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Arg, I didn't see my guy!!!!

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Unit bases are significantly WORSE than in CMBO. The no bases in foxholes is quite annoying. Can we have decent sized unit bases that show up no matter what terrain a guy is in?

The different base shapes for different classes of units is a great idea btw.

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Originally posted by Silvio Manuel:

Also, for units that are "padlocked" into a fixed Set-up position, is the orange base gone for CMBB? I played the Tutorial as the Germans, and I couldn't move my units in setup using P for Place unit, but the base wasn't orange.

Because there was no setup zone made for the Germans. Therefore, your men were not actually locked in place (by setting that in the scenario editor) but they were effectively locked in place because they had no set up zone in which to move.

The same thing would have occurred in CMBO.


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