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Alternative Distribution Method

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First, this is not meant to be some follow up on the bitching about the CDV etc. I have no problem with the distribution today. This is just a suggestion for BFC, and mabye some of you will agree with me.

Ok, seeing how BFC is mostly a "order from web site" only company, how about BFC offers also "download from web site purchase" as an alternative?

Seeing how more and more people are getting faster internett connection, it would be no problem for Cable users to download ca 600 MB.

It would work like it does today, you pay via Credit Card, but then isnated of shipping it to you, you can download it directly, then and there. Of cource, this would come at a reduced price, as the company saves money (manufacturing, distribution, warehouse, printing etc). Also, the customer would be responsible to make backup or whatever for the product he downloads, no use in coming back and saying you lost the game 'cos you HD chrased the other day.

So, what do you think? I would certainly buy it like this. I dont need a box or anything, Im quite happy with having all the documentation on a PDF file and would have no problems with the reduced price smile.gif

Of cource, this would just be a alternative to the traditional way of buying the game via Mail etc.

So, what do you guys think, and more importently, what do you at BFC think? smile.gif

And yes, I have an Electronic Commerce major smile.gif

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The server, and even more so, the connection, that BFC would need to pull something like this off would be quite expensive. As an example, say that 600 people (too low, I think...) would buy it the first day of release. That is about 390 GB to be downloaded. That would take about 22 h to transfer with a 100 Mbit connection, in the best case. And a 100 Mbit connection with unlimited transfer is not cheap. They would probably need a 1 Gbit connection. I have no idea what one of those costs, but I'm pretty sure Steve could forget about ever getting a Tank... smile.gif

I just dont think we are there yet with selling cd's for download to a "mass-market".

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Originally posted by Panzer76:


Ok, seeing how BFC is mostly a "order from web site" only company, how about BFC offers also "download from web site purchase" as an alternative?


So, what do you guys think, and more importently, what do you at BFC think? smile.gif

Good idea.

I recently purchased ISE's Eiffel compiler and development environment this way, and it seems a good way to do business.

Some people would probably like a paper manual rather than an electric one in .pdf; it might be worth considering making these available as a separate item.

All the best,


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Originally posted by Fuerte:

How do you get the CD copy protection to work with this scheme?? Maybe they should have a CloneCD image available... :cool:

Yeah, thats the trick. There is alway the anti piracy thing, but I dont think it's a big secret that it's damn easy to pirate copy CMBO as it is, and CMBB I suspect. It's not like we have top security now, and any change to this anti piracy method will suddenly make the game accessible to the pirates...

There are a number of different implementation one could do. Look at the online games now etc.

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