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Question about game logo

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This is of no consequence, but I am a curious person - hence let me ask - why Patton not Roosevelt & Rommel not Hitler? Or why Churchill not Montgomery and Stalin not Zhukov? Or to put the matter more simply why the mixture of political and military leaders, instead of 4 of the same "category"?

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Of course I don't know, but I've always thought the people you see on the logo are there because they are well known and popular! They are liked and or hated by many, so you know right away what this game is all about when you see them.

Hence all the books published in the last few years with the name Patton in the title when the book itself has little if anything to do with him.

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1) I like Ike, but Patton rocks.

2) Nobody is going to put Hitler on the cover of any of their games, not politically correct. Hitler is a piece of trash.

3) Churchill's image is recognized by more people than Monty. Kind of like Alfred Hitchcock over Sherlock Holmes.

4) You really think about in the USA really knows who Zhukov is or looks like? They don't teach in public schools about Stalin's purges, so he gets a free cover pass unlike that Nazi Bunta Pig AH.

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

2) Nobody is going to put Hitler on the cover of any of their games, not politically correct. Hitler is a piece of trash.

4) You really think about in the USA really knows who Zhukov is or looks like? They don't teach in public schools about Stalin's purges, so he gets a free cover pass unlike that Nazi Bunta Pig AH.

I can very well agree with 2, but then I do not see much difference between Hitler's and Stalin's image (other than that where I come from Stalin seem to be more hated), it's too bad if indeed his image in US is so much better than Adolf's...
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Ask the average person in the USA, they probably don't even know who Joseph Stalin is. Americans don't care about Russia or its history. We're all about SUV's, American Idol, IPODs, Hollywood, etc. If you stood on a street corner & asked random people, I'd bet 75% of the people wouldn't have a clue. The probably don't even know Putin is the current Commie leader. Why should we care?

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Stalin was more Evil than Hitler could have ever been. Stalin purged and killed his own people with no mercy and no real agenda other than retaining his power grip on the USSR. He turned on his own cronies, communist allies and his own generals and army. He cared for naught but his own self serving power. Had he not signed the Non-aggression pact with the nazis originally, history could have been quiet different.

The current leader of what is now Russia is Vladimir Putin. Ex-KGB chief who has not brought communism back, but has definitely rolled back any democratic and capitalist reforms. He has crushed opposition in the media and industry. He has flexed Russian power over the European bloc by shutting down their gas supply in the dead of winter to prove his control. There is a new cold war approaching, he has continuously assualted American ideas for a missile defense shield in Eastern Europe. He and Bush are no loonger best of buds as they were a few years ago..... smile.gif

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rubbish - Stalin was more evil than Hitler was solely because he had 20 more years of absoluet power - imagine what Hitler could ahve achieved given another 20 years.

Half of Stalin's evilness was simply not caring - which was bad enough, but Hitler's active extermination policies would ahve been an awful lot worse!!

russia simply does not know what democracy is - the country has only ever been ruled by one despot or another, and the people have a culture of resigned acceptance.

Trying to foist western style democracy on Russia was never going to work, any more than it will work in Iraq.

which is a shame.

But they're going to ahve to figure out their own versions of it.

It took "the west" hundreds of eyars and a great deal of warfare, thought and getting it wrong.....so that's what we can look forward to for anywhere else trying it.

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Agreed, Hitler lacked the time to become more evil.

The description of Mr. Putin was in reply to Rambo's statement that no one knows the current leader of Russia and does not care anyway.

Again agreed, since the early begining of Russian history the current Ukrainian territories to the Muscovites throwing off the Yoke of the Golden Horde of the Mongols, Russian peoples have always had a central powerful leader with a ruling elite around them. The 70 year communist run was nothing more than the excat replica of the Czarist Russia. The Czar was replaced by a Premier, the supporting nobles by the communist party members, and the hapless serfs were represented by the collectives, farming or industry never mattered. They were all at the call of the elite. Funny how it is hard for peoples to change their ways, even after 1300 years of similiar types of goverments. I believe the first Russian society was developed along the danube near Kiev. They had contacts to the South with Bryzantines and to the north the Swedes and such in what is currtent day Lithuania etc..... smile.gif

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Funny how it is hard for peoples to change their ways, even after 1300 years of similiar types of goverments.
I had to have a wee giggle at this sorry......but it is BECAUSE of those 1300 years historythat they find it difficult to change, not despite them! smile.gif

Yes Kievan Rus was the first "organised" russian state from about 850 AD, apaprently started or at least strongly influenced by Swedish traders and adventurers (the Rus).

"Tsar" is rusified "Caesar" from Byzantine practice, and the Russian Orthodox chruch considers itself the inheritor of the authority Patriachy of Constantinople after it fell to the Crusaders in 1204 - they refer to Moscow as the third Rome, after Rome and Cosntantinople.

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Normally I resist threads that are not directly related to SCII game play and strategy, but this time I just can't. On the question of who was worse -- Hitler or Stalin -- the answer is probably Mao!

(See the Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression from Harvard University Press 1999.)

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Not sure once someone has committed every atrocity known to man if one character or another would be worse.

Wouldnt they be the same? I sort of feel if you murder one person or 100 it is still murder.

If you hang him for the one or the hundred he is also no less dead.

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Normally I resist threads that are not directly related to SCII game play and strategy, but this time I just can't.
After 60 some odd months in here,

I can tell you that this is "normal." ;)

Some folks like to PRE-tend O/W,


Bitch (... er - beotch? Is that how

the X, Y or Z-gen cogniscenti

sorta cats X-press it? :confused: )

And moan and groan and switch tails,


A "community" of like-minded souls

NEEDS some way

To relate in a... well, let's just

Come right out and -> SAY it,

A "gossiping" kinda way.

[... Mark Twain mentioned the one time

that gossip was THE foundation

of good literature]

It's ONLY "human nature,"

And does tend to knit the group

Closer together.

Not... always.

But, usually, I've noticed. ;)

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