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Not recommended - USSR forward defense

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As an experiment I tried defending using the river from Riga to the marshes. Turns out Germany had motorization 2 and the only reason I didn't lose Moscow in August was because the Siberian troops arrived to save the day.

The list of units that will be cheap to buy back continues to get longer, faster than I can buy them back.

The only good news was that Smolensk was saved when the Germans didn't have a unit to move in after killing the defender and a Panzer scouting too far east above the Black Sea was cut off and annihilated...it won't be back.

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Entrench some forces in the back-area,...away from the Front-Lines with Fortification's [Around Cities] if possible, then wait for Winter!...to do some of your most adventerous action,...as then...his Air-Fleets will not be able to move (Reposition) [Even though they can still attack 'if' they are in range].

It might be useful to 'Group-Horde' a whole Mass of Unit's to then have them unleashed at one time at one specific target to blow-a-hole in the Enemies lines causing a Major-Disruption to take place, throwing him off-balance!.

THE above is just my 'intuition' talking, i have never tried this in SC2 myself!,

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I found the Forward defense useless, unless Germany has a hard time taking Europe.

On top of that, anyone tried to attack Turkey with USSR, hoping to take it very soon, and operate back quickly to the mainland?

Tried it once, but my opponent seemed to be lucky/wise to have some elite German troops in the middle east, and quickly sent them to the capital, cutting off my forces and destroying hope for victory (still playing, but my chances are slim with 80% of Russia down, and Western allies not able to make a decent fist in the West)

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Taking Turkey you have to be able to cut off any possible troops being operated to help out. If you know you will not be able to do so it is no use trying as it will fail and simply open up another front for the Axis to attack Russia.

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Usually a forward defence is in deed a bad idea since at the beginning of Barbarossa the german forces are far superior to the russian ones and they also have full supply and high morale at this stage of the war.

But at some occasions it can also be useful to lay a trap near the border...it all depends on the situation and what your enemy did and is up to smile.gif .

In SC2 it is key to adapt your strategy and also always to change it from time to time or the enemy will know after a few wars which way you go and use it against you smile.gif .

Here some screenshots from one of my games this weekend where I used a forward defence in Russia after Germany went for bombers (disabling Manchester port, stopping convois to the British Isle) and sieged England with its entire air - but neglected research in land combat techs due to his heavy investments elsewhere and sent ground forces into Russia without airsupport as ressistance probably wasn´t expected that soon smile.gif :


Resulting in a bloodbath on the german side as Axis went into the prepared trap, followed by a fast russian assault towards Romania and Berlin:


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Wow - you are the man!

I'd be interested in seeing how you managed to destroy so many German units. I usually do well defending fairly well forward, but can't seem to get a good enough exchange rate to go on the offensive. In other words when I'm the Russian player, I run out of units due to combat losses!

Very frustrating to always feel like I barely have enough men to get the job done.

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Trust me, I've wondered the same thing in other screenshots he's posted! No wonder nobody can beat him, I'm light years behind this guy! smile.gif

It takes 6 months to create one tank which costs 250 each, excluding production bonuses. HQ another 250. Paratrooper 200. Plus additional Army and/or Corp units (Can't tell how many more over the starting amount USSR has), PLUS all the MPP's dumped into research for inf tech, AT, Motor and Armor...and that's assuming he didn't put any into Prod. or IT. Then upgrading most of them. Wow!

I've never played Terif, but one look at this screenshot and I've already lost roughly fifty eight games to him. ;)

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i'm sure it's possible - you just have to get an immediate hit on every single investment you make (which are only those weapon techs - no industry or production or anything else), and spend absolutely everything else on building the units......

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Forward defence is only something for the right circumstances smile.gif :

- here I had bad luck in research at the beginning, therefore plenty of mpps to spend for units in 1940, when the units were bought (and I bought tanks instead of the usual corps) Russia heavily invested into Infantry Weapons, no economic techs.

- russian readiness went pretty high very early due to the axis strategy. You can only buy so much stuff if Axis gives you the necessary mpps with its actions against other countries ;)

- and most important: Axis forces (especially all air) were busy in other theatres and sieging England, so the axis forces in Russia had no airsupport - this gave Russia the possibility to destroy the weak intruders in one deadly blow when they entered the country and were in the open without any protection smile.gif .

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