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Can I write an event that says if France and UK have not surrendered the USA does not enter the war?

Why? When playing against the AI it seems most unrealistic to see the USA enter the war if the UK and France have sucessfully replused the German invasion.

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Can I write an event that says if France and UK have not surrendered the USA does not enter the war?

Why? When playing against the AI it seems most unrealistic to see the USA enter the war if the UK and France have sucessfully replused the German invasion.

EP, you CAN re-arrange and re-adust the "activation scripts" so that USA would not join, given the cirumstances you've alluded to.

IE, should the GErman player opt to invade Russia immediately! following conquest of Poland, for instance, and allow the Western Allies to do what they will... with the WILL that they've got, militarily, economically or diplomatically, well,

That is an interesting "what-if" scenario that you might fee-fie fiddle around with.

Thing is... you CAN do just about ANYTHING with this Editor.

NOT everything, but quite a LOT. ;)

Desert Dave you seem kinda gay?


Where is Immer?

Some of my best friends are gaily happy!

Some times.

Others, they are melancholic romantic, say, in the way that Caspar David Freidrich paints those old... Monastery beneath denuded tree-branches still like skeleton limbs half-way exposed to a cold grey sky, sure, them kinds of re-presentations, yes?

I don't mind, so long as they appreciate that I myself prefer... Naomi Watts!

My Lord, what a slimly long-limb be-lovely, that Aussie lass IS! smile.gif

Ah, IF I might only meet her some day, say, at a Siren assembled sort of soiree over to Julia Roberts adobe hide-away oh, up the hot-rod road, in old, old Santa Fe (... THE oldest Capital city in the USA, did you know? Older even than Wash DC).

As for Immer, I see him every week, at visiting hours out there at Desert Loon Bin, on outskirts of Desert City, so should enny of them "officially declared daft & delinquent" inmates escape, they should have a VERY difficult time eluding-eliding on in to traipse those civilised main streets and consequently, upsetting the nice, normalised folks.

He cannot talk, or, rather, won't... much like Bartleby the Scrivener in that H Melville short story, where Bart simple says:

"I refuse to participate."

Every time some body wishes him to "perform" like some face-painted Circus Clown.

Either way, no matter, I can occasionally "read behind the unspoken lines" and gather this much:

He is... biding his time,

Waiting for the day.

Then he can make apt play.

WHEN it makes a difference

In what goes down in the troubled town,

And what sick chicken non-sense

Might be otherwise actively

Acted - against.

As, for one thing... spit on ALL them spy-cam lenses, ah, them leering, thoroughly un-American, AND Constitutionally corrupt-corrosive (... and, truly, mad-gay) shenanigans... of NSA,

And etc. ;)

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Probably NOT Kafka's K:

Hey Mr Dave...why don t you post your own thoughts on balancing and such. Would be interesting to hear,

I will later, in more and better elaborated detail.

For now, and based on playing many of these WW-2 GS games, I very much prefer it where there is approximately a 50 - 50 chance of the aggrieved and ill-led GErman troops actually pulling off... one of the most daring, gargantuan feats in all of recorded military history.

[... realize that the whole Nation of GErmany at that "proud Warrior ascendent" time... was, is barely larger than the ONE-of-50 USA states that I now reside in, square-mile wise; this still astonishes me no end, whenever I drive around my state and see how small it actually is]

I would say... it should well and finally depend on those tremendously fierce tank battles around Kursk which commenced July 5th, 1943.

Whether the GErmans can ride the crest of that "high-water mark" you've referred to.

IF the GErmans can deliver that FIRST harsh blow, as you have also deemed so very critical, AND survive in good cohesive tact, those first and second winter offensives by the gradually amassing Soviet armies (... STALIN: "Quantity IS Quality"),

THEN it depends, much, on whether their temporarily higher tech wrecking crew CAN overcome the numerical superiority (... and ever increasing factory output east of the Urals).

My own feeling is that the GErmans could have succeeded IF they had merely concentrated on 3 essential things:

1) Making the Panther - which I personally consider THE best tank of WW-2 bar none, and even, a decade or so beyond that... more dependable and durable, and just forgot about the 2 Tiger models altogether.

2) Earlier, building U-boots and NOT wasting materiel and resources on Tirpitz and half hearted carrier, Graf Zeppelin.

3) Taken Malta, and subsequently, all of North Afrika right up to the back-door steppes of the Caucusus region. What a folly it was bothering, and wasting tough and elite soldiers, on the air-assault on Crete. :eek:

So. For this game, I would... agree with many, or so I gather, that the IMMENSE supply problems inherent in any deep, long lasting blitz into VAST expanses of Russia should be one of the MAJOR obstacles to overcome.

I think Hubert has modeled that really well, and as futher testing proceeds, we shall see IF such things will supersede the "usual modus operandi" of SC-1, IE, too much accretion of MPP's and, heavy experience of GErman units.

This seems to be the case thus far. ;)

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Just to be clear, hacking code and writing your own event scripts are two completely different things. Hacking into the sc2.exe file is illegal.

Using the SC2 campaign editor to add/modify event scripts or any other editable feature in the game is perfectly legal. And encouraged. However, be aware there IS a check in the game that alerts you if your opponent is using a campaign which you do not have installed in your directory. You can bypass this and play anyway, but the intent is for both players to have the same campaign, which means you have access to seeing everything in it. No way to slip in some special advantage. We need to see how well this works in practice, once the head-smacking competitions begin.

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