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Everything posted by Duro

  1. This game has really taken far 2 long 2 build and honestly i dont see why it would take so long it hasnt really got anything impressive :confused: i mean the game is awesome and i cant wait 2 play it. I live all the way in Australia and its going 2 take the game a long time to get here, and the game to me is getting less wanted. You guys are getting it next year around jan, feb or march. But iam sure good old hubey has got a reason i mean hes probably got heaps on his hands . If anyone can tell me when it might be coming to Australia or if even the Hubster could tell us that would be cool
  2. I find that most of the time in SC1, when you surround a city with troops or tanks is almost sometimes impossible to break throgh from any side. I was thinking that if surrounding a city or troops, will make the opposing surronded troops loose morale or experience ( not so much experience but you know what i mean) when going against them 5-1. :confused:
  3. Im hoping there will be a unlimited time period in SC2. When first played SC1 i was upset to find out that the game ended in 47 when i was actually turning the tide of the war with the allies on the hard mode. :confused: TIME FLY'S the_cro4u@hotmail.com [ May 18, 2004, 11:03 PM: Message edited by: Duro ]
  4. Make it able to build fortifications/bunkers so you can actually defend your own country from other invaders. the_cro4u@hotmail.com
  5. Put Croatia as an axis minor in the game because it just wouldn't be a game without Croatia. Unless you have already thought of putting them in. And make it hisorically correct.
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