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Burning tanks - contains 'Citadel Schwerpunkt' spoiler

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Hi guys

'SPOILER ALERT - picture below may ruin your enjoyment of CMBB demo - AVERT EYES NOW!!!'

I've just got hold of the CMBB demo and have been having fun messing around with the new stuff. One thing I've noticed is that it now seems incredibly difficult to get tanks to burn. Call me a pyromaniac but I quite like watching the enemy fry. I've tried everything in CMBB but no luck so far. Check out the attached picture for an example from the 'Citadel Schwerpunkt' scenario. Practically every tank knocked out and no fire or smoke. Did they have built in freon extinguishers on the eastern front?

Strontium Dog


[ October 10, 2002, 01:43 PM: Message edited by: Strontium Dog ]

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Ooops. I had caps lock on. It appears the bigger the caliber of the gun knocking the thing out the higher the likelyhood that something's going to blow up or catch fire. And if it's a lend-lease Sherman it's practically guaranteed to light-up!

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I agree with you. I have played about 10 QBs and very seldom have seen a tank get brewed up. Did have it happen today though. Had one of those miniture 88 guns that only fires HC rounds(not one of the normal 88's that we usually think of). Man, is that gun great on defense. You can hide it anywhere as it is so small. Took out a T26 head on after taking out 2 T34's with rear shots. The 1st 34 took a turret hit and then a rear shot and immediately lit right up. What was bizarre though is the crew actually was able to get out with anyone being hurt. I went back and checked them out after the battle and not a man hurt. That is perhaps only the 2nd or 3rd time I have lit a tank up though. Have you noticed how many turret hits are occuring though. I hate getting MKIVs in a battle now because I know they will only last minutes in a battle. My lone MKIV in this recent QB was taken out by T34/76's at over 1500m. Come on now, that was literally shooting from one end of the board to the other. The MKIV did manage to take a 34 out too but that might be expected with the higher velocity gun and better optics. Sorry to digress, it appears to me that to brew up a tank you pretty much need to get a good rear shot. Does anyone have a different experience, particularly with an M4, which should light up if someone tosses a cigerette too close to it?

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Thanks Mikey

I did wonder if it might be something to do with the guns . Each german tank needed to be hit about 10 times before ceasing to operate. I don't think I'd have liked to be a Russian gunner back then.

I wonder if it wouldn't have made more sense to have scenarios which produce more pyrotechnics included with the CMBB demo. If I hadn't played CMBO before I think I might have found these ones a bit dull and I doubt they'll pull the punters in as much as some nice whizzs and bangs would??? Just a thought.

Strontium Dog

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Originally posted by MikeyD:

Ooops. I had caps lock on. It appears the bigger the caliber of the gun knocking the thing out the higher the likelyhood that something's going to blow up or catch fire.

Exactly.. I had a Pz III taken out by an SU 122 (I think) that was driving around killing buildings and found my little support popgun. Big fireball as you would imagine. Oddly, when I took out the SU with a 75/L48, dind't get a fireball.
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Originally posted by blazethedog:

I agree with you. I have played about 10 QBs and very seldom have seen a tank get brewed up. ....

Hmmm, maybe there should be a 'More flames' option smile.gif I feel cheated when the enemy just sort of sags on you. I want them to go to hell in a fiery chariot.

I know what you mean about the number of hits too. I stand corrected but from what I know (which isn't a lot as it happens) the sights on these machines were a bit rudimentary and I'd be surprised if they were this accurate in battle conditions.

Strontium Dog

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My uber-Finns lit up a russian truck with a BOYS anti-tank rifle in the Lake Ladoga scenario.

And in a QB a soviet Cromwell blew the $#!^ out of my Marder II -- kaBOOM!

If you want to see burning hulks, grab a KT and a JagdTiger. Those more often than not seem to brew up whatever they hit. I suspect an ISU-122 will do the same.

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Originally posted by Silvio Manuel:

Strontium Dog,

Please write SPOILER if you are going to post screen-shots of battles that some of us have not played and were just going to start playing (hint: me!). I looked at the picture b4 reading your text.

Thanks kindly,


Hi Kevin

Sorry about that . I've edited the post to include a spoiler warning.


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