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I for one am very pleased to see partisans (or at least their effects) cropping up more or less all over the map in SC2, and not just in Russia and Yugoslavia. They were a major drain on the Wehrmacht in several countries.

So it seems a pity that there's no sign of them where the largest uprising of WW2 took place - Poland. The Warsaw uprising in August 1944 was unparalelled in occupied Europe - much of the city was out of German hands for a month. The Germans ended up evacuating the entire city of its surviving population.

Any chance of there being say a 90% chance of an uprising being triggered in Warsaw each time the Germans leave it ungarrisoned, as one of the enhancements to come? Cheers.

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In my view this

1. Would be a one time event as the surivors were litteraly decimated, and as you say any survivors were removed from the city.

2. The revolt only occured when Soviet forces were close by and were expected to come to the rescue, they did not. In fact they halted some distance from the city and waited; some say, for the Germans to eliminate the problem.

My formulation of the script; without being able to test it would be:


#NAME= Warsaw Uprising

#POPUP= Partisan uprising in Warsaw

#FLAG= 1 (Default event)

#TYPE= 1 (multiple check until trigger is satisfied - it will activate only once -CORRECTED PER DAVE)

#COUNTRY_ID= 33 (code for Poland)

#TRIGGER= 10 (10% that this event occurs - you don't want it to occur all the time otherwise the Germans will never leave it ungarded and in real life it was a total surprise to the Germans)

#PARTISAN_FLAG= 2 (Partisans after Poland surrenders)

#ADD_UNIT= 1 (adds partisan unit to the map)


#MAP_POSITION= 95,15 (location of Warsaw)

#CONDITION_POSITION= 95,15 [1,5][2,99][2] (At least 1 Allied units must be within 5 tiles of Warsaw)

#CANCEL_POSITION= 95,15 [1,1][1,99][1] (Event canceled if Axis unit is stationed in Warsaw)

#DATE= 1942/01/01 (Can only occur on or after Jan 1942. This prevents an uprising before the residents had time to prepare and organize)

#VARIABLE_CONDITION= 4[2][100][0] (Can only occur if Russia is activated and not surrendered. This ensures that Russia is at war when the uprising occurs.)

PS: To test it I would temporarily set the trigger to 100.

[ April 09, 2006, 06:47 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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Script template for Partisans is as follows:


Basic structure for a partisan event:

; {

; #NAME= Event name (this will be shown as a selectable event under an options menu within the game)

; #POPUP= Event popup text (this will be displayed when the event occurs)

; #FLAG= Will this be a default event for the campaign? (values range [0, 1]; True= 1; False= 0)

; #TYPE= With all other factors satisfied will this be a (values range [0, 2]):

;A) Single check regardless if trigger is satisfied= 0

;B) Multiple check until trigger is satisfied= 1

;C) Reoccuring check until end of game= 2

; #COUNTRY_ID= Country's ID that will have partisan #MAP_POSITION's

; #TRIGGER= Trigger percentage that the event will occur (values range [0, 100])

; #PARTISAN_FLAG= Partisan flag can be used to limit event to a particular type

; #ADD_UNIT= Add partisan unit to the map or will it just be a supply disruption event? (values range [0, 1]; True= 1; False= 0)

; #DISRUPTION_RANGE= What is the range of supply disruption from each partisan that appears? (values range [0, 10])

; #MAP_POSITION= Map position where partisan unit could appear (format x,y)

; }


As you can see, there is not currently any provision for the the last 4 "conditions" that you have placed in your schematic.


The only way it could work, now, is to have the script in effect since beginning of the game.

Which would mean that GErmany would have to garrison Warsaw for the whole game, else the Partisan is liable to appear on ANY DATE following conquest... at whatever "trigger %" you might establish.

Conclusion: IMO, it is not significant enough (... on grand scale), given present parameters, to use this "Warsaw Uprising" script in the default game, though, naturally, anyone might decide otherwise for their own "mod."

If used, the Axis player would have to garrison yet another conquered City, and believe me, they have VERY many garrison requirements already. ;)

**End Note: You would need to select "Type 1" so you would have only a check... "until trigger is satisified," else it may occur more than once with the "type 2."

Possible Fix: If Hubert has inclination, he could ADD a "date line" which would then allow the partisan event to occur AFTER the time you've specified, but NOT before.

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Many thanks for your input, gentlemen. Though it's true the rising occurred when the Russians were close (indeed that's part of the reason it happened, as the Poles wanted to secure their city themselves before the Russians got there), it seems to me that in game terms if the Russians are within five tiles the Germans are likely to have a unit in Warsaw anyway.

The rising happened almost literally from under the Germans' feet. Is there some way to have, say, a chance that one or two army-sized partizan units suddenly appear next to Warsaw regardless of any German garrison when the Russians get close?

There's a fine joke they tell in the former Yugoslavia and Poland about Partisans:

Shortly after the war, a Yugoslav (as was), a Pole and a Czech were discussing over a beer who had the more effective partisans.

The Yugoslav says, "Oh, we killed lots of Germans all over the country for years".

The Pole says "Ah, we killed so many Germans left right and centre for years, we lost count".

The Czech says, "You were lucky. That was strictly forbidden in Czechoslovakia".

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Is there some way to have, say, a chance that one or two army-sized partizan units suddenly appear next to Warsaw regardless of any German garrison when the Russians get close?
I don't think so, as the Partisan scripts don't support the Condition_Position parameter found in other event and planning scripts.

#CONDITION_POSITION= 95,15 [1,5][1,88][2] ( 1 min to 88 max Allied units must be within 1 to 5 tiles of Warsaw (tile 95,15) for this event to trigger.)

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Originally posted by Desert Dave:

[Possible Fix: If Hubert has inclination, he could ADD a "date line" which would then allow the partisan event to occur AFTER the time you've specified, but NOT before. [/QB]

Looks like this might be the only way, then. It would be nice if it could be done.

I was pleased to see that the Polish "red-and-white-squares" symbol is used in the game for Allied minor nations' units, because otherwise the Poles just disappear from the game after turn three.

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