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This game has really taken far 2 long 2 build and honestly i dont see why it would take so long it hasnt really got anything impressive :confused: i mean the game is awesome and i cant wait 2 play it. I live all the way in Australia and its going 2 take the game a long time to get here, and the game to me is getting less wanted. You guys are getting it next year around jan, feb or march. But iam sure good old hubey has got a reason i mean hes probably got heaps on his hands smile.gif . If anyone can tell me when it might be coming to Australia or if even the Hubster could tell us that would be cool ;)

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Hmm if you want contrast, head over to Matrix Games, and check in on how long they have been waiting for Combat Leader smile.gif

Then look in on how long it will be before Computer World in Flames is going to take.

Then look in on how long it will be before Computer A World at War will be (that's the board game by Bruce, not Gary's game of same name).

We all expect SC2 to be here sometime first half of 2005. That will be first half of 2005 for the entire planet.

Doesn't matter where you live, everyone will be getting it at same time.

That is assuming you are prepared to order if direct from Battlefront via online order.

Otherwise, yeah, likely be sometime in 2007 when you see a stray copy on a shelf in Australia I suppose smile.gif

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Les, a while back you were sayin you would not post anymore as the game was delayed so much. Now you are defeding the wait, whats going on here?

Be a man - support sc 2 all the way! Through the wait and the possible bugs we stand on guard for ole canadian hero mr Cater!

[ December 21, 2004, 07:40 AM: Message edited by: Kuniworth ]

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Me thinks you are to used to seeing what you want to see, and not quite what I said Kuni smile.gif

I have said that almost all that can be said of the game in question has pretty much been said.

As such, most of our thread traffic in here has more in common with a dog chasing it's tail.

Now, I thought it was kind of humourous the way Duro put it. The part about the wait that is.

I don't expect another decent wargame to grace my life before SC2 arrives, regardless of what part of 2005 it chooses to appear in.

Combat Leader, the game a lot of guys have wanted. Most people with any connection to it though know, statements to the effect it will be out in 2005 or 2006, will get the same response as you get with "the cheques in the mail".

Computer World in Flames, a good idea I am not so sure. But it is likely not material. I don't expect it to materialise until they get more realistic in their expectations.

Computer A World at War, well they are not even pretending to claim it will be out any time soon.

3 games a lot of people I have known to have jumped up and down over when the first announced it might appear.

The big difference with SC2, is I actually expect HC to succeed in doing what he has set out to do.

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Well this is what you posted august 5;

"Yeah just waiting patiently for Day 1, if anyone thinks my not posting means I have lost interest, no, just waiting patiently over here in a corner.

Wake me up when it's finished though eh."

And you continued on august 6;

"It's already been said.

We have said all the comments, given all the suggestions, made all the requests.

Now all we can do is chase our tails till HC is finished the job

It takes time to actually make a game though.

I can wait."

And then on august 15;

"Wouldn't even be here posting if not for a friend obviously sending me a message via Battlefront as a way of expiditing a need to get in touch with me (moved and is sans internet currently). I assume he used a buddy's machine."

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You need a better hobby Kuni, you missed a lot of posts in between those eh.

What makes me wonder though, is none of those quotes are contradictory.

So what is your point smile.gif

A. its all been said already (stuff concerning SC2).

B. we will just have to wait (even if it won't be nearly as long as the wait for a lot of other games).

C. I expect to see SC2 long before the other above mentioned games (which are much better examples of what a long wait looks like is all).

Although, recent interactions out in General Discussions, leads me to believe, that some of those guys are probably not worth the time.

And as such, my concern over what people think of my posts, is dropping in worth to me like a stone in water.

But that's neither here nor there.

I am learning, that basing my forum activities off of wargaming exclusively, is probably ill advised.

To many negative experiences.

Looking to revamp my entire forum look over at my place to better reflect that wargames and wargaming is just a portion of my life, and not the focus of it.

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A. Not all have been answered. A lot left to have suggestions on, for example the leadernames and ratings for hq units.

B. Wait yes, but not silently.

C. Of course we would choose sc 2 before the others, that's why we are here, right?

Your last remarks I can't understand. You actually critizise me for reading your posts? Is'nt the purpose of posting here to get people to read it?

I think I just revealed that you are an opportunist and you can't accept the fact that you don't give 100% to get the game as good as it can.

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No Kuni, I just think some exhibit an unusual level of zeal in the posting of quotes made by others often weeks or months past.

I am flattered you would actually go to that level of effort over anything I have said in the past.

Not sure it's a wise use of your time considering what some seem to think of what I have said of course smile.gif

As for the 100% point, hmm sometimes when you fix what isn't broke, you only end up breaking it eh smile.gif

SC had some areas for improvement, but I personally think HC could just as easily released a SC1 take 2 just as easily as completely re inventing the game.

There were some design aspects that were vexatious.

Not sure if it was possible of course though, HC is after all the one that actually made the game (not me).

All this time, and the only parts of the game that bug me, are the no stacking, and subs that are worthless, as well as the permanent vacation in Ireland for anyone that goes there smile.gif

But I am sure SC2 is going to be a grand ride.

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@Lesley --- What's up? What's the problem here? You dissed all over the release date, now you turn around & try to play the other side? Dude, you know nothing about gaming, software, & how to produce a product. Go do what your are good at, like changing your mom's kitty litter before she finds out you're playing on her computer without permission. Better start saving your weekly allowance from your parents, if you plan on buying SC-2 in the Spring.

You meet all kinds,


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Originally posted by it's Les:

As for the 100% point, hmm sometimes when you fix what isn't broke, you only end up breaking it eh smile.gif

:confused: You actually think Hubert should stop clearing bugs and gameplay issues and release it so you can have some fun for christmas? Come on Les look around you. Zapp and Terif and many more are still discussing all the bugs in sc 1 two years later!!!

If you only play the AI I guess this does'nt matter but for everyone else it sure as hell does.

[ December 21, 2004, 07:40 AM: Message edited by: Kuniworth ]

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

@Lesley --- What's up? What's the problem here? You dissed all over the release date, now you turn around & try to play the other side? Dude, you know nothing about gaming, software, & how to produce a product. Go do what your are good at, like changing your mom's kitty litter before she finds out you're playing on her computer without permission. Better start saving your weekly allowance from your parents, if you plan on buying SC-2 in the Spring.

You meet all kinds,


What I am not worth a real taunt a decent insult I only merit that marked down K-Mart grade crap now?

Or was that your best?

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Originally posted by Kuniworth:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by it's Les:

As for the 100% point, hmm sometimes when you fix what isn't broke, you only end up breaking it eh smile.gif

:confused: You actually think Hubert should stop clearing bugs and gameplay issues and release it so you can have some fun for christmas? Come on Les look around you. Zapp and Terif and many more are still discussing all the bugs in sc 1 2 years later!!!

If you only play the AI I guess this does'nt matter but for everyone else it sure as hell does. </font>

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

@Lesley --- Why a timer? It's called DragonSlow, the dude will take 25 minutes for a half-turn. Is that simple enough to understand?

So you want HC to invent some timer mechanism for his game on the basis of one opponent that makes you wait for a turn?

Wouldn't it be easier to dump that opponent?

Wouldn't it be easier for the community to dump that opponent even if that opponent supposedly has some sort of "standing" in the community?

What next?

Why don't we ask him for speach recognition so we don't have to use a mouse to input commands?

There has to be a limit to what the guy puts in his game, or you guys will end up discussing what to put in the game all next year and into the next.

He just might get it finished by 2007 if he's really lucky.

SC had a few design oversights that might have been adjusted. They weren't bugs, they were just choices that might have been remedied.

Hindsight being what it is, SC2 will be able to benefit from what he learned from SC1.

But if the plan is to listen to each of these extreme end of necessity requests, I plan to play SC1 for a further year after SC2 is released, and just wait out the inevitable bug clear up that all games have to deal with in some small way, while he cleans up the mess all these dallyings will create.

SC2 should have just been a much cleaned up, enhanced SC1 with some new options added in from benefit of hindsight.

The more he makes SC2 a totally new game, the more likely it will have no real connection with SC1.

I AM willing to just stick with SC1 if it turns out that it is actually closer to the game I want than SC2 with too many silly bells and whistles.

Not that HC's future is riding on whether I buy SC2 or not.

But it might not be an isolated view too.

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@Lesley ---

1) There are many, many, slow players. But you like playing HotSeat with yourself, thus a non-factor.

2) Timer is a built in library call in 99% of computer languages, nothing new son.

3) By adding features, it gives your product an edge to the competition, makes it new & better. It can be turned off.



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Originally posted by it's Les:


What does that actually add to the game?

Why not just jump right in and ask for him to make the game real time instead?

Either you are plain stupid or you have been high on drugs for two years straight. Timer has been prayed for by the whole TCP/IP community for ever and you think this just some extravaganza??? :confused: redface.gif

Who else plays SC against himself - talk about waste of time? Obviously you completly missed out that a timer might add new people to play sc 2 and give more options just like Bill and Hubert worked for in several other areas of the game already.

[ December 21, 2004, 07:42 AM: Message edited by: Kuniworth ]

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"2) Timer is a built in library call in 99% of computer languages, nothing new son."

Not relevant, the game doesn't need it.

"Timer has been prayed for by the whole TCP/IP community for ever and you think this just some extravaganza???"

Care to even give me a brief list of names?

Or is it possible you are only referring to a select band of individuals more akin to a loud noisy wheel?

"You gotta be a real loser, I mean who else plays SC against himself"

I prefer hotseat against a neighbour routinely, but I find myself to be a fine enough challenge.

Solo functionality has always been a hallmark of wargame ala board games for years... were you not aware of that?

People have gotten so convinced they need an AI, they have actually conned themselves into thinking that solo against themselves is not an option.

I highly doubt I would enjoy SC against most of the leagues as much as I would against a local or myself.

But then I play the game partly to study the time period, but partly for the social event.

Hate to break it to you, but playing you TCP/IP doesn't count as socialising.

Timer offers me nothing, because is brings nothing important to the game.

It's a waste of designer time.

I would rather HC just finished the game and left out frivolous extraneous frills to meet the needs of a handful of forum devotees.

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Originally posted by it's Les:

But then I play the game partly to study the time period, but partly for the social event.

Hate to break it to you, but playing you TCP/IP doesn't count as socialising.

OMG Who ever said it was? But playing against yourself sure is not socialising and if I ever start doing that to "study the time-period" I would take some time to seriously think about my life.

You need to get out of the house and play in the yard.

[ December 20, 2004, 03:37 PM: Message edited by: Kuniworth ]

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"You need to get out of the house and play in the yard."

I haven't "played in the yard" for over 30 years Kuni.

Only the totally obtuse would suggest that solo is socialising, so the question is, why would you think that?

Or is it merely convenient to selectively quote snippets of a post so that your comments look like they possess any merit?

Socialising implies people are present.

I would assume you were competent enough to understand that without the comment being unduly forced.

"But playing against yourself sure is not socialising and if I ever start doing that to "study the time-period" I would take some time to seriously think about my situation in life."

I really think it's to late to take your life seriously Kuni, you missed that chance a long ways back.

And as for playing in the yard, I actually hope you are not left untended.

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@les -> what is wrong with you dude?

nobody will ever ask you to turn the timer on if you are not interested in such feature, especially while you're hotseat-ing with yourself ;)

If Rambo said the game didn't need timers you would have said the opposite just for the sake of having an argument... the option to turning on/off the timer will please everyone - i mean even you because you can have the chance to see who is faster - the axis les or allied les :D

after all, which is the correct nickname 'it's les' or 'it's less' ??? If we are reffering to the grey matter between your ears I fear it is the latter ...

now getting on-topic:

@Duro - waiting is painful sometimes ;)

But I would rather see a polished product than a rushed and buggy game. Let's all of us trust Hubert, he ain't keeping the goodie away from us for nothing. And think that SC is already a great game so people have very high expectations for SC2 - mr. HC is well aware of that and i am sure he tries hard to deliver a good game ... and as fast as possible ;)

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Originally posted by hellraiser:

@les -> what is wrong with you dude?

nobody will ever ask you to turn the timer on if you are not interested in such feature, especially while you're hotseat-ing with yourself ;)

If Rambo said the game didn't need timers you would have said the opposite just for the sake of having an argument... the option to turning on/off the timer will please everyone - i mean even you because you can have the chance to see who is faster - the axis les or allied les :D

after all, which is the correct nickname 'it's les' or 'it's less' ??? If we are reffering to the grey matter between your ears I fear it is the latter ...

now getting on-topic:

@Duro - waiting is painful sometimes ;)

But I would rather see a polished product than a rushed and buggy game. Let's all of us trust Hubert, he ain't keeping the goodie away from us for nothing. And think that SC is already a great game so people have very high expectations for SC2 - mr. HC is well aware of that and i am sure he tries hard to deliver a good game ... and as fast as possible ;)

Do you honestly think I have nothing better to do, than come onto forums ONLY to be contrary?

Do you honestly think your unclever permutations of a person's name actually make you look worthy of having anything else you might say get taken seriously?

Considering all that I have read in the past, about the cheating scandals, about all the childish name calling spats between these oh so important leagues and their players, why would you expect me to waste one minute of my time with them.

You can deride me all you wish, but I get a better grade of game through being both sides, than I likely would in your leagues.

At least I know I am not cheating.

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