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Has a tiny AP-gun ever K.O'd a big AFV in CMBB yet ?

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Things are still roughly the same in CMBB. EXCEPT that now you can get partial penetration of varying strength. This means the panther side shot from a 2-pounder would still penetrate, but maybe not do much damage so the panther would stay in action. So yea it's harder to get those bogus outright kills from tiny weapons that sometimes plagued CMBO.


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In the Armored Roadblock scenario I took out the KV-II with a German 50mm AT gun from 400 or so but I had a height advantage and probably scored a hit on the top. I had 5 or 6 50mm AT guns firing at this thing as fast as they could put rounds into the chambers. After 3 minutes of ricochets I finally penetrated from the top and the crew bailed. It was funny watching the KV-II shrug off the hits that were coming one about every 3 seconds.

I think the patch might address this issue though, I read something about crews not bailing so quickly if the guns firing at them are of small caliber and are mearly bouncing off the thick armor. I might have to replay that scenario after the patch comes out.


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Originally posted by Veteran gamer:

My Daimlers 2-pounder killed a Panther through the side armor at about 60 yards range in CMBO once after about 15 ricochets (Panther couldnt depress its gun enough to nail the Daimler).

Just a clarification for you. Neither CMBO nor CMBB models gun depression. If the Panther didn't fire at your Daimler, there was another reason.
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Does a KV-I by a 50mm ATG count? It is somewhat unfortunate that the AI so quickly forgets that troops were in a particular area, as that is how I got a feint to work against the AI (mmm... hiding is good...). When the KV wasn't looking, my 50mm unhide and killed it (surprisingly -- then I realized the AI had turned the KV around... whoops).

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Originally posted by Matt:

In the Armored Roadblock scenario I took out the KV-II with a German 50mm AT gun from 400 or so but I had a height advantage and probably scored a hit on the top. I had 5 or 6 50mm AT guns firing at this thing as fast as they could put rounds into the chambers. After 3 minutes of ricochets I finally penetrated from the top and the crew bailed. It was funny watching the KV-II shrug off the hits that were coming one about every 3 seconds.

I think the patch might address this issue though, I read something about crews not bailing so quickly if the guns firing at them are of small caliber and are mearly bouncing off the thick armor. I might have to replay that scenario after the patch comes out.


Ehh...What the hell version of Armored Roadblock did you play?













The one I played had 37mm ATGs versus a KV-1! I'm confused.

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