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I didnt find the condition or test that determines when Poland surrenders. I always take Warsaw on the second turn (there is NO way even a human player can prevent this) and till now Poland always surrendered and i got arround 250 MPP. Is it always the case that Poland surrenders when Warsaw falls?


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I thought the only relevant issues to surrender were: 1) capital is occupied, and 2) number of friendly surviving units of that country. If the capital is occupied, that country has a chance (number of units times 3% for major powers or 6% for minors) to not surrender. Otherwise it will surrender. Thus, if Poland has 6 surviving units (not sure if they have to be in Poland or not), then it has a 36% chance of NOT surrendering each turn.

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Yeah, well. I am not worrying that i wont get Poland, its just that i speculated with a polish surrender after turn 2 (warsaw captured) and now it did not surrender and he will attack one of my poor AF`s with a corps. And now i am not sure if i should in turn 3:

a) kill as many polish units as possible (experience)


B) dont kill anything thats left, operate west and hope for polish surrender this turn (more MPP)


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