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AT should NOT increase a unit's max strength

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In SC 1 AT increased your combat strength so an infantry army or corps could get up to 15 in strength with maximum research.

Why is that(the same applies to all other units as well). Is it not enough that they increase the combat values for attack and defence???

WOuld be better to find another way than this. Maybe have the player chose freely how many strength points a unit should have from 1-15. This should not be dependent on research.

Oh and back to AT. Why is it tanks gets so damn useless against AT in sc 1, that was not balanced 100% correct I think. In the open tanks should keep a strong advantage through out the war.

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i wondered a bit about that to. the research increases say each plane so there stonger then adds and extra.

Also same with the issue that say you increase a unit it costs more... well from what i saw no it didnt it cost more because you were buying an extra unit? unless im wrong. so getting industry will make things cheaper.

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In SC2, unit strength greater than 10 is only by elite reinforcements. These cost twice as much, do not reduce experience, and are limited by the number of bars of experience gained. Tech has nothing to do with it now. So a unit with 2 bars could be reinforced up to 12. Restrictions include only one elite reinforcement per turn and no enemy units adjacent.

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tanks in the open = kings

tanks in mud, cities, woods, suck

another ideea would be to decrease action points when HT increases to a certain level, to simulate lower mobility of heavier tanks as opposed to lighter versions. Say 1 AP decreased per 2 HT advances.

lower mobility - I mean not lower speeds but lower average speed - a heavy tanks eats up a lot fuel thus its average speed (travelling from A to B) will decrease a lot due to pit stops smile.gif

So it kinda makes sense to decrease a bit the AP.

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Tanks in cities and wooded areas can be MUCH better than troops.

It's all about deployement.

Tanks can hide in cities and have good cover and ambush enemies.

Basically if they are used defensively, they are effective in cities and woods, but not if on the move.

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