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AAR, Terif vs. Jollyguy; The Egyptian Gambit

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Yes, this was in deed a really interesting game with lots of huge battles - Allies far superior in numbers, but Axis having the strategical advantage and concentrated firepower smile.gif

@John DiFool:

Axis as well as Allies get more than enough mpps in SC2 to afford everything their hearts desire - as long as they avoid unnecessary operating/transporting/amphibing of their units which is pretty expensive and even more important: donĀ“t use their airfleets to attack enemy ships...a beginners mistake that usually costs the game against a good player since in SC2 - contrary to SC1 - airfleets are pretty bad in anti-ship combat and this usually only costs a lot of mpps.

Standard for Axis is to have all available ground and air units built till end of 1942. Here this was only not the case cause Germany built 6 additional subs (including the sunk + rebuilt one) instead and both Italy and Germany repaired their fleet several times. With Sealion naval supremacy becomes important to protect the prolonged costs and against a divided allied fleet, Axis has a possibliity to prevail, so they shifted priorities and invested heavily into their navy after the conquest of England smile.gif .

Nevertheless, when the war ended, Germany eventually had also both bombers, the finish airfleet and all missing pieces in the production queue smile.gif .

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Originally posted by John DiFool the 2nd:

I'm still trying to figure out how Terif can afford all the crap I see in the screenies (and tech too) by mid 1943...

Yes, I am trying to learn that too in my current games : how to save MPPs.

The key is -like he said- not to operate or transport things. And use your airfleets and ships wisely. The only time the Germans have to transport/operate is after France, to Africa. And perhaps the HQ from Spain/Portugal to Russia (I only operate my HQ, the rest can walk or is used as garrison).

Also, make sure that everything is always in supply 5 or more, so that you can build it back at half the cost.

And don't buy all tech for all units. Will those garrison corps in weastern Europe really need movement tech ? Tank tech ? Do all corps in Russia need extra movement ?

The only thing that I do not save MPPs on is research : I get the UK, Russian and US research up to 750 and keep it there : everytime I get a breakthorough, I buy another chit.

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:eek: :rolleyes: :eek:


Now there's a PIC of how

The Whole Commercial World

Will likely look in, oh, 20

Or - maybe - dreizig yahren?

No gas to gun the guzzlers

Through the auto-mated gears,


Plenty smooth room

So to Zoom!

Around & around

And around and around we go - yippee!

On makeshift skate-boards

And fusion-fueled roller-blades! smile.gif

No problem with sand, of course,

For them Egypt Inc. cement works, but

I bet... them undule slopes of Garmisch

And that venerable old Black Forest

Are so doggone denuded you

Can merely see clumps of stumps from

Eagle's Nest - clear to Nord See, eh?

And even worse!

Sheriff of Nottingham

Is prob'ly - now

As we speak - laughing his fat keister off,


Robin Hood - the near to VERY last

Common Dude Hero we got left

To 3 cheer for, well,

Has no place to hide out

There in the Sherwood Forest,

So to rob truffles from the rich

That he might give

Second hand silk ruffle shirts

To the X-tremely grateful Poor.

A crying shame, you should ask me. :(

**Upshot: I would have it - as it was

In the beginning.

90 days to construct a fortification.

What? 50+ miles of territory to cover?

Say, these ain't enny little ditches

With rolled-out strands of barbed wire

Propped along on willow sticks,

These are supposed as long-standing

Double-sturdy redoubts, no doubt?

[... given the really robust "defense

bonuses" that are applied]

No foundation lasts so long

When built on constantly wind-shaped

Granules of sand?

90 days build time seems more

In keeping with actual possiblilty,

As opposed to - pitching them things

Up - presto pronto!

Like some... small town Circus tents.

(... anyway, where went?

All the Clowns we usta have here abouts?

Somebody! Bitte Schoene,

Send in some a' them flop-shoe, pancake

Made-up, drooling & fooling,

Cool in crazy kaleido shades... Clowns, ah,

Well - never mind, you ken just forget it,


It's... pretty fragile... China

Town, Now... :( )

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