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3D glasses & CM

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A little while ago a couple of people posted some comments on the new 3D glasses that are becoming available for PC games (link below). Opinions were mixed on the value for CM - well there were only 2 opinions. Has anyone else begun playing with these things? As an adicted CM gamer (don't play much else apart from the odd flight sim) should I cough up my hard earned dough to acquire some or will I be tired of them after a couple of days?


As far as I know 2 companies are offering these units for $70-100:


3dv 3d

On a final note, whether or not they work for CM, how well do they "work" for the 3D version of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition?

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I have been using the Elsa Revelator card with 3D glasses for some time with CM. It's great, you really see all the vehicles and the terrain in 3D. One little niggle is that the cursor is 2D, so it can be hard when you need to click on something. And one more thing - a lot of questions with regard to LOS are MUCH easier to answer, and not only that, you are able to see terrain undulations much better, enabling you, for example, to *see"* hull down spots - a real tactical advantage.

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Thanks Moon. Are the software drivers stable & do you see any unintended graphics corruption - 2D or 3D?

Also any idea if these can be found in stores so I can check them out before buying - and perhaps return them if they don't run on my system.

Finally do you find the glasses fatiguing to your eyes or can they be adequately adjusted to your vision?

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I tried em guys, and there's one caveat. When a unit is selected, the highlight box is in 2D, hence you see two boxes. Very disorienting. As far as the 3D effect if you don't select a unit... Stunning! I'm kinda mixed though toward how they would improve my CM playtime though. I like to lock onto units and get the behind the shoulder view. Fatiguing when done with the 3D glasses.

As far as the hardware, I happen to have a pair of Elsa's wireless glasses. They are comfortable and cost $80 at a local Computer show. Perhaps you can go to one in your local area and preview a pair?

The software, for me, was an easy one. If you are one of the multitudes that possess an Nvidia product, you're in luck! They have extremely stable drivers available on their driver download page at their website. Otherwise, you'll be stuck with using the provided drivers, and they may be a hit or miss affair with the "other" brands of video cards.

Good luck!

Bigmac out!!

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