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This has to be a bug

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Actually, this might make some sense.

It is possible that certain seed values for a pseudo random number generator (the computer source of random numbers) can lead to very bad sequences of numbers. In some cases, it is possible to have a seed which ends up always giving you the same number.

I don't know how the internals of CMxx are set up, but many programs that use random number generators will seed the number with the current time. If you by some odd coincidence got a bad seed, quitting the game and restarting it would use a different seed (since the time is later) which then fixes the problem.

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You're not alone. For the longest time I was getting straight infantry Battalions in random Quickbattles. Mighty annoying. Then, magically , it stopped! Now it's giving me all sorts-o-stuff. it's even giving the AI air assets to make my life myserable! I can't explain it.

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