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... player made scenarios and campaigns made for SC2 WaW?

I’ve followed this forum since SC1 and I’m very disappointed with this fact. Especially since the Editor got improved in SC2.

It seems that this game has some hard core fans like me with a very strong interest and knowledge in WWII history. Also it seems we got quite many people in our forum that are great with computers. So, why is it so few player made scenarios? Do we for instance have any player made campaign/s?

I’m trying to put a “Battle for Seelow heights” scenario together, but it goes slow.

If someone out where wants help regarding historical facts, unit names, order of battle and so on I will happily try to assist.

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Good point.

I can only speak for myself here. As much as I like to play a good WWII game, I don't have the time, nor the patience to delve into scenario making. It asks a lot of dedication to make a good one.... for instance finding out the OOB, historical facts and so on... all takes a tremendous amount of time.

So yeah, I would like to see more scenarios too, but I'm afraid I won't make any.... sorry.

Oh, would love to see that Seelowe heights you're talking about :)

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JP Wagner

Sometimes it’s better NOT to post. First of all I didn’t complain. I said I was disappointed then the things didn’t turn out as I wrongly expected.

I’ve the historical knowledge, but I’m not good/fast then it comes to the “programming” part. That’s also the reason I suggested that I could team up with someone that does that better.


Yeah, I’m afraid your conclusion is the correct one.

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If making scenarios are hard, how about working out the bugs and asking for help on this forum? If you can download a file from CMODS you can rewrite a script or two, send it back to the author and I bet he’ll post it. If he doesn’t want to post, I bet the next author will. Just email and ask.

Also, maybe we can help each other by sharing information. One of the best web sites I’ve seen for war gaming research is the Army’s Command and Staff Collage.


Here is a challenge. Take the document at the link above and create a scenario for the Soviet invasion of Manchuria, 1945. Don’t try to be too detailed. Just make a map, add some units, an offensive script and ask others to contribute.

I think with cooperation, scenario building can be easier than at first thought. My one rule is that I try not to be perfect.


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Modding is just very time consuming...I did a lot of AI work for SC2 and it took me weeks, if not months to get what I wanted. And that's just adjusting AI based off what was already there. Creating it from scratch, maps from scratch, graphics from scatch, etc...that would be a full time commitment!

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Everyone should spend some time with the editor if for nothing else to appreciate just how complex scenario design can be, and how difficult AI development is. It is a humbling experience and puts a lot of things into perspective. Game developers deal with all this already, plus code development, graphics, interface and connectivity issues, etc.

If it was easy, everyone would do it.

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Jon, I wanted to do that! My first scenario I ever made using the Empire Earth editor was based off of Red Dawn. Had to lead a group out of the mountains to ambush a convoy, sneak into an occupied American city, meet a contact there who is ready to lead an uprising, then blow up a T-72 to initiate it. The final battle involved your guys and resistance fighters pushing them out of the city.

With the PDE expansion we should be able to do the Red Dawn thing somehow...on a larger scale, of course.

IIRC the story was Russians came in through Alaska and Canada, and cut the country in two after heading south to link up with the South American forces that invaded Texas (and paradropped in disguised as commercial airliners). Realistic? Probably not, but it'd be a fun scenario to play out.

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