!.

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Perhaps, spotting one randomly selected enemy unit per Intel Tech level would provide some information - with a chance of this information being false based on the enemy Intel level.

Example 1:

Intel Level 2 - Each turn you see 2 randomly selected enemy units,

If the enemy has has Intel Level 3 their is a 45% (Intel Level x 15%) that each spotted unit is a phantom ghost unit on a randomly selected enemy controlled tile or empty water tile.

Idea 2:

Intel 0 = 0 Units Spotted

Intel 1 = 1 Randomly Selected Enemy Unit Spotted

Intel 2 = 2 Randomly Selected Enemy Units Spotted

Intel 3 = 3 Randomly Selected Enemy Units Spotted

Enemy Intel 0 = 10% False Report

Enemy Intel 1 = 25% False Report

Enemy Intel 2 = 40% False Report

Enemy Intel 3 = 55% False Report

Enemy Intel 4 = 70% False Report

Enemy Intel 5 = 85% False Report


USA has Intel Level 2

Germany Has Intel Level 3

Italy has Intel Level 0

USA will spot 2 enemy units, if one of these is a Germany unit it has a 55% to be false. If USA spots an Italian unit this spotting has a 10% to be false.

[ September 10, 2006, 12:33 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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